young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 70 Advance and retreat

The time has come to the ninth year of the Republic of China, that is, 1920 AD.While the governments of various countries have eased their relations with China, Japan has become more and more profitable.At the beginning of the new year, while requesting to bypass the League of Nations and directly discuss the Shandong issue with China, at the same time prevent the large banking consortium formed by the United States, Britain, France and Japan from investing in the Northeast so that Japan can fully control the finances of the Northeast.

At this time, a fierce war was going on on the territory of Soviet Russia.After defeating Kolchak, the leader of the White Army entrenched in Siberia in Irkutsk at the end of the year, the Soviet Red Army marched eastward and defeated the foreign intervention army (the expeditionary force) at Lake Baikal.The United States, Britain, and France have been in a state of hostility with the Soviet Union for a long time, and they have not won any victories for a long time, and they all have the intention to withdraw.

On January 1, the United States notified Japan to withdraw the U.S. troops stationed in Siberia;Only Japan, which already has huge vested interests, expressed opposition.In order to reflect the presence of Japanese forces in the Northeast, on March 14, Japan crossed the border and arrested Chinese in Jilin. On March 4, Japan announced that once the eastern part of Russia was restored to its original state and there was no danger to North Korea and Manchuria, the Japanese army in Siberia would withdraw (in official history, the Republic of China protested on May 1 because it put Manchuria and North Korea side by side)

After the victory of the October Revolution, fear of the proletarian revolutionary movement and desire for plunder united the capitalist world in hatred of the Soviet state and its enormous revolutionary influence on the working class and the oppressed masses of the colonies and semi-colonies in bourgeois countries. Rise up in a vain attempt to destroy this birthplace of the revolution.Therefore, after the October Revolution, taking advantage of the Soviet Union's unstable foothold, the imperialist countries united to carry out armed intervention against Soviet Russia.Japanese imperialism is even ahead of other countries.

In fact, Japan has long had the ambition to invade the eastern territories of Soviet Russia. At the end of the 19th century, Japan formulated the policy of expanding the "Great Japan", pointing out that the territory of its expansion "West - Siam, China's coastal areas, Mongolia, Manchuria, North Korea, Amur and coastal provinces. North - Sakhalin Island , Kamchatka, Bailin Island and Kut Province”, there is no doubt that Japan must take Sakhalin Island and Seashore Province as its own in order to realize this national policy on Russian territory. The most important reason for Japan’s occupation of the Russian Far East is to Russia For the economic plundering of the Far East, according to the Japanese warlord’s vision, “The first place to realize the basis for the continental defense of the ‘Great Japan’ should be the coal and iron mines, oil springs, fish products, etc. in the Russian Eastern Siberia. Only the occupation of This kind of treasure zone is fixed in the region of eastern Siberia, and Japan can climb onto the springboard, and then jump from here to the extreme front of the world" to realize the "Great Japan" policy.After the Russo-Japanese War, Russia ceded Sakhalin Island south of 50 degrees north latitude to Japan, and allowed the Japanese people to operate fisheries in the Sea of ​​Japan, Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and Bering Sea along the coast of Russia.

Driven by this national policy, Japan waited for an opportunity to intensify its aggression against Russian Eastern Siberia.The outbreak of the October Revolution provided an opportunity for Japan to send troops to Siberia. Japan tried to invade the Far East of Soviet Russia under the pretext of maintaining order in the Far East and preventing the spread of the Soviet Revolution.Japan intensified its economic plunder while expanding its military.With the help of the government, the Japanese capitalists took advantage of their armed intervention in the Far East and flooded Siberia with cheap goods.Military trains or Red Cross trains, often loaded with Japanese goods that had nothing to do with the needs of the Japanese army or the Red Cross, came from Vladivostok.It is recorded in the book "Japan": "In 1918, when a railway was damaged, 29 of the 21 military trains were found to be full of various goods that were not military supplies." It can be seen that Japan is economically dependent on the Far East.

It was driven by economic needs that Japan tried to step up and expand the scope of its aggression against the Far East when the imperialist countries launched their third large-scale attack on the Soviet Union.In order to avoid direct conflict with the Japanese invaders and defend their continued expansion to the east of Soviet Russia, the Soviet Russian government avoided fighting on the east and west fronts.The Soviet government decided to establish a bourgeois democratic republic in the Far East, which was intended to act as a "buffer" between Soviet Russia and Japan.Separate yourself from Japan and eliminate Japan's excuse for sending troops to Siberia.This is how the famous Far Eastern Republic was established.Therefore, the Far Eastern Republic has shouldered the task of resisting Japanese aggression on the territory of Soviet Russia since its establishment.

According to the decision of the Soviet Russian government, on April 1920, 4, the Transbaikal Workers' Congress was held in Ulan-Ude, announcing to the world the establishment of an independent and democratic Far Eastern Republic.The capital is located in Udinsk (Ulan-Ude), and later moved to Chita.Although the establishment of the Far Eastern Republic has the nature of a democratic republic, it still does not conform to the aggressive plans of the Japanese imperialists.Japan's main purpose is to maintain the Far East in a state of anarchy and disorder, so that it can take the Far East as its own.So continue to provoke and support anti-government forces such as the White Bandit Army to attack the Soviet government.With the support of Japan, the White Bandit Army resisted the liberation of Chita by the Far Eastern Republic on April 6.

Japan was not satisfied with just controlling the South Manchuria Railway. Taking advantage of the fact that the Soviet Union transferred all the first-line concessions and interests of the North Manchuria Railway to China at the beginning of the year, it wanted to get involved in North Manchuria, thereby fully exerting influence in the Northeast.In order to effectively support the Chita White Army, on March 3, the Japanese army insisted on marching westward along the North-Manchuria Railway, regardless of the obstruction of the Heilongjiang Fengjun, and occupied the Manzhouli Station.

Although the war took place in the Far East, it has a lot to do with China.Originally relying on the increasingly powerful Soviet Russian territory behind it, the Northeast United Provincial Autonomous Government can take a breather to develop the economy.In the past, its abdomen was pinned down by the Nanman Railway and the all-pervasive Japanese army in Kanto Prefecture, and now its rear is also unstable.

How can you allow others to sleep soundly beside the couch?Zhang Hanqing's hatred for the Japanese has a long history. Moreover, North Manchuria was originally a Russian territory and has been brought under the rule of the Northeast United Province Autonomous Government.The Japanese actually ignored China's sovereignty and extended their hands to Heilongjiang, the rear area that Zhang and his son thought were stable.If it is in a different time and space, this matter can only be a diplomatic inquiry by the central government.However, at this time, because Zhang Hanqing made Zhang Zuolin complete the control of the Northeast 2 years ahead of schedule, his strength was very different from before.

Whether the situation could be tolerated or not, Zhang Zuolin jumped into a rage, and severely reprimanded the security commanders of Heilongjiang and Xing'an provinces for taking the responsibility of guarding the soil and turning a deaf ear to the Japanese invasion.He also urgently summoned Shigeru Yoshida, the Japanese Consul General in Fengtian, and declared that according to the "Treaty of Portsmouth", the Japanese army must not pass north of Changchun, and demanded that the Japanese army that had invaded Manchuria retreat immediately.

Shigeru Yoshida defended the actions of the Japanese army on the grounds that the Japanese army protected the interests of the Far East.

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