young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 52 54 Movements

During the Russian Civil War, China was not idle either.With the support of Japanese imperialism, the Beiyang government of Duan Qirui of Anhui Province tried its best to expand its armed forces.Duan Qirui put forward the slogan of "unification by force" in an attempt to use the Zhili army to eliminate Sun Yat-sen's Dharma-protecting military government and achieve the purpose of weakening the Zhili.Politically, Duan manipulated the illegal "Anfu Congress" and elected Xu Shichang to replace the immediate leader Feng Guozhang as president; in military terms, in January 1919, he established a war army with three divisions and four mixed brigades as his direct descendant.Japan has put in real effort in arming and training the Anhui troops, so the Duan government is tolerant and compromising towards Japan's policies.

Zhili was not reconciled to the expansion of Anhui, and proposed "peaceful reunification", and confronted Duan with the support of British and American imperialism.The Feng family, on the other hand, stood outside the customs with the mentality of keeping a low profile and ignoring the political arena in Beijing.

However, a major event happened not long after that Zhang Hanqing had to temporarily abandon this single-minded development process, and devoted himself to the ensuing great changes with a larger vision.After decades of humiliation, the Chinese nation finally uttered the strongest voice since the Opium War: the May [-]th Movement.

Sometimes Zhang Hanqing also thought to himself that his birth has accelerated the strength of the Northeast (Feng) Department, and advanced the economic and military capabilities of the Northeast in history by more than 2 to 3 years.But why does history still follow its original track?Do you want to do it again eight?A July [-]th Incident?An eight-year war of resistance?And --- a Nanking massacre?

But then he figured it out: his strength is too small, so small that he can only play a limited role in the Northeast.As for the international trend, he has no ability to influence or change it, and he can only be the same as ordinary people, except that he can watch history go the old way with his eyes open.But is this the result he wants?

In 1918, the First World War ended and Germany was defeated. On January 1919, 1, the victorious nations held a "peace conference" in Paris.The Beijing government and the Guangzhou military government jointly formed a Chinese delegation to participate in the peace conference as a victorious country, and proposed to cancel the privileges of the great powers in China, to cancel the "18" unequal treaty concluded between the Japanese imperialists and Yuan Shikai, and to return Japan during the war. The various rights and other requirements of Shandong that were taken from Germany.Under the control of the imperialist powers, the Paris Peace Conference not only rejected China's request, but also stipulated in the peace treaty with Germany that all of Germany's privileges in Shandong should be transferred to Japan.The Beiyang government actually prepared to sign the "contract", which aroused strong opposition from the Chinese people.

On April 4, the Paris Peace Conference discussed the Shandong issue, and Japan insisted on inheriting Germany's rights in Shandong. On April 12, Liang Qichao called the People's Diplomatic Association and announced the return of Qingdao power.Gu Weijun, a member of the Chinese delegation, prepared the "Shandong Questions Poster" for this purpose, advocating the justice of China's recovery of Shandong. He said, "China cannot abandon Shandong, the birthplace of Confucius, just as Christians cannot abandon the holy land of Jerusalem." Representatives of Europe and the United States reversed the situation of public opinion and won the sympathy of the great powers.

However, weak countries have no diplomacy, and this advantage based on sympathy is quickly defeated by political interests.After Italy withdrew from the peace conference due to a dispute over interests, Britain, France and the United States were afraid that Japan's withdrawal threat would take effect and the peace conference would abort, so they ceded Germany's original rights in Shandong to Japan. On the 30th, the peace conference decided that "Germany's rights, privileges, railways, mines, submarine wires, state-owned movables, and real estates in Shandong shall be transferred to Japan."At this time, Lu Zhengxiang, head of the Chinese delegation, left Paris.Therefore, Gu Weijun actually took over the duties of the head of the delegation temporarily. Under his auspices, the Chinese delegation refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles.British Prime Minister Louis •George saw that the situation had become stalemate, so he proposed to submit this matter to the special committee of Britain, France and the United States for review.

On May 5, Chinese negotiator and foreign minister Lu Zhengxiang telegraphed the matter to the Beijing government, saying that if the agreement was not signed, it would be disadvantageous to the abolition of consular jurisdiction, cancellation of boxer indemnity, tariff autonomy, and compensation for losses, etc.The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Beijing Government (the think tank of the Presidential Palace) held an emergency meeting and decided not to sign the contract.Shanghai "Continent News" "Beijing Newsletter": "The government received a call from the Chinese delegation in Paris, saying that the diplomatic war with Japan on reclaiming the Jiaozhou lease has failed." But because the Duan government wanted Japan, on May 1 , the Chinese representative of the Beijing government can sign the contract.

Paper cannot contain fire.Lin Changmin, chief of affairs of the Foreign Affairs Committee, who learned of this, wrote in Morning Post and National Gazette: "Shandong is dead, and the country will not be a country. Very excited.So on the fourth day of May, students above the Beijing Specialized School suspended classes and demanded that Cao Rulin, Lu Zongyu, and Zhang Zongxiang be punished.As the wind spread, students everywhere went on strike, and shops went on strike.By the 26th, students in Shanghai went on strike; there were rumors of a joint strike by railway workers, and the situation was very urgent.

As a foreshadowing, on May 5, the People's Party launched massive protests across Northeast China.This well-organized and disciplined large-scale demonstration, which has been brewing for nearly a month, marks the People's Party as an independent political force on the stage of history. As the leader of the People's Party and the initiator and organizer of this movement, Zhang Hanqing Turned out with a patriotic and radical face, stole the limelight.

Zhang Hanqing is clear about the results of the "May [-]th Movement".When he "learned" that Japan was exerting influence on the Shandong issue, he expressed to the key officials of the Feng army the determination to turn against "Duan" and the great benefits to the Feng faction of the current political opposition to "Duan".After the issues of Hulun Buir and the Middle East Road were quickly resolved, the Feng faction, especially the military and political leaders headed by Zhang Zuolin, have deeply realized that the power of the Feng faction is no longer what it used to be. Apart from their expanding ambitions, they all have the heart to take another step outside the pass. .

In fact, even if the Feng Department does not intervene, the situation is overwhelmingly tilted towards patriotic students.But if the People's Party wants to truly guide the people in public opinion, inspire the people spiritually, and lead the people ideologically, it is the best way to use this excuse to open fire on the government.There is no need to worry about any retaliation by the central government. After this disturbance, the government’s prestige has been discredited. It seems that it was not accidental that the Anhui faction temporarily withdrew from the stage of history during the Straight-Anhui War in [-], because its popular support has been lost. .

Of course, Feng's voice was fully prepared.On this issue, it is time to speak out and announce to the world that the Feng Clan, together with the Zhi Clan and the Anhui Clan, constituted the troika of the Beiyang Government of the Republic of China, officially and clearly entered the stage of history.

Literary affairs depend on armaments.On the same day, Zhang Zuolin made an oath to God.He was impassioned. In front of Chinese and foreign reporters, he directly criticized Duan Qirui's government as a traitorous government, and declared that the Northeast United Provincial Autonomous Government would not recognize any actions by the Duan government that were contrary to China's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.On the same day, under the leadership of Ji Jinchun, the elite 28th Division of the Feng Army moved along the Beijing-Harbin Line to Shanhaiguan. The two new armies of the division crossed the Laoha River from Yuanbao Mountain to attack Rehe.

On the same day, Duan Qirui's government banned the federation, sent a telegram to the whole country, exempted Zhang Zuolin from the post of tour envoy of the three eastern provinces, and fought fiercely with Fengjun in Shanhaiguan.Zhang Zuolin telegraphed the whole country, refusing to recognize any statement made by the central government, and sent Sun Liechen to supervise the army in Shanhaiguan.On the same day, the Fengjun General Command issued a telegram jointly signed by senior generals such as Sun Liechen, Zhang Zuoxiang, and Wu Junsheng, refusing to recognize the order of the central government and unequivocally declaring support for Zhang Zuolin's decision.As a show of solidarity, on June 6, Ji Jinchun sent a group of elite troops to bypass the front and insert the Anhui Army's rear wing from behind. The Anhui Army was defeated and retreated to the front line of Qian'an.

The long-suppressed hearts of the people broke out. On June 6, all major cities across the country went on strike, strikes, and strikes to support the patriotic movement of Beijing students.Workers in Shanghai started a massive strike in response to the students.The workers of the No. 5, No. 2 and No. 800 Cotton Mills, the Rihua Cotton Mill, the Shanghai Cotton Mill, and the Commercial Press of Shanghai Nissho Co., Ltd. went on strike. More than [-] people participated in the strike.On the same day, more than [-] imprisoned students were released.

On June 6, the Shanghai Federation of All walks of life was established to oppose the opening of classes and markets, and united with other regions to inform Shanghai of the strike.Through the three strikes in Shanghai, more than 6 cities in 22 provinces across the country have responded to varying degrees.

Under the military pressure of Feng's army, the Anhui Army of the Three Routes was defeated. On June 6, Tang Yulin defeated Jiang Guiti's garrison in Chifeng, the capital of Rehe, Anhui Province, and occupied Chifeng first. One part went down the Laoha River to attack Ningcheng , threatened Chengde.The Malongtan tribe marched northward and successively occupied the Xilin Gol League. The Anhui Chahar Dutong Tian Zhongyu was defeated like a mountain, and all the counties to the north of the Lightning River were lost.

On June 6, Zhang Jinghui defeated Ni Sichong's Department of Anhui Army in Gubeikou and occupied Chengde.Then move towards the Chaohe area, pretending to attack Miyun, but actually intends to use the main force to capture Fengning, so as to cover Duolun's rear and achieve a plan of front and back attack.Xu Shuzheng, commander of the Northwest Frontier Defense Force of the Anhui Department who was urgently transferred, saw through Fengjun's attempt, took the opportunity to defend Fengning, and played against Zhang Jinghui on the bank of Yunwu Mountain.However, all this was only a flash in the pan after Jijinchunbu on the southern line broke through Shanhaiguan on July 25.

Faced with Fengjun's aggressive offensive, Duan Qirui's attitude began to soften as a last resort. On July 7, the new government in Beijing took Jin Yunpeng as prime minister and removed Cao, Zhang, and Lu from their posts to ease the Fengjun offensive.At the same time, at the meeting in Paris, the Chinese representative refused to sign and did not attend the meeting. Instead, he sent a report to the Beijing government, saying: "...Unexpectedly, the conference has become so arbitrary.... If we continue to bear to sign, our country... will have no diplomacy to speak of."

On the same day, Zhang Zuolin ordered the Fengjun to cease fighting, appointed Tang Yulin as the chairman of the Rehe Special Zone, Chengde as the provincial capital, and Tang also served as the security commander.Ma Longtan served as Chairman of Chahar and Commander of Security.In order to effectively control the future and provide strategic support for Outer Mongolia, Zhang Hanqing strongly advocated the construction of a city on the border with Mongolia, which would later be Erlianhot, the provincial capital of Chahar.Since then, the military power in the three provinces of Rehe, Xing'an, and Chahar has come under the jurisdiction of the Northeast United Province Autonomous Government, which has connected the Northeast with Mongolia. Zhang Zuolin's Northeast United Province Autonomous Government controls 4 provinces and 2 districts, and its power has officially expanded beyond the customs.Now that he has the right time, the right place, and the right people, the Anhui faction is at a disadvantage both morally and in terms of troop preparation.The reason why Zhang Hanqing dared to make such a big move was that he accurately grasped the development of the domestic situation.When the Anhui army is assembled next year, the Zhiwan War will officially start with gongs and drums. Duan Qirui has no time for self-care, and I am afraid that he will not be able to threaten Fengjun.

President Xu Shichang finally announced on September 9 that "the attitude towards the war against Germany will be terminated." The "May 15th Movement" was the first time in modern Chinese history that it did not sign an unequal treaty.

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