Xinjiang is located at the hub of the intersection of Europe and Asia, where the East and West flora and fauna meet. Coupled with the diverse and unique natural geographical conditions, the biological resources are very rich: temperate crops are complete, and the food crops are mainly wheat, corn, and rice. Some areas can grow sorghum, barley, soybeans, peas, mung beans, soybeans, millet, millet, sweet potatoes and other miscellaneous grains. The Yili River Valley is known as "Xinjiang Granary"; Xinjiang is known as "Hometown of Melons and Fruits". One of the five major pastoral areas; it is also extremely rich in mineral resources, with treasures hidden in the three mountains and oil in the basin, which was called "the state of gold and jade" in ancient times.

Governor Yang Changrui of Zhejiang once visited the northwest after Zuo Zongtang entered Xinjiang. He witnessed the wonderful scene of green trees and melons and fruits everywhere, and people of all ethnic groups living and working in peace and contentment. , Huxiang children are all over the Tianshan Mountains; newly planted willows for three thousand miles, attracting the spring breeze to pass through Yuguan." It is said that Xinjiang's special products are abundant.

When Zhang Hanqing decided on Gansu, he wanted to restore the glory of the "Silk Road" and took Xinjiang as his strategic rear.Of course, another consideration is to organically integrate the two provinces of Gansu and New Zealand, so as to determine the status of Xinjiang in a righteous way, so as to avoid the threat of "East Turkistan" in later generations.The day after he entered Lanzhou, he drafted a telegram, requesting Yang Xinxin to open the border defense of Hami in the name of Zhang Zuolin.He now has the prestige of victory, and Zhang Zuolin's title of "Mengjiang Economic and Strategic Envoy" is also related. This request is also reasonable.Soon after, Song Jiuling, the 2nd Division of the Northwest People's Army, was ordered to leave Jiayuguan.

Faced with the strong entry of the Northwest People's Army, Yang Xinxin felt that his troops were weak and unable to defend against the enemy, and a similar power crisis reappeared before his eyes.He successfully resolved it three years ago, can he solve it this time?

After the Russian "February Revolution" and "October Revolution" in 1917, the tribes in Central Asia that originally belonged to the Romanov Dynasty in Tsarist Russia fell into anarchy.About 30 Kazakh and Kyrgyz refugees flooded into Xinjiang.In addition, a large number of fleeing Belarusians entered Xinjiang in order to avoid the pursuit of the Red Army, and the number reached 5.These soldiers are cruel, well-equipped, daring to fight and kill, and commit all kinds of evil.Yang Zengxin realized that "although the White Russian forces are not enough to resist the Soviet Union, they are more than enough to disturb Xinjiang", but how can he be the husband of the violent tiger Feng He?He adopted various tactics of defeating, trying to make the most stubborn General Allenkov addicted to opium, disintegrate his fighting spirit, and win without fighting; All disarmed.General Yang's gentle knife is really powerful!

If it is said that for Belarus, which has a large number of people, Yang Zengxin lures the enemy to go deep, closes the door and beats the dog; for the "black lama" Danbi to participate, Yang Zengxin is not so polite.This Gobi tycoon, who became famous for capturing Kobdor, was captured by Tsarist Russia and exiled to Astrakhan, fled back while taking advantage of the turmoil in Russia.When he asked Yang Zengxin for political asylum, Yang Zengxin refused almost without thinking.Letting Dan Bijia participate in the country is tantamount to the legacy of raising tigers, and it is impossible for Yang Zengxin not to understand this.At the same time, he issued an urgent secret order to the Eastern Frontier Defense (Hami), strictly ordering that the "black lama" must be locked up at the gate of Xinjiang.

But Zhang Hanqing is not Allenkov, he has his ambition in the world now, how can he lose his will in the gentle village?Similarly, the battle-hardened 2nd Division is not comparable to the "Black Lama" Dan Bijiacan, it is the army of the well-known king's teacher and immediate boss!

Thinking of this, Yang Zengxin felt a little regretful that he shouldn't have cut down the troops immediately after Xinjiang calmed down a bit.Although the army has been reduced from more than 18000 to less than [-], military expenditures have been reduced and the burden on the people has been greatly reduced, but it has also caused a serious shortage of troops, and it is obviously incapable of managing nearly one-sixth of China's vast land.

Zhang Hanqing's People's Army is obviously more heroic than the White Russian Army that Yang Xinxin saw. He is also a man who knows the soldiers. The military appearance and morale of the soldiers have determined the combat effectiveness of the army.Under the city of Dihua, the 2nd Division gave Yang Xinjian a huge shock, and he was also lucky in his heart: Fortunately, he didn't follow the advice of his subordinates and come to guard against danger.

You must know that Fan Yaonan, the director of military affairs in Xinjiang, has persuaded him more than once to break away from various domestic warlords, like Zhang Guangjian in Shaanxi, who only obeys the central government in name and "protects the environment and the people."When dealing with the young marshal's army entering Xinjiang, the two sides were almost on the verge of fighting each other, but he thought over and over again that "Xinjiang is just settled, and people's hearts are unstable. It is inappropriate to start a big fight at this time" and refused.Now it seems that this approach is done right.

There is a saying that the guest does not suppress the host. I originally thought that the two sides are roughly the same in terms of military strength. The naturalized army has the advantage of occupying the territory and has been entrenched here for many years, which is not comparable to the Northwest People's Army guest army.If the young marshal can reach an agreement with himself on the issue of Xinjiang's ownership without harming his interests, a little concession is fine; otherwise, he will vow to deal with the Northwest People's Army, regardless of Zhang Zuolin being his nominal boss--- - On a bigger scale, Xinjiang is still a province of the Republic of China!

Unexpectedly, there are as many as 3 people in a division of the People's Army!This is due to his own closed-door and self-defense policy, which keeps him from getting news.He originally thought that according to the establishment of the army of the Republic of China, a standard division of 2 brigades and 4 regiments is nothing more than 1 people.

What surprised him even more was Zhang Hanqing's vision: this young marshal's understanding of Xinjiang's political and economic strategic planning, especially the understanding of the "Uighurs", is no less proficient than local scholars and ethnic research experts. Certain opinions were unheard of, yet so reasonable and appropriate, which surprised him----Who said the young commander-in-chief is a playboy?

Zhang Hanqing did not mean to monopolize Xinjiang. Instead, he believed that under the current situation of national division, as an important barrier for China in the northwest, it is very appropriate for Xinjiang to maintain its current status and status.He also believed that Yang Xinxin's current policy was correct, and promised to convey to Zhang Zuolin his willingness to support him as the chairman of Xinjiang Province.As an important force for stabilizing Xinjiang, the status of the Guihua Army remains unchanged, and its ownership is still under the sole control of Yang.Similarly, the Northwest People's Army does not seek to station troops in Xinjiang. All he wants is to own a Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and a piece of land that can be reclaimed as an important source of logistics for the Northwest People's Army.

The cause of Xinjiang's reclamation and frontier defense has a long history. It started from the Western Han Dynasty and went through the Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui, Tang, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties for more than 2000 years.After liberation in the official history, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps was China's largest special social organization that also guarded the border and reclamation, and implemented the "military, government, and enterprise integration", and made great contributions to the stability of the Northwest.

However, the main task of Zhang Hanqing’s construction of the Corps at this time is not to stabilize Xinjiang for future generations, but to slowly drive a wedge in Xinjiang under Yang Xinxin’s rule so that it cannot become a dominant force; the most urgent task is to serve as economic supplies for the People’s Army. ; Of course, how to unite the local ethnic groups and contribute to the country's frontier stability is another story.

Yang Xinxin refused to agree to 1 requests from Zhang Hanqing, but Zhang Hanqing had his own countermeasures: he described in detail the significance of farming and protecting Xinjiang from the perspective of national strategy and national unity, and pointed out that Yang was maintaining the Han, Uyghur, Hui, etc. Mistakes and deficiencies in the policy that all ethnic groups are as close as one family, and elevating whether to agree to the establishment of the Construction Corps to the level of whether it is a national sinner, really puts a big hat on it.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads.Yang Xinxin had no choice but to accept this wedge-adding method.Zhang Hanqing focused on the Central Plains, and there was still a place to borrow from Yang Xinxin in Xinjiang, so he didn't take it personally. He chose Hami, Turpan and Korla near Gansu as the prototype of the Construction Corps.In order to prevent Yang Xinxin from causing an incident due to dissatisfaction, it is necessary to accelerate the dismantling of the naturalized army under him, and transform the remaining soldiers into the Xinjiang garrison, and the person in charge is Fan Yaonan.

In history, Fan Yaonan's family assassinated Yang Xinxin in 1928 in order to fight for power.Zhang Xueliang, Zhang Hanqing's predecessor, transported his coffin to the East through Siberia in 1929 and buried it in Beijing.When the coffin passed through Harbin, Zhang Xueliang also held a grand memorial ceremony for him.On the front of the sacrificial shed, the words "Yuanlao Zhuangyou" are written on the huge cloth forehead to show respect.

The three areas of the Construction Corps are directly under the jurisdiction of the Northwest People's Government as independent administrative regions. Correspondingly, the management system of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps mainly includes the Corps--Brigade--Tuan system. Most of the brigades of the Corps are separated from the regional administrative centers. Correspondingly, in addition to the regiment farms, the regiment-level units of the Corps also include farms, pastures, etc., which are generally referred to as "agricultural and animal husbandry regiment farms", and the administrative level is the county level.The regiments are numbered numerically.The three travel agencies will implement the tourism-city integration system.Of course, in order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the troops, each level of the management system has a special deputy to handle administrative affairs. When the Corps absorbs more soldiers, most of the officers and soldiers will return to the main force as the wartime establishment.

After the establishment of the Production and Construction Corps, Xinjiang's reclamation business gradually changed from the former military reclamation farms to regular state-run farms, which were formally included in the national economic plan; enterprise production replaced the original military self-sufficiency production. Five years later, the arrival of a large number of educated young people further promoted the development of the Production and Construction Corps, and the agricultural and animal husbandry regiments basically realized mechanization, water conservancy, and landscaping.

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