young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 54 Outer Mongolia Independence Incident

Domestic incidents gradually subsided, and Zhang Hanqing turned his attention to Outer Mongolia.

There have been many nomadic peoples living on the Mongolian Plateau since ancient times, such as the Xiongnu, Rouran, Huihe, and Turks.During the Song Dynasty in China, the Turkic forces faded out of the area and the Mongols moved in.The Mongolian ministries belonged to the Jin Dynasty, and at the beginning of the 13th century, Genghis Khan, the leader of the Mongols, unified all the Mongolian tribes in this area and established the Mongol Empire.Later, the Yuan Dynasty established by Kublai Khan included most of what is now China, the Mongolian Plateau, and the Outer Northeast.During the Ming Dynasty, the remnants of the Mongolian forces retreated beyond the Great Wall to maintain the Northern Yuan regime and confront the Ming Dynasty.Later, the Manchu rulers formed an alliance with the tribes of Monan Mongolia (that is, Inner Mongolia), entered the Central Plains, and established the Qing Dynasty.Other Mongolian tribes in Mobei and Moxi gradually became subjects of the Qing Dynasty.As far as the administrative division of the Republic of China is concerned, there are 4 departments, 2 regions, 116 banners, 4 pastures, and 36 Zuoling subdivisions under its jurisdiction.

The relationship between the Mongolian ministries and the Qing government was quite different.They were either married to Manchu rulers or conquered by force.The ministries of Inner Mongolia, which were closer to the Qing regime, had a close relationship with the central government, while Outer Mongolia, which was farther away from the central government, that is, Khalkha Mongolia or Mobei Mongolia, had always been relatively estranged from the central government.The central government set up ministers in Kulun (now Ulaanbaatar) to prevent the separatism of Outer Mongolia.Those who have been attached to Nurhaci and Huang Taiji are called Inner Mongolia, and those who have been attached later are called Outer Mongolia. Those who have made great contributions to loyalty and diligence can continue to be hereditary. Hardu ruled, Tumed was ruled by Suiyuan City General, and Daur was treated in a similar way.

Since the 16th century, Tsarist Russia has operated Siberia and started exchanges with Outer Mongolia.After the Opium War, Tsarist Russia, while forcibly occupying China's northeast and northwest territories, deliberately sought to occupy our Mongolian region in order to realize its "Yellow Russia" dream. ", "Badamayev Plan", arrogantly proposed to occupy a large area of ​​Chinese territory from Siberia to the foot of the Great Wall. To achieve this goal, a series of despicable methods were adopted. Although China's sovereignty has been severely damaged, it has not changed the iron fact that Mongolia belongs to China.But Tsarist Russia is still ambitious! In 1870, China and Russia signed the "Blensky Boundary Treaty" and "Khakta Boundary Treaty" (collectively referred to as the "Blensky Treaty"), which affirmed that Mongolia belonged to China.However, Tsarist Russia has obtained the privilege of trading in Kyakhta and Outer Mongolia. In 1727, Muravyov, governor of Eastern Siberia, said that "in the event of a coup in China, the new Chinese government should not be allowed to expand its power to Mongolia. In this case, Mongolia should be protected by Russia."In most of the unequal treaties signed between Tsarist Russia and the Qing government, there were clauses on Russia's interests in Mongolia.During this period, Russia vigorously promoted economic, cultural and military exchanges with various Mongolian ministries.

In 1911 (the third year of Qing Xuantong), after the Revolution of 11, with the gradual disintegration of the rule of the Qing Dynasty, under the instigation of the Tsarist Russian Consul in Kulun, the Eighth Living Buddha Jebtsundamba of Outer Mongolia sent Hang Dadorji and Che Lin Qimi Special envoy to Russia.Tsarist Russia believed that the time had come to split Mongolia, and began to cultivate pro-Russian forces, and distributed weapons in large quantities, preparing to create independence for Outer Mongolia. On November 30, the Russian and Mongolian troops surrounded the office of the Mongolian minister of affairs of the Qing government in Kulun, disarmed the Qing army, and escorted the minister of affairs Sanduo and his entourage out of the country.Jebtsundamba took the opportunity to declare the independence of the Outer Mongolia (Uliasutai) region on December 12, and appointed himself Emperor "Ezhen Khan" of the Sunshine Emperor, and changed his name to the Yuan Dynasty, but it was not widely recognized.A year later, the "Russian-Mongolian Agreement" and "Commercial Special Agreement" were signed. These two treaties established that Tsarist Russia actually ruled Mongolia.When the news came out, the whole country was in an uproar, and people from the government to the people were outraged. Inner Mongolia also issued a solemn statement that it would not recognize all the treaties of the Kulun puppet government.

On October 1912, 10, Kosowitz, the former Russian minister to China, signed the "Russian-Kurkish Treaty" with the Jebtsundamba government in Kulun. In 3, the Tsarist Russian authorities forced Yuan Shikai's Beiyang government to sign the "Sino-Russian Statement".The statement stipulates: Outer Mongolia recognizes China's suzerainty and is a part of China's territory.China and Russia recognize the autonomy of Outer Mongolia.China is not allowed to station officials, troops, or emigrate in Outer Mongolia.Tsarist Russia can, and Mongolian affairs need to be resolved through an agreement between the two countries.The treaty gave China the title of suzerain, while Tsarist Russia still controlled Outer Mongolia. In 1913, the "Sino-Russian-Mongolian Agreement" was re-confirmed to confirm the 1915 document, and Tsarist Russia was very satisfied with this. On June 1913, 1915, China, Russia and Mongolia signed the "Khakhta Agreement" in Kyakhta, making this statement concrete.Accordingly, on June 6 of the same year, Outer Mongolia announced the cancellation of the "Independent Mongolian State".Yuan Shikai canonized the eighth Jebtsundamba as "Hutuktu Khan", maintained the status of an autonomous prince, and pardoned independence activists. Outer Mongolia was self-governing, but it was actually controlled by Tsarist Russia.

The October Revolution broke out in Russia in 1917, and the "autonomous" Outer Mongolia lost its backing, and Outer Mongolia returned to the embrace of the motherland. In 1918, the Chinese government stationed troops in Kulun on the grounds of preventing the spread of Sovietism and the unrest in Siberia.Although the Soviet Russian government issued a declaration to China again in early 1919, announcing the abolition of the unequal treaty signed between Russia and China, but in fact continued to support the independence of Outer Mongolia.In the same year, the garrison and the upper echelons of Outer Mongolia reached a document called "64 Measures to Improve Mongolia's Future Status", calling for the abolition of autonomy.When the Beiyang government changed, the Living Buddha Jebtsundamba remained determined and ready to move.Later, seeing that Duan Qirui's government was struggling with the Qingdao issue, the idea of ​​establishing a "Great Mongolian State" came to mind again.Soviet Russia took the opportunity to issue a statement to Mongolia on July 7, saying that Outer Mongolia was an independent country and demanding the establishment of diplomatic relations with it.However, the princes and princes of the three Mongolian alliances (Chemeng, Tumeng, and Hanchen) jointly signed a secret letter to Chen Yi, the governor of Kulun Township, and voluntarily abolished autonomy and restored the old system.The undercurrent of the struggle between the two sides is surging and cannot be handed over.

Zhang Hanqing clearly knew that although Xu Shuzheng of the Anhui faction sent troops to take back this inconspicuous move in history, this move made China lose the hearts of the upper princes of Outer Mongolia.Jier Mongolia finally established the "Mongolian People's Republic" on November 1924, 11, officially splitting from the territory of China.Although the government of the Republic of China has always refused to admit it, due to the failure of the interim Zhifeng war, the government has been unable to intervene, and the fait accompli has been irreparable.Later, the Japanese army invaded China, and the whole country fell into chaos, and it has been unable to recover.In 24, in order to obtain the promise of the Soviet Union not to help the CCP, Chiang Kai-shek’s national government allowed the so-called referendum to be held in October of the same year (the Soviet army also participated in the vote), and officially recognized its "independence". .

In 1921, the Soviet Union also instigated the independence of the Tannu Ulianghai region, which originally belonged to Outer Mongolia, and formally invaded and annexed it in 1944, dividing up the fertile land with a total area of ​​about 17 square kilometers.Every time Zhang Hanqing reads the history to this point, he can't help but "make the hero burst into tears"!

Opening a map of China, we can clearly see the important geographical location of Mongolia: its division is like cutting off China in the middle. It is only 600 kilometers from Mongolia to Beijing, and there is no danger all the way to the Zhangjiakou Great Wall.Because between Erenhot and Beijing, only the north and south of Zhangjiakou have mountains as barriers, and the north of Zhangjiakou is almost a flat river.When Sino-Soviet relations were tense in the 70s and 3s, it was said that the mechanized and armored troops deployed by the former Soviet Union on the Sino-Mongolian border could reach Beijing in as little as three days, forcing China’s No. The troops were mobilized in the suburbs of Beijing. Even so, several standby combat readiness headquarters were established across the country for command after the capital was moved.

The important strategic position of Outer Mongolia has always been valued by Soviet Russia. No wonder later Stalin simply said to Song Ziwen, the negotiator of the Republic of China government: "To tell you the truth, the reason why I want Outer Mongolia is entirely from a military strategic point of view. If there is a military force from Outer Mongolia to attack the Soviet Union, once the Siberian Railway is cut off, Russia will be finished.” If China owns Mongolia, the vast thousands of kilometers of the Siberian Railway will be directly threatened.If the Chinese army cuts off a place arbitrarily, it will make it impossible for Soviet Russia to supply and support the Far East. It is still uncertain whether it can continue to hold the Far East.

Also for this reason, after the castration of the Kuomintang, Mao Zedong, the leader of the new China, took the initiative to ask the Soviet representative how to deal with the unification of Outer Mongolia and Inner Mongolia.The representative of the Soviet Union replied: "We do not advocate such a reunification, because it may cause China to lose a large piece of territory." Possibly, because the Mongolian People's Republic already enjoyed independence, and the Chinese government recognized the independence of Outer Mongolia after Japan surrendered. The Mongolian People's Republic has its own army, its own culture, and its own path of cultural and economic development. It has long tasted independence At any time, it may not voluntarily give up independence. If it merges with Inner Mongolia at any time, it must establish a unified and independent Mongolia.”

Ren Bishi, who was present at the meeting, also interjected at this time. He said that there are 300 million people in Inner Mongolia, while Outer Mongolia has only 100 million. This has a profound meaning.In view of this information from the Chinese side, Stalin sent a telegram to Mao Zedong, pointing out: "The leaders of Outer Mongolia advocate the merger of all Mongolian areas in China with Outer Mongolia according to the principle of an independent and unified Mongolian state. The Soviet government expresses opposition to this plan because It meant cutting off many regions from China, although this plan did not threaten the interests of the Soviet Union. We believe that even if all Mongolian regions were unified into one autonomous region, Outer Mongolia would not give up its independence and be within the territory of China Self-government. Naturally, the decision-making power in this matter belongs to Outer Mongolia itself." This was already an unmistakable threat.In view of the international situation after the founding of New China, it was impossible for China at that time to solve the Mongolian issue in the hands of the Soviet Union.

After Stalin's death, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai formally asked the Soviet leader for Mongolia for the second time but were rejected. In the end, the issue of Outer Mongolia was left to future generations.So far, 156 million square kilometers of land no longer belong to China.

According to the opinions of most of the military and political officials of the Fengjun government, the top priority of Fengjun is to enter the pass, and Mongolia, a bitter and cold place, does not arouse their interest.However, Zhang Hanqing categorically rejected all opinions, advocating that peace must first be fought abroad: now that the Russian White Army and the Red Army are caught in the Soviet Union’s civil war and have no time to take care of Outer Mongolia. Yearning, and can also give the Japanese a warning: the Northeast Inter-Provincial Self-Government is a fight for every inch of land.Perhaps it can deter those militaristic speculators who are lucky in China's territory----in history, nine.In the [-]th Incident, hundreds of soldiers from the Kwantung Army tentatively attacked the Beidaying Camp first, but they succeeded in not resisting. This time and space must not allow this kind of luck to survive, and the way is to show their attitude with a strong attitude.Moreover, Mongolia was still legally part of the Republic of China at this time, and it was inconvenient for Soviet Russia to express its position on his actions, and on the other hand, it was powerless.It's like meeting an opponent who is bound hand and foot in a boxing match.Another advantage is that Outer Mongolia has a vast area, bordering on the "four northern provinces" Chahar, Suiyuan, Ningxia, Gansu and Xinjiang, and can bypass the powerful Anhui and Zhili controlled areas to develop in the hinterland of China.Although there is a warlord separatist regime there, its strength is weak, and the Feng army can easily succeed and expand its territory.

As a later generation, Zhang Hanqing is not like most people at that time, who thought that Outer Mongolia was a Gobi desert, which was of no use except for its vast geographical location.According to his incomplete memory in his previous life, Mongolia has a forest coverage rate of 10% and a total timber storage volume of 12 billion cubic meters; Outer Mongolia is one of the three major animal husbandry countries in the world; In terms of geographical location and conditions, the Tula River Basin is considered to be one of the largest alluvial gold producing areas in the world, and the copper-molybdenum mine has been listed as one of the top ten copper-molybdenum mines in the world, ranking first in Asia; The huge amount of coal, iron, phosphorus, petroleum, rare earth, etc. is even richer than Inner Mongolia (in terms of geological plate tectonics, Inner Mongolia and Mongolia belong to the Mongolian block, including northern Shaanxi). Look at the rich mineral resources in northern Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia, You will know how rich Mongolia's mineral resources are.

At this time, the civil war between the Russian Red Army and the White Army ended less than a year later. After two years of preparation, the Soviet Union across the Eurasian continent was established in 1922, and it has been on the road to power since then.If this once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity is not used to completely solve the Outer Mongolia issue, once the Soviet Union recovers and revives its desire to covet Mongolia, in case of accidents, it will really be irreversible for the Chinese nation.

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