Zhang Hanqing, who is far away in Lanzhou, expressed that he could not tolerate it. He threw a bomb by electrifying the whole country and smashed it at the Japanese Consul General in China Kohata. The reason for the sovereignty of the inter-provincial self-government. We have never admitted that Japan has the so-called "Manchurian" interests. Now Mongolia has completely become a province of the Republic of China, and the entire territory from the north of Changchun to Heilongjiang is uncovetable In the rear, any political, economic, military, and cultural entry by the Japanese side must be permitted by the Northeast Federal Provincial Autonomous Government. We also express our attitude here: any illegal entry of the Japanese army into this area will result in all Take the consequences at your own risk. Any entry of Japanese soldiers with weapons will be regarded as a blatant provocation to the Northeast United Provincial Autonomous Government.

[-]. The existence of Guandong Prefecture was caused by the poverty and weakness of the Qing government. We do not deny its official existence and decided to maintain the status quo of Kanto Prefecture.However, the Japanese side should not cause trouble in other places.Japanese nationals need to be registered under the jurisdiction of the self-government for easy management and care.The government is not responsible for any adverse events in the Northeast of the Japanese people who are not registered.

[-]. For the so-called South Manchuria Railway, the Japanese army must strictly abide by the content stipulated in the treaty, remove all the railway guard troops, and hand them over to Feng soldiers for protection.The soldiers guarding the stations along the way should be strictly restrained, and the top priority should be not to harass the local area.

[-]. Regarding the issue of the Huaxin Bank Group, the South-Manchuria Railway and its branches and its affiliated minerals and Jilin-Huining, Zhengjiatun-Taonan, Kaiyuan-Jilin, Jilin-Changchun, Changchun ----Taonan, Xinmintun----Fengtian, Siping Street----Zhengjiatun and other railway loans must be within the amateur scope of the new bank syndicate.If the Japanese side refuses the Huaxin Bank Group to enter the Northeast, we will consider building a railway on the same level as the South-Manchuria Railway, and reject any additional investment in factories and mines or new investment from Japan on the existing basis.

[-]. For places outside the customs, such as Jehol, Chahar, Mongolia, and Xing'an River, whether Japan can invest or not is up to the self-government to determine the progress of opening up, but armed personnel are never allowed to enter, otherwise it will also be regarded as an infringement of China's sovereignty. The military also does not guarantee its safety. "

In addition, Zhang Hanqing also sent a secret telegram to Zhang Zuolin, discussing in detail the development of the current situation and Fengjun's countermeasures. "Fengtian Times" published the full text of Zhang Hanqing's "Five Points on the Northeast's Stationing in Japan", and attached a long comment of tens of thousands of characters, ending with "Although three people in Chu can destroy Qin, how can there be no one in China?" .On the same day, Zhang Zuolin sent a diplomatic note to the Japanese Consul General in China, Kobata, in the name of the Chairman of the Northeast United Provinces Self-Government.In the afternoon of the same day, the People's Party launched a demonstration of more than [-] people in the provincial capital of Fengtian to show its solidarity.

On April 1919, 4, the Kwantung Office and the Kwantung Army Command were formally established to make the Japanese garrison in Manchuria look more legitimate. However, the Kwantung Army's mission at that time was at best to defend the "Kwantung State" and protect the South Manchuria Railway. (Full Railway, from Lushun to Changchun).It was originally planned that 12 soldiers would be deployed per kilometer of the railway, a total of 15 soldiers.Even so, the behavior of the Kwantung Army gradually ran counter to the domestic government's political policy of "not interfering in China's internal affairs, and only safeguarding existing rights and interests overseas" (at least it said so on the surface, but the Kwantung Army did more blatantly).Therefore, the final situation was not under the control of Japan, and the arbitrary actions of the Kwantung Army accelerated the pace of Japan's war in China.Although observers believed that there must be a war between China and Japan, the Kwantung Army lit the fuse prematurely.

At that time, Japan had not completely shaken off the shadow of economic recession brought about by the Russo-Japanese War. It had neither the financial resources nor the courage to launch a large-scale war, and international public opinion did not allow it.What the Japanese Kwantung Army did was partly instigated by a small number of fanatical militants, and partly instigated by the big chaebols who controlled the Japanese economy.

Every step forward by the Japanese soldiers will bring innumerable wealth to the chaebols.Various Japanese corporations in the Northeast stretched out their tentacles in various industries under Japanese control, and countless raw materials that Japan urgently needed or lacked were exported to the mainland, especially steel, coal and other strategic materials that were known as the life of industry.The Japanese Kwantung Army is also constantly testing the bottom line of the Chinese government in order to obtain greater benefits.

On April 4, amidst the strong opposition of Zhang Zuolin and his son, Japan expressed to the United States that it would give up its requirement to exclude Manchuria and Mongolia from the new bank consortium, but it must retain the rights to the Taore Railway.

However, Japan’s superficial concessions did not hinder its substantial advance: On April 4, the Japanese army arrested Russians at stations such as Hailar and Harbin, violating China’s sovereignty. On April 10, the Japanese army in Hailar clashed with the Czech army, injuring the Chinese. On April 4, Japan occupied the Chinese barracks in Harbin.

The various actions of the Kwantung Army actually completed their invasion of Heilongjiang, the hinterland of Northeast China, with provocative actions.When the Japanese army created the facts, unless the Fengjun dispatched force to expel them, it would be impossible to refuse the intervention of Japanese forces.However, the Japanese judged that the Fengjun government did not dare to show force. In fact, this was exactly the case. Official history only protested, and Zhang Zuolin was incapable of expelling the idea.As a result, the Japanese became more and more proud and daring, and finally took a risky gamble--it's a pity that Jiu.[-] was right by it.It wanted to win again after the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, but it made a mistake that time.

Another meaning of the Japanese side is to express dissatisfaction with the secret anti-Duan alliance between the Feng Clique and the Zhi Clan: Duan Qirui has always been the leader of the Chinese government and the soul of the Anhui Clan that Japan strongly supports, and now the Zhi Clan supported by the British and Americans will replace him , It is bound to cut off Japan's efforts in China.

Zhang Zuolin was a patriotic warlord at heart. Thanks to Zhang Hanqing's efforts, Fengjun's strength had grown considerably, and he could no longer tolerate such provocations from the Japanese army.After repeated communication with Zhang Hanqing, on the morning of April 4, a high-level meeting of the Fengjun government was held in the Marshal's Mansion, and it was decided to gather Fengjun to prepare for possible escalation of provocations by the Japanese army.In the afternoon of the same day, Ji Jinchunquan, the 18th Division stationed in Shanhaiguan, and Zhang Jinghui, the 28th Division stationed in Chifeng, first returned to Fengtian.Zhang Zuolin's elite Jiang Dengxuan's 16th Division, Li Jinglin's Division of Fengtian Security's 27th Division, and Yu Zhen's 6th Division of Jilin Security Command all entered a state of combat readiness to control the main roads of each station.The Wan Fulin Department of the 30th Division of the Heilongjiang Security Command and the Xing Shilian Division of the 29th Division of the Xing'an Security Command set off from the North Manchuria Railway to besiege the Japanese troops in Hailar and Harbin respectively.

The two sides are at war, and the war is imminent. On May 5, the U.S. envoy questioned the Chinese Foreign Ministry about the Japanese army's inspection of passengers in Manzhouli on the Middle East Road, objectively expressing the U.S. concern about this incident.The commander of the Kwantung Army, Tachibana Koichiro, could no longer hold on to the stalemate. He instructed the Japanese Consul General in Fengtian, Yoshida Soto, to make concessions in order to quell the incident.

Under Zhang Zuolin's strong request, the Japanese side promised to maintain the old situation and withdraw the troops stationed in Hailar and Harbin, and the situation eased.However, along the South Manchuria Railway, which is inherent in Japan, the Japanese army continued to increase its troops.But no matter what, the People's Party and the Northeast government headed by Zhang Hanqing uttered a loud roar on behalf of a weak China, which shocked the whole country and made foreign observers once again focus on the young marshal.

Following the founding of the Far Eastern Republic on April 4, the Declaration of the Far Eastern Republic on May 6 demanded that the Soviet Red Army stop its eastward advance (Zhang Hanqing judged that it was done deliberately by the Soviet Russian government, in order to respect the equality of the two countries and not allow both sides to interfere Internal affairs, to block the Japanese government's possible interference ideas, so as to obtain the real buffering effect of the Far Eastern Republic), foreign governments should not aid the old Chita party (mainly refers to the Japanese government), withdraw foreign expeditionary forces (mainly refers to the Japanese army), Immediately establish diplomatic relations with the Allies.Zhang Hanqing paid close attention to this process, and sent a telegram to welcome the establishment of the Far East Republic, looking forward to the stability of the situation in the Far East.

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