Xinjiang is located in the east-west traffic channel, and the frequent ethnic migration and exchanges in history have led to the intricate race, ethnicity and ethnic relations of the ancient residents of Xinjiang.Over the past dynasties of reclamation, a large number of Han people have been relocated, and gradually formed a situation where Han people are in the majority, Uyghurs are in the second place, and other ethnic groups live together.In the 30s and [-]s, the so-called "jiangdu" forces were far from as fanatical as they later appeared.In Zhang Hanqing's view, the basis of "jiangdu" is the cruel ethnic and class oppression in old China. If we want to fundamentally eliminate the soil of "jiangdu", we must eliminate ethnic and class oppression.

When Gansu was still under attack, Zhang Hanqing pointed out: "It is impossible to completely solve the ethnic problem and completely isolate the ethnic reactionaries without a large number of People's Party cadres from ethnic minorities."Likewise, "The key to solving the Xinjiang issue is the close cooperation between our party and the Uighurs." In late January 1920, with the approval of the Northwest Bureau of the People's Party, it first absorbed 1 people's party members from ethnic minorities.These 15 party members include 15 ethnic groups, including 7 Uyghurs.In order to train minority cadres, Zhang Hanqing asked Qinghai, Gansu, Xinjiang, and Ningxia Provincial People's Party Committees and all prefectural committees in places where ethnic minorities exist to set up training courses for minority cadres, and asked Xinjiang to train within three years. About 8 ethnic cadres who understand policies and can connect with the masses are loyal to the interests of the people.

80% of the land in Xinjiang is in the hands of less than 5% of the landlords, and more than 90% of the peasants are the slaves of the landlords. They work like cows and horses, working in the fields without the sun at both ends, and they still can’t eat enough after a year.In order to subvert this exploitation and win hearts and minds, land reform was first carried out in the three areas of the Construction Corps.Like the Northeast, this reform overthrew the landlord class that had oppressed the people of all ethnic groups for thousands of years, and completely abolished the feudal land ownership system. It got rid of the oppression and exploitation of the reactionary ruling class of the Han nationality, and ended the oppression and exploitation of the feudal forces represented by the landlord class within the nation. It has truly turned around politically and economically, and it has also enabled the People's Party in Xinjiang at least The area where the Corps is located has the support of the bottom.

During the same period, Xinjiang carried out the democratic reform of the religious system in Islam and Tibetan Buddhism in light of local conditions.The main contents of the reform are as follows: First, the abolition of feudal privileges in religion, such as the abolition of the "speaking and succession system" in the Islamic eunuch system, the abolition of private courts, prisons and penalties in temples, interference in civil proceedings, and unauthorized appointment Tribal leaders and imams hide weapons privately, interfere with the freedom of marriage, oppress and discriminate against women, interfere with cultural education, force children to study scriptures in monasteries, and become lamas, etc.; the second is to abolish the private ownership and Exploitation systems such as usury and unpaid labor; the third is to abolish the compulsory religious economic burden system of temples, and prohibit extortion and extortion of people's finances; the fourth is to abolish the feudal management system of temples, including the housekeeper system, hierarchy system, punishment system, and large and small monasteries. Affiliation relations, etc., implement a democratic management system; fifth, eliminate counter-revolutionaries in the religious cloak, consolidate the people's power, stabilize social order, and enable religious believers to carry out normal religious activities.

Through the democratic reform of the religious system of Islam and Tibetan Buddhism, Islam and Tibetan Buddhism have been freed from the control and use of religion by exploiting classes and opposition elements, and the long-standing system of religious exploitation and oppression of the masses of religious believers has been abolished At the same time, it has also changed the long-standing phenomenon that religion and nationality, religious belief and religious system, religion and living habits, religion and administration, religion and education are not distinguished, and religion interferes with national laws and justice.

Considering that the People's Party has not gained a stable foothold, it took prudent and prudent steps when carrying out social reforms, fully considering the ethnic and religious characteristics of Xinjiang. "To carry out social reform in Xinjiang, we should fully consider the characteristics of ethnic groups and religions, and consciously make some concessions on ethnic and religious issues in exchange for the victory of the overall social reform. It is absolutely necessary." Ethnic Regional Autonomy, Religious Belief Freedom has been identified as the focus of the government's current policy promotion in pastoral areas.These policies unite all forces that can be united.

But this kind of concession is not an unprincipled concession, and Zhang Hanqing is not willing to appear in the "minority special" situation like what he saw before crossing.Thinking of the riots in Xinjiang that happened not long ago, the kind of blatant burning, killing, smashing and looting is not allowed in any legal country.This kind of soil should be a policy mistake - the government can give preferential policies to ethnic minorities, but it should not relax the legal requirements.Even in ancient times, it was said that "the prince breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people".

Zhang Hanqing is certainly not a big Han chauvinist. He believes that since all ethnic groups have equal constitutional rights, the punishment for their violations should also be the same.Otherwise, the offender will be forgiven lightly and will be more courageous; the victim will be terrified, and will be more tolerant later, making him even more arrogant.The result of its serious violation of the law is that "when it has to be arrested, it is worried that the ethnic minorities will think it is ethnic discrimination, thereby arousing dissatisfaction with the central government and splitting; Unflattering.

In the three areas of the Construction Corps, Zhang Hanqing carried out the first attempt of the "Anti-National Secession Law" and the "Criminal Law", "Civil Law", and "Administrative Procedure Law", which are known as the three major legal systems in modern society, clearly stipulating that: any People of all ethnic groups who engage in national division and instigate ethnic discord are eligible for the death penalty, and the rights and obligations of all ethnic groups in public and private affairs are the same.In terms of administration, actively explore the system of ethnic regional autonomy - but not because there are ethnic minorities in this province, it must be designated as an autonomous region, like the "autonomy" of Xinjiang Autonomous Province, not because of the large number of Uighurs, but because of this province The reason is that there are a large number of Uygur Autonomous Prefectures and Hui Autonomous Counties.

In any case, the People's Party has basically eliminated ethnic and class oppression in Xinjiang by training ethnic cadres, implementing ethnic regional autonomy, carrying out a series of social reforms such as land reform, and democratic reform of the religious system, and vigorously building Xinjiang. The development of Xinjiang has basically cleared the soil of "jiangdu".

After Zhang Hanqing entered Xinjiang, one of the functions that has been widely spread in national history is to establish the name "Uyghur". You must know that before this, the Chinese pronunciation of "Uyghur" had translations such as "Uygur" and "Weiwuer". .The former was considered derogatory by other ethnic groups, while the latter was considered arrogant by other ethnic groups. Therefore, the young marshal decided on a neutral "Uyghur", and this ethnic group officially appeared in history books.

In order to express his importance to the family of all ethnic groups, Zhang Hanqing took it personally. On the occasion of the oldest traditional festival of the Uyghur people, the "Noruz Festival", he came to Daban City, which is known as "a hub of east, west, south, north, and an important town that has locked the throat since ancient times". , and celebrate the festival with the local residents.After the traditional "Anxi Laifu", he wished the compatriots in Daban City peace and happiness, a prosperous population and a bumper harvest in the new year.

After the dinner, by the bonfire, Uighur girls and boys in costumes sang and danced.The young marshal is well known for his versatility, and his title as one of the "Four Great Handsome Men of the Republic of China" is also unfounded.After dancing with several beautiful Uighur girls, some beauties sang a Turpan folk song "Girl in Daban City" for him:

"My pears fell on the ground, would you pick them up for me? I want to kiss you but I'm not tall enough, so would you bend down for me..."

The whole song is full of euphemism and hesitation, and finally ends with Alamuhan who is far away from Dabancheng.There is some sadness in the lyrics and music. When I think of the handsome young man who will not come back like the lost youth, the sadness in the beautiful girl's heart is indescribable.People were infected by the girl's sorrow, and the cheerful atmosphere gradually disappeared.

What kind of person is Zhang Hanqing? He impromptu sang a ditty "Girl from Dabancheng" which he "impromptuly revised and composed lyrics and composed music":

"The stone roads in Dabancheng are hard and hard, and the watermelon is big and sweet. The girls in Dabancheng have long braids and two beautiful eyes. If you want to marry, don't marry someone else, you must marry me. Bring Your dowry, come with your bridesmaids in that carriage."

Zhang Hanqing sang this song, except that he had rehearsed this song and dance when he was in the college troupe, it was purely familiar.Unexpectedly, the sensational effect of this sinicized song improvised by the young marshal far exceeded his achievements in poetry, and it soon sang at home and abroad, becoming a classic famous song loved by people all over the world. After the song "Girls of Dabancheng" spread all over the world, people knew that there was a Dabancheng in Xinjiang, and there were beautiful girls in Dabancheng.So much so that the academic circles have debated for 30 years whether there is a "girl from Dabancheng", and if so, who is the real "girl from Dabancheng"!This was beyond the expectation of the "versatile" young marshal.

Not only that, but such a wonderful story also came out not long after: In order to give birth to a prince, King Zaraiti of Turpan wanted to "push" the princess born to the fourth concubine Laili from the Flame Mountain.The princess bribed the execution officer with jewels, put her daughter by the roadside at the foot of the Flame Mountain, and jumped off the cliff by herself.Folk artist Dawazi Abdullah picked up the girl and named her Kangbalhan.When she returned to her hometown of Dabancheng, the sky was full of colorful clouds, and she was also called "Dabancheng girl".After Kang Balhan was 18 years old, he was good at singing and dancing and became famous.In the city of Turpan, in order to please the king, the prime minister invited the opera troupe from Dabancheng to perform for the king. shadow.The prime minister saw the king's "mind" and decided to get Kangbalhan into the palace on his own initiative, but was resisted by Abdullah and others.The prime minister sent troops to capture Abdullah, and posted a notice: If the Dabancheng girl does not surrender herself, Abdullah will be executed.In order to save his adoptive father, Kang Balhan resolutely surrendered to the palace.When the king learned that the person to be executed was his own daughter, he issued an order to stop the torture.

Needless to say, the young marshal's unintentional planting of willows has made a good story about the unity of the Han and Uyghur nationalities.

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