On August 8, the Dalaolai requested a peace conference in Lhasa or India, with Britain as the witness.

Tibet has always had a special status in Chinese history, with its unique religious and political systems, and at the same time it is a nation with the unity of politics and religion.The British have always regarded Tibet as forbidden.After the abdication of the Qing emperor, Tibet also had a struggle for independence, and then the army commander Zhong Ying led the army from Xikang to Fuping.Later, the British Minister to China Zhu Erdian suddenly protested, demanding that China not interfere in Tibet's internal affairs and not send troops into Tibet. If China refused to accept it, Britain would not recognize the government of the Republic of China.Forced by the situation, Yuan changed from suppression to Fu, restored the Dalaolai Thirteen titles, revoked the Tibet Conscript Army, and agreed to hold a "Tibet Conference" with Britain at Darjeeling on the India-Tibet border.This time the Tibetans were instigated by the British again, and there were signs of independence again, which is tolerable or unbearable.

Zhang Hanqing sent a telegram to express his refusal. Since Tibet is China's inherent territory, no one has the right to negotiate with the central government.He also asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to inform the British ambassador to China: "If the war ends, Tibet will no longer have the status of the dead, the Dalaolai will no longer have the honorable title, and the central government will establish a provincial management."On the one hand, he ordered Han Linchun, the commander-in-chief of the Northwest People's Army, to send a unit from Qinghai to Tibet and gather around the Tanggula Pass, preparing to suppress the dispute by force.

The Thirteenth Dalaolai knew that he was invincible and dared not speak out, so he sent someone back to seek peace.The British Minister to China sent a note to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Tibet issue, which read:

([-]) China shall not interfere in the administration of Tibet, and shall not re-establish a province in Ximeng.

([-]) The Chinese government shall not send unlimited troops to be stationed in various parts of Tibet.

([-]) The United Kingdom has now determined that China has suzerainty over Tibet and should require China to revise the new treaty.

([-]) It is necessary to retain the special communication agency before the British government to prevent communication between India and Tibet.

([-]) If the Chinese government does not recognize the above conditions, the British government will never recognize the new republican government of the Republic of China.

In addition, it also implies that if the Beijing government does not agree to the above terms, the British government may use the Guangzhou military government as the object of negotiation.Zhang Hanqing sneered secretly: "I wonder if the Guangzhou military government has the guts to take this card?" Anyway, the Yangtze River is a direct line of territory, and South China is controlled by the Guangzhou military government, and because Japan is present, Britain cannot have a greater influence on the north. Influence.Feng Jun was originally good at the army, but he was not afraid of the strong British ships and guns.According to Zhang Hanqing's request, the Chinese government replied to the British note very strongly:

(1906) According to the "Sino-British Tibet Treaty" of [-], China, except China, has no right to interfere in Tibet's internal affairs. It is nonsense to say that China has no right to interfere in Tibet's internal affairs.

([-]) As for the establishment of a province, it is a necessary government affairs of the Republic of China. Since countries recognize the Republic of China, they cannot but recognize China's transformation of Tibet into a province.Therefore, when China changes Tibet to a province, this is China's internal affairs, and the British must not interfere.

(1908) According to the [-] treaty of commerce, the United Kingdom entrusted China with the police power of the market and the protection of the traffic between India and Tibet. Therefore, China will of course send troops to important places in Tibet. This is a symbol of national sovereignty and cannot be discussed.

([-]) Sino-British negotiations on Tibet have already concluded two treaties, everything has been clearly stipulated, and there is no need to revise a new treaty today.

([-]) The Chinese government did not intend to obstruct the traffic between Britain and Tibet in the past, and it should pay more attention to protecting it in the future, so as not to hinder the normal traffic between Britain and Tibet.But the British must be self-disciplined, with behaviors not violating Chinese laws and decrees as the criterion.

([-]) The recognition of the Republic of China is another issue, which cannot be discussed together with the Tibet issue. The UK should not backtrack and make the international community laugh.

The Chinese government issued a reply, but the British government did not reply for a while.Although Zhang Hanqing is tough on the surface, he is unwilling to take real action with the great powers at this time----Japan's confidant's troubles will not be cured for a day, and he dare not take any extreme measures in other areas.On August 8, when the Dalaolai in Tibet sent people to seek peace, the central government issued an order to suspend the troop advance and restore the previous state for the sake of the country's peaceful development and the Tibetan people's peace, on the grounds that "the Dalaolai will return after he lost his way." The Tibet issue finally dragged on.

Seeing that the Feng faction has gained control in Beijing, in order to ease the situation, on August 8, the US congressional group and former ambassador to China Rui Enshi arrived in Beijing to meet with Zhang Hanqing in order to continue to stabilize the interests of the United States in China.Zhang Hanqing also reciprocated, welcoming the visit of the U.S. congressional group, actively showing goodwill, and looking forward to the U.S. giving China strong support in terms of economic and industrial development.

Japan, which has an "Anglo-Japanese alliance" with the United Kingdom, was not to be outdone when the United Kingdom provoked troubles in the southwest, and also made its own ideas.Originally, in the old international relations, regardless of the treaty negotiations between Britain and Japan, Russia and Japan, France and Japan, and the United States and Japan, the policy was to maintain the status quo in China, preserve the remaining Chinese territory, and equal opportunities for the great powers to China.However, since Zhang Hanqing's Northeast self-government, the power of the Feng family has increased greatly, which has seriously hindered Japan's expansion in the Northeast.Originally, South Manchuria and eastern Inner Mongolia (Xing'an River border) were all Japanese interests in official history at this time. At present, except for the South Manchuria Railway, Kantung Prefecture, and a small number of troops stationed in Harbin, Japan's influence has been greatly reduced.Seeing that it could not support itself alone, the United Kingdom planned to unite with Japan to suppress China, that is, to support Japan's actions in Mongolia in exchange for Japan's support for Britain's activities in Tibet.

Deliberately expelled by the Japanese troops stationed in the Far East, on August 8, the former Russian party Belarus Enqin led more than 23 people to invade Chechen Khan in Outer Mongolia.The "Anmeng Army" Ji Yiqiao, who had been waiting for a long time, sent troops from Kulun to fight. On the 28th, the Japanese government secretly ordered the commander of the Japanese army in Harbin to encourage the princes of Outer Mongolia to become independent.With the trend of internal and external attacks, the intention is to disrupt the situation in Mongolia and benefit from it.Ji Yiqiao continued to display heavy troops on the border, but Enqin did not dare to fight, and stayed in the Russian border, intending to wait for an opportunity.

According to the agreement between Zhang Zuolin and the Soviet Russian special envoy, the government of the Republic of China stopped paying some Boxer indemnities to Russia.Britain, France and Japan feel ashamed because the U.S. has already given up the Geng fund and changed it to the cost of studying in the U.S. and building Tsinghua University. On August 8, the British, French and Japanese envoys protested against the suspension of Russian boxer indemnity payments.

However, the government of the Republic of China stopped paying the Geng contract, which was a big sigh of relief for the Chinese who had experienced land cession and compensation.Zhang Hanqing continued to chase Britain and Russia, and won a high prestige among the people.Under the mobilization of the People's Party, mass demonstrations in support of Zhang Hanqing broke out in Beijing, Tianjin and Fengtian.

Zhang Hanqing also persuaded Zhang Zuolin to follow public opinion and reorganize the expanded Northeast Interprovincial Autonomous Government as the "National Unification Committee."With the echo of the provinces under the Feng Dynasty, Zhang Zuolin became the chairman, and several vice-chairmen were left vacant. The "National Unification Committee" has an administrative committee chaired by Wang Yongjiang; a finance and economics committee chaired by Liu Shangqing; an agricultural and industrial committee chaired by Mo Dehui; a transportation committee chaired by Chang Yinhuai; and a planning committee , with Zhang Hanqing and Jiang Baili as the chairmen and vice chairmen; a military committee was set up, with Zhang Zuolin as the chairman, Sun Liechen as the vice chairman, and Wu Junsheng, Zhang Zuoxiang, Zhang Hanqing, Han Linchun, etc. as members.

The establishment of the National Unification Committee enabled the Feng clan to clarify its responsibilities and direction of development, and also enabled a large number of patriots who were dissatisfied with warlord melee and foreign invasion to find a direction to save the country.For a while, the "National Unification Council" recruited a large number of talents, and the People's Party also grew unprecedentedly, and its influence among the people became more and more influential.Because of these slogans, all patriots see the dawn of China's reunification, and they all regard the goal of the People's Party as their lifelong goal.The Communist Party, which was about to be established at the same time in the official history, no longer had a clearer goal of the People's Party at this time, so it did not have enough soil and strength to grow and get support, and it was inadvertently annihilated in the bud.

Zhang Hanqing is well aware of the importance of public opinion. Not long after Feng Jun entered Beijing, he personally founded the first party-specific newspaper "People's Daily" in Qinhuangdao. , a comprehensive introduction to the People's Party's ideology and governance philosophy.

Under the pressure of Zhang Zuoxiang's northeast frontier defense forces, on August 8, the Japanese army retreated west of Harbin.

However, Japan is unwilling to fail, and Mongolia is also undercurrents. On September 9, the princes of Outer Mongolia sent representatives to Harbin to borrow money from the Japanese to buy weapons and plan a riot, using Mongolian forests and mines as collateral. The "Fengqing Bureau" has made full intelligence preparations for the collusion between Japan and Mongolia. Zhang Hanqing instructed to keep calm and wait and see.

On September 9, a section of the Jilin Security Command killed the old Russian party member Gao Meikov in Jilin Province. This move not only expelled the Belarusian forces in the Northeast, but also cut off the collusion between the Japanese and Belarus at home and abroad. A plan that blooms on all sides.

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