Zhang Hanqing's thoughts on reforming the Northeast all made Zhang Zuolin's staff sigh.These novel ideas are so clear, so feasible and so powerful.Whether it is the old faction headed by Wu Junsheng, Wan Fulin, Zhang Zuoxiang, Xu Lanzhou, or the new faction headed by Guo Songling, Jiang Dengxuan, Li Jinglin, etc., or the powerful faction headed by the veterans of the two dynasties Sun Liechen, Yu Zhen, Ji Jinchun, etc., after seeing the new The actual cohesion and combat effectiveness changes brought about by the military reform, and the "young marshal" personally facilitated it, so naturally he wholeheartedly supports it.After the separation of the military and the government, and the separation of the military and the police, the officers no longer have the possibility of gaining strength by grabbing territory and searching for people's wealth. The only thing that can bring them opportunities is to bring the soldiers and military exploits in their hands. There is not much dissent about improving the management level and combat effectiveness of the army.

In fact, Fengjun was Zhang Zuolin's private property, no matter how hard he tried, there would not be many people who opposed it. This was a common problem among warlords in those days.For Zhang Hanqing, he is busy with work and has no energy to deal with the possible opposition. This situation is the best.

Around Zhang Hanqing, a group of capable figures in the Republic of China gradually gathered.

Mo Dehui, Pan Fu (Senior Adviser of Zhang Hanqing), and Liu Shangqing who are familiar with finance, Zhang Guochen and Wang Zhuoran (later advisor to Zhang Hanqing’s Foreign Secretary) in education, Lu Ronghuan and Wang Naibin, experts in railway transportation, and Wu Jiaxiang in the judicial circle, etc. official.

When Zhang Hanqing served as the deputy chief of staff of the Fengjun, he met and promoted a large number of young and strong officers, and most of the people in the repairing military academy organized by him later became the backbone of the Fengjun.

Mr. Sun Yat-sen, the generalissimo of the law-protecting government who was forced to resign in Guangzhou, heard Zhang Hanqing's party founding declaration and said three "good" words. He excitedly said to his wife Soong Ching Ling: "The ideal I have been pursuing all my life is to reorganize the Kuomintang. Hope, China's strong opportunities, all kinds of thoughts and troubles, when I saw Zhang Hanqing's party founding manifesto, I suddenly became cheerful. I was like running around in the waves in the dark night, looking for a ship to land, and saw a bright light on the shore. The lighthouse." He even called Zhang Hanqing impatiently, "Wenyu went north to listen to the truth of saving the country and the people." Zhang Hanqing's reputation rose for a while.

Economic improvement does not necessarily lead to military progress, such as Liao and Northern Song, Jin and Southern Song in history.

Those who served as high-ranking officials in Fengjun were either old bureaucrats from Beiyang, or old bandits who occupied the mountain and became king together with Zhang Zuolin.Most of these people do not succeed enough and fail more than they do.Due to the lack of general talents who can stand alone, and few people who have an overall view, it is impossible to complete the replacement of the old and new at the top of Fengjun for a while.Objectively speaking, at this time, Fengjun's combat effectiveness cannot be considered strong among all warlords.It can only be ranked behind Chiang Kai-shek's Central Army, Guangdong and Guangxi troops, and Feng Yuxiang's Northwest Army.This has a lot to do with Feng Jun's background as a bandit.

Zhang Hanqing is familiar with history, and knows that this period of time is actually an important reason for the end of modern China: the Zhiwan War, the two Zhifeng Wars, the subsequent Northern Expedition, and the Central Plains War exhausted China's remaining strength.In history, the Great War in the Central Plains has just passed, and there is no respite yet. Nine.The 20th Incident easily took over Northeast China, which had the best industry in China at that time. (Author’s note: According to the official history, in the late 9s, the level of industrialization in the Northeast had surpassed that of the Yangtze River Basin. The new policies of Zhang’s father and son made the national industry and commerce in the Northeast a threat to the economy of Japan’s Manchukuo/Railway-affiliated areas. This became the economic incentive for the September 18th Incident. 1931 Nian Manchuria - that is, the urbanization level of the three northeastern provinces was 11%, reaching 5% in 1942, while the urbanization level of the whole of China only reached 23% in 8, after about 1990 years of construction - --Mainly the industrial base and resources of the Northeast. In 18, Manchuria surpassed Japan in terms of industrial scale and became the largest industrial body in Asia. However, after Japan's defeat, the Soviet Army looted the Northeast. Most of the materials, mines, power stations and other materials were dismantled and transported back to the country, and the trains continued day and night for seven months from September. Author's note: Even so, the Northeast is still the "cradle of industry" in New China! ---- Excerpt from Qu Xiao Mr. Fan's "Historical Changes of Modern Northeast Cities")

Even Wanji Ishihara, who was famous for planning the "Manchuria Incident" (the Japanese name for the "September 15th Incident"), established Manchukuo, and opened the prelude to the "[-] Years War", has repeatedly emphasized: "If Entering into a state of war, it must be a long-term and protracted war. Punish China, and the Kuomintang regime will collapse within a few months, so it only needs a short-term decisive battle. This is a huge mistake. Until the Meiji Restoration, China was an advanced country in Asia. People feel scared, and the Japanese think that China is an old country and look down on it since they defeated China in the Sino-Japanese War. China has a high degree of civilization since ancient times, and its material life is extremely primitive. There is a high degree of self-sufficiency in various places. Possibly, these have become extremely favorable conditions for a protracted war. If a war starts, China may be forced to fight a decisive battle, but whether it will become a protracted war depends mainly on China’s intentions.” migrant.

Zhang Hanqing has always suspected that if Jiu.It was not easy for Japan to take over Northeast China on [-]th. Whether it has the courage and ability to attack China in an all-round way is still unknown.He has always believed that once Japan hits a hard nail in the Northeast, even if it is in a stalemate, will history move in another direction?And the possibility of this ending can be seen in the "Nuomenkan Battle" that took place in the official history.

On the eve of Germany's attack on the Soviet Union in 1939, Japan attempted a military occupation in the Far East, but was hit head-on by General Zhukov.From then until the end of World War II, even at the most difficult and critical time on the western front of the Soviet Union, Japan did not dare to fight again on the eastern front, although Japan concluded an alliance treaty with Germany.

So Japan is a bad wolf. When it encounters sheep, of course it wants to eat.If China were a rhinoceros, the wolf would have to avoid its two horns.And if China is a lion, with Japan's national character, although it will be unwilling, it can only pretend to be a dog with its tail between its legs--the Japanese's approach to the victorious United States in official history is enough to prove everything.

Just under the current situation, does Zhang Hanqing's Fengjun have the ability to beat the Japanese wolf?

Through Zhang Hanqing's efforts, history has moved a little earlier, and Zhang Zuolin became the "King of the Northeast" a full year sooner.Under his drastic actions, the Zhang family occupied important positions in the three eastern provinces: Sun Liechen served as the governor and governor of Heilongjiang, Bao Guiqing served as the governor and governor of Jilin, Wang Yongjiang was changed to the governor of Fengtian and the director of finance, and there was no governor in Fengtian .

The armed forces controlled by Zhang and his son are as follows:

The 29th Division under Wu Junsheng's jurisdiction (in Heilongjiang), the commander of the latter division was taken over by Wu's general Wan Fulin.

The 16th Division under the jurisdiction of Zhang Jinghui (in Changchun, Jilin Province).

The 30th Division under the jurisdiction of Yu Zhen (adapted from the original Jilin Police Brigade and added 2 new brigades, stationed in Liaoyuan-Tonghua, Jilin Province).

The 27th Division under the jurisdiction of Jiang Dengxuan (stationed on the Yingkou-Wafangdian line of Fengtian Province, stationed on the left wing of the South Manchuria Railway).

The 28th Division under the jurisdiction of Ji Jinchun (stationed in Jinzhou----Shanhaiguan Line, Fengtian Province).

The 1st Division under the jurisdiction of Han Linchun (stationed on the Dandong--Zhuanghe line of Fengtian Province, stationed on the right wing of the South Manchuria Railway, and controlled North Korea and the mouth of the Yalu River).

The Fengtian Security Command under the jurisdiction of Li Jinglin (division level, governing the cavalry brigade, infantry brigade, and independent artillery brigade (jurisdicting 2 artillery regiments) each, stationed in Fengtian).The two newly established division-level troops plan to serve as security responsibilities in Jilin and Heilongjiang respectively, and are being reorganized in an orderly manner.

The new army under the jurisdiction of Tang Yulin (division level, governing the 3 brigades incorporated outside the customs) continued to accept Zhang Hanqing's adaptation.

The Northeast Marine Special Forces Brigade under the jurisdiction of Ji Yiqiao (brigade-level organization, stationed in Fengtian).

Of the 36 standard divisions in the Republic of China, Zhang Zuolin controlled 8 of them, and there were two reserve divisions that were about to be formed into the army.Not long after, he forced Bao Guiqing away with an excuse, transferred Sun Liechen to be the governor of Jilin, and changed Wu Jun to be the governor of Heilongjiang, completing the grand cause of dominating the Northeast.At a time when the dignitaries of the Beiyang government were intriguing for their own interests, they manipulated the parliaments of the three northeastern provinces and brazenly passed the declaration of self-government of the three northeastern provinces, becoming an independent kingdom in name and de facto.

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