The output of steel and coal representing the modern industrial level, by the beginning of 1919, the Northeast accounted for 85% and 82% of the country's total output respectively, which was 10% and 15% of Japan's during the same period, and increased by 28% and 35% respectively compared with the Northeast New Deal.The huge gap between China and Japan is significantly narrowing, because according to the news from the intelligence headquarters of the Japanese Kwantung Army, several million-ton iron ore and coal mines are being discovered in Heilongjiang.

After nearly one and a half years of hard work, the Pingqi Line was completed and officially opened to traffic in early 1. The North-Manchuria Railway stretched northeast from Harbin along the Songhua River to Jiamusi.So far, the northeastern part of Jilin and the whole province of Heilongjiang have been connected in all directions, greatly improving the economic development of the Songhua River Basin.The reason why this big move was able to be completed when financial resources were obviously insufficient was that the people along the railway line contributed a lot.In order to solve the serious shortage of funds, Zhang Hanqing issued railway coupons.In addition to meeting the needs of daily life, the rest of the coupon will be redeemed after three years, which greatly saves cash flow.The poor and penniless people were not too impressed with this coupon at first, but after the working group sent by the People's Party went to the countryside to promote it, the farmers who had trust in the government because of the land distribution would rather believe that it was true, and in addition to reduce the Attracted by a labor ration, millions of migrant workers can be seen busy on the railway line during the off-season.In Zhang Hanqing's words: "The completion of the Pingqi line was launched by the people in the Northeast."

Because these places were not in Japan's traditional sphere of influence, Zhang Zuolin actually gained much more power than in the same period in official history as the power of Soviet Russia gradually declined.

Historically, with the acceleration of urbanization, by the end of the 20s and the beginning of the 30s, Harbin, the second international metropolis in Asia, was formed in Northeast China, second only to Tokyo and far stronger than Shanghai.There are 34 foreign-funded banks opening branches in Kazakhstan, and have direct business contacts with international financial centers such as Paris and New York. The financial situation in Kazakhstan determines the financial situation in the Far East.There are 1809 foreign commercial organizations in Harbin. In 1926, China’s first radio station——Harbin Broadcasting Radio Station was established and started broadcasting; in 1928, based on the comparison of actual benefits, Harbin Binjiang Customs took the top spot among the six major customs in the country and became the largest flour production and export base in the country. , alcohol and beer production base; in May 1928, Harbin Station was able to sell direct tickets to European cities.This is a later story. ----Excerpt from "Historical Changes of Modern Northeast Cities" by Mr. Qu Xiaofan

Politically, the People's Party headed by Zhang Hanqing has sprung up in various places, and with the support of Zhang Zuolin and others, it has controlled the parliaments of the three northeastern provinces, becoming a pivotal political force.Although Zhang Zuolin, who believed in "government emerges from the barrel of a gun", did not really understand the abilities and functions of these "talented talents" at first, but when the laurels of "democratic leaders" and "enlightened commanders" were completely worn on his head, he felt His support for the People's Party was stronger than ever, and he "got his wish" as the honorary chairman of the party.With a gun in one hand, he can also speak in public about the benefits of democracy.Whatever he wants to do is implemented in the name of the parliament; if he is dissatisfied with the central government's decision-making, he can also use the reason of "contrary to the public opinion of the three eastern provinces" to block the decree openly.He has really tasted the benefits of partisan politics, and this soft knife is much more attractive than the forceful opposition.

In the military, due to the improvement of finances, the treatment of soldiers can be significantly improved.In addition to receiving subsidies, soldiers can also obtain 10 acres of tax-free land in their hometown, which greatly boosts morale.The equipment was also replaced by shotguns. By the end of 1918, two divisions had been equipped with divisional artillery regiments.After the end of the European War, Zhang Hanqing tried his best to persuade Zhang Zuolin to play an important role in the former senior adviser of the German Army Staff.

It is necessary to introduce the origin of these consultants.Germany was defeated in the First World War. According to the provisions of the "Treaty of Versailles", it could only have an army of 10 people. A large number of professional soldiers were forced to leave the army. These people knew nothing about knowledge and technology in other fields except military knowledge. Soldiers have become famous teachers that countries (especially countries that are relatively backward in the military field) are vying to hire.However, the Treaty of Versailles clearly stipulates that German citizens are not allowed to serve as military advisers in foreign armies, while the German military hopes that they will serve as military advisers in foreign countries, so that these retired personnel can take advantage of the opportunity to serve in foreign armies and obtain the latest military developments. Knowledge and technology have prevented the German army from having a gap in military academics, and at the same time, it has the deep meaning of hoping that these personnel can continue to serve in the German army after returning to China. Therefore, the German military regards these personnel as military advisors abroad. It is secretly encouraged and supported.

Zhang Zuolin's Northeast United Provincial Autonomous Government, represented by Zhang Hanqing, began to contact the German military long before he took over the Northeast in 1918. Germany later became bitter because Japan had seized all of Germany's interests in Shandong, China, and agreed in principle. Send military advisors to Northeast China.At first, Zhang Hanqing proposed a list of advisers who were prominent in World War I, such as Feng & #8226; Mackensen, Ludendorff, etc., but the German military thought that these people were too famous and easy to be discovered, so they politely said: Refused, the first batch of German military advisors to China was Colonel Max & #8226; Ludendorff, Chief of the General Staff appreciated), Lieutenant Stutzner and Second Lieutenant Hommel, thus opened the honeymoon trip of Sino-German military cooperation.

As a result, Sino-German military cooperation gradually reached a climax. Not only did the two sides sign the "Five-Year Military Industry Development Plan", Germany began to help the Northeast United Provinces Autonomous Government to establish a military industry, and provided military equipment to Zhang Zuolin's Fengjun before the Fengjun military industry was completed. , in assisting the Northeast to reorganize and build the army, he submitted the "Army Reform Proposal", which proposed to complete the reorganization of all 10 reorganization divisions (including 3 new expansion divisions) in batches and in stages with limited material and financial resources.

During the process of reorganizing the army, Falkenhaus, who was the head of the fifth German military advisory group at the time, made suggestions on the plan. Zhang Hanqing accepted the plan in addition to insisting on the "three-three system", that is, the organic division should govern three standard brigades. It has a plan to equip one divisional artillery regiment and one cavalry regiment, one engineering battalion and one communication battalion each. The standard Fengjun divisions use this as a standard.If there is no condition to form an engineering battalion and a communication battalion for the time being, an engineering company and a communication company can be formed first; to strengthen artillery construction, each division should try to be assigned an artillery regiment with three artillery battalions (mountain artillery battalion, field artillery battalion and 3mm howitzer battalion) In fact, due to economic constraints, several divisions only equipped artillery battalions first, and only the elite 1th and 1th divisions were able to focus on deploying artillery regiments); in terms of light weapons, the weapon system should be unified, and in the division system Establish a repair shop here to be responsible for the maintenance and repair of weapons.Under the training of German military advisers, the goal of each division of the Fengjun Army is to become a unit that is not inferior to the Kwantung Army Army Division in terms of combat skills, numbers, and strength in the Far East.

Due to the establishment of the arsenal, Fengjun became the only army in China with independent production of artillery and shells at that time. Due to the independent production of artillery, Fengjun had a large number of artillery, strong firepower, and sufficient shells. Compared with other warlord troops dominant armies.

Zhang Hanqing tried his best to improve relations with the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries. With the contact of Zhang Zuolin's British adviser Ijag and his foreign friend Pride, he expressed goodwill with Edwin & #8226; Conger, the US ambassador to Beijing. It is also expected that the United States can actively invest in automobile manufacturing, tires, shipbuilding, chemicals and other advantages in order to contain Japan's excessive economic strength in the Northeast.

However, in 1919, the Japanese Kwantung Army had just revoked the Governor’s Mansion and re-established the Kwantung Office with lesser authority, and established the Kwantung Army. The first commander was Tachibana Koichiro. Jurisdiction over 1 army division, 6 independent garrison battalions, Lushun heavy artillery battalion and gendarmerie, etc., with a population of about 4, directly subordinate to the emperor. Compared with Zhang Zuolin's strength, the Japanese Kwantung Army is undoubtedly much worse.This is also one of the reasons why the Japanese cannot effectively control the reform actions of the Northeast Autonomous Government.

At that time, Powell, the editor-in-chief of the English-language newspaper "Miller's Review" published by Americans in Shanghai, once interviewed Zhang Zuolin.After returning to China, the American also expressed his respect for the humble Marshal in his memoirs.He believes that although the Northeast has been under the iron heel of the Japanese warlords for a long time, Zhang Zuolin is worthy of being a patriotic Chinese.

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