At this time, Zhang Zuolin left Beijing to return to Feng, and Sun Liechen, the governor-general of Guannei, was stationed in Tianjin.At Zhang Hanqing's suggestion, Guo Songling was transferred to be the chief of staff of the North China Army Command. He was fully responsible for the reorganization and training of the North China Army according to the model of the Northwest People's Army. However, he used his identity as a young commander to frequently contact people in the northern business community and introduce the financial policies of the Northeast. And attract investment.

According to the experience of later generations, opening up to the outside world is the road to a strong country.After more than 2000 years of feudalism, China has established a complete and powerful natural economy. The family is the production unit, the land is the most important production data, and the economic mode of self-sufficiency in products enables the natural economy to be able to produce in a small area. The formation of a complete system and independent development has become an economic factor for the warlords of the Republic of China to separate provinces.At that time, China experienced a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society for more than half a century, and formed a large number of landlords and gentry merchants with strong natural economic characteristics. Their development was generally within a small area, and they did not have enough influence on the national market. interests, and use trade unions and chambers of commerce to resist foreign economies within the sphere of influence.During the Revolution of [-], they were worried that their vested interests would be violated, afraid of the land reform and restrictions on the development of private capital by the government of the Republic of China, and sought protection by supporting local powerful figures.Their indifference to national market unity and their desire for a stable production environment and certain political privileges made them one of the powerful supporters and sources of income for local warlords.

Even some far-sighted national capitalists only set up factories and industries in their own townships, counties, and provinces, and it is rare to see large inter-provincial companies.In addition to the warlord disputes in various places, the safety factor not only became an important assessment for merchants traveling far, but also became an incentive for warlords to control the closed self-government to prevent foreign infiltration, such as the small train built by Yan Xishan in Shanxi later.

Although such an economic situation was beneficial in the subsequent war of resistance-all regions were less affected by the external blockade and could fight on their own.There is also a negative side----resisting steadily and retreating steadily.This situation is what Zhang Hanqing does not want to see.

More importantly, the New Deal in Northeast China has entered a critical period, with huge investment in basic economic construction.Although this kind of infrastructure construction is an inevitable choice for economic take-off, it costs money like running water, which cannot be afforded by the Northeast's finances in the short term.There are also state-owned factories and mines built by the government. The investment is astonishing. The Northeast Inter-provincial Autonomous Government has issued nearly 2 million yuan in national bonds in the two years since its establishment, which is still unable to meet the rapidly expanding financial investment needs.

Japan is actively wooing the military and political officials of the Northeast to increase the investment of Japanese capital, but it is different from the previous life.Seeing the strength of the Feng Clan, Zhang Zuolin is very sensitive to Japan's economic investment at home.Headed by Zhang Zuolin, key officials in the financial and economic circles of the Feng Dynasty insisted that the enterprises under the Northeast United Provinces Autonomous Government hold the controlling stake in the enterprises, and Japanese companies could contribute capital to make profits, and imposed various restrictions on investment projects.With Zhang Zuolin's prestige and influence, the Feng dynasty's handling of the Japanese economic infiltration can be said to be impenetrable.

Japanese businessmen uphold the will of the government, and of course they will not give money to the Northeast government for economic development in vain.Since the Japanese government established the "Nanman Railway Co., Ltd." in Dalian in April 1907, this company not only directly operates the Nanman Railway, but also a huge monopoly enterprise engaged in coal, timber, steel, chemicals, electric power, shipping, construction, Posts and telecommunications, farms and cultural education.There are more than 4 large enterprises under it, with a total investment of 80 million yuan in 1919.The Agricultural Department of the Ministry of Agriculture under the club first built agricultural experiment fields in Gongzhuling and Xiongyue along the South-Manchurian Railway, and then set up bean gardens in Kaiyuan and Datun, and repaired them in Dayushu, Tieling, Zhengjiatun (now Liaoyuan), Hailong and other places. Canal flat land, open up a large area of ​​rice planting fields.It is feasible to make a profit directly, but it is not the national character of the Japanese to make wedding clothes for others.

Since the Northeast United Provincial Autonomous Government has obtained less funds in Japan, it is imperative to attract investment from the northern part of the interior.

For a time, Zhang Hanqing was very personable and showed his demeanor in Shili foreign market in Beijing and Tianjin.He contacted a large number of people in the northern business circles to introduce the political and economic development of the Northeast in order to attract investment.Since it is communication, it is inevitable to sacrifice your appearance for the country and spend your time before the moon.Because he often lingered on the dance floor of the theater, he won the title of "Four Princes of the Republic of China" together with Yuan Kewen (Yuan Shikaizi), Pu Tong (brother of Emperor Puyi in the late Qing Dynasty), and Zhang Boju (Zhang Zhenfangzi).

The main direction of Zhang Hanqing’s industrial construction in Northeast China is the extraction of raw materials, mainly mining. At that time, the industry used coal mines as the main fuel, so the degree of industrialization can be seen from the coal output.Although the Northeast is rich in mineral deposits, by the end of the second year in 1919, coal production in the Northeast had reached 2000 million tons, which was only close to the level of 1913 (2130 million tons) after the Meiji Restoration in Japan.In addition, there is a lack of relatively professional talents and equipment. Iron smelting, steelmaking and steel rolling technologies are still in the primitive stage, and major technologies that restrict transportation and military industries, such as locomotive and automobile manufacturing, are basically zero.Zhang Hanqing was very depressed when he thought that his Fengjun still relied on mules and horses for the transportation of supplies, such as the 75mm Krupp mountain gun (or 75mm Bofors mountain gun), which was the main firepower of the division level in the Fengjun army. The insignificant weight (only about 1 tons) requires the pulling force of 4 horses, as well as the transportation of manpower, shells, human and horse supplies, all of which caused huge logistical problems.If mechanical traction is adopted, the above-mentioned problems can be easily solved.

The strength of Chinese national capitalists lies in light industry, but what Zhang Hanqing urgently needs is a breakthrough in heavy industry.Generally speaking, the advanced level of heavy industry directly brings about the transformation of military industry.Since the Industrial Revolution, the United Kingdom has made epoch-making progress by replacing manpower with steam engines, and traveled far and wide to defeat the Chinese Manchu and Qing Empire, which has been at the forefront of the world for 2000 years; Japan’s Meiji Restoration has fully westernized and developed with advanced European technology. He set up a giant ship with cannons, defeated the world's major powers (Manchu and Russia) twice, and jumped out of Asia and entered Europe, becoming a recognized power in Asia.According to Zhang Hanqing's thinking, it should be heavy industry first and then light industry. This is also the reason why the Soviet Union gave priority to the establishment of heavy industry layout after the founding of New China.But then the Soviet Union went militaristically. Although its military strength surpassed that of the United States and became a superpower, the people's lives were poor, which indirectly led to the disintegration of the country.Zhang Hanqing naturally wouldn't play to this extent, but if he wanted to gain a firm foothold in the Northeast and grow stronger, heavy industry had to be the first choice.The strength or investment vision of private capital will not and dare not touch this area at all, while the government needs it, but has no money to do too many things.

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