young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 86 Killing the Japanese Ronin

What Zhang Hanqing said about killing the two Japanese ronin is true, and the background is far from being as light as he described.The cause was that the shop of Shi Laoshuan, a local merchant in Beiguan Street, Fengtian Province, was attacked by Japanese ronin, and Shi Laoshuan was severely beaten during the negotiation. Such similar incidents were commonplace in China during the Republic of China.The Japanese are used to being domineering, relying on the right to garrison troops on the South Manchuria Railway, even in the provincial capital of Fengtian, the old nest of the Northeast King Zhang Zuolin, they are just as arrogant and domineering.Police officers Zhang Heyuan and Yu Xiaoxing from the Beiguan Local Police Station, led by police chief Hu Tianxi, arrived and arrested the two ronin who were still attacking on the spot. During the resistance, one ronin was kicked by the angry crowd. He hit his head, bleeding profusely.

After hearing the news, the Japanese garrison camp in Fengtian North Tower dispatched a squadron to surround the Beiguan police station and block Beiguan Street, demanding four demands: release of people, compensation for losses, arrest of the perpetrators, and apology.According to the "Japan-Russia Portsmouth" Treaty, Japanese garrisons outside the Kanto Prefecture were only used to guard the South Manchuria Railway, and were not allowed to interfere in local military and civil affairs.In the past two years since the establishment of the Northeast United Provincial Autonomous Government, with the strengthening of power, the people's awareness of independence, equality and nationalism has gradually risen. Facing the Japanese soldiers with live ammunition, Hu Tianxi, the police chief of Beiguan Police Station, rejected the unreasonable demands of the Japanese side in a reasonable and restrained manner. , He said: "Local crimes must be heard by the Fengtian Court, and the Japanese garrison must not interfere. During this period, the criminals will be detained in the police station according to the law. This principle is stipulated by our law, and we will never retreat."

The overbearing squadron leader Ryotomi Miura didn't pay attention to Hu Tianxi at all. He gave a command, and the Japanese soldiers fired bullets in unison.

Hu Tianxi was not afraid. He faced the gun and said loudly: "This is the police station of the Northeast United Province Autonomous Government. I am a police officer of the government. If you dare to shoot, it is a challenge to the government. You must think clearly about the consequences. !"

Squadron leader Miura Ryotomo was furious, and ordered two Japanese soldiers to take up their rifle butts and shoot Hu Tianxi in the ribs.When Hu Tianxi was caught off guard, he was beaten several times and struggled not to fall to the ground.Police officers Zhang Heyuan, Yu Xiaoxing and others upstairs witnessed the Japanese attack, filled with grief and indignation, shouting repeatedly: "Down with Japanese imperialism!"

The Japanese soldiers acted aggressively again, and a group of people rushed directly into the building, but the gate was locked by the police from the inside.The Japanese soldiers smashed it several times but failed. Miura Ryotomo took a Japanese soldier's big gun, loaded the bullet, shot through the lock with a "snap", and then opened the door.The police officers were outnumbered, and the police station was in a mess for a while, and the police officers were bruised and bruised.The two ronin were snatched away.

At this time, a battalion under the Fengtian Security Command, led by the battalion commander Liu Duoquan, was coming after hearing the news. As soon as they approached Beiguan Street, they heard a dull gunshot and someone shouted, "The Japanese shot and charged." Into the police station!"

Liu Duoquan was one of the first batch of battalion-level students in the Northeast Lecture Hall, where he met Zhang Hanqing and joined the People's Party under Zhang Hanqing's leadership. He was the first batch of followers of Zhang Hanqing in establishing a new China.Infected and inspired by Zhang Hanqing, he deeply realized the stern and aggressive nature of the Japanese soldiers, and had a heartfelt hostility towards the Japanese Kwantung Army.Now that the Japanese dare to commit crimes in the provincial capital of Fengtian, the seat of the Northeast United Provincial Autonomous Government, how can we not let him be outraged?

Liu Duoquan gave an order, and the whole battalion moved forward in battle formation, surrounded by the police again.In an instant, each Japanese soldier had more than a dozen guns aiming from front to back.All the Chinese soldiers had angry faces and said in unison: "Hand up your guns!"

A chill passed through my heart, and the Japanese soldiers had never encountered such a situation on Chinese territory.Miura Ryotomo said in blunt Chinese: "We are the Imperial Japanese Army's troops stationed in the Kanto region. Which part do you belong to? Let your chief speak out."

Liu Duoquan said loudly: "I am the highest official here. You have violated our laws by attacking the police station with weapons. Now I ask you to put down your weapons immediately and accept investigation. Otherwise, you will be charged with endangering public safety on the spot. punish!"

The two sides were at war, Miura Ryotomo hesitated for a while, but the two Japanese ronin were very arrogant.They have done far worse things than this, and no Chinese place has ever dared to enforce Chinese laws against them.A ronin rushed in front of Pan Xiaogui, a soldier of the Feng army, reaching out to grab the end of his gun.

Pan Xiaogui was furious, and kicked Ronin's stomach suddenly, and he lay on the ground like a dead dog.Another ronin was about to come to help, and took the opportunity to hug Pan Xiaogui from the side.Seeing that the Japanese ronin was still so stubborn at the gunpoint, the soldiers beside him couldn't help being furious. The gun turned and hit the ronin in the temple.Immediately, my brain burst and I couldn't see it.

The gunshot woke up Pan Xiaogui.Long-term training made him very flexible. He pressed the gun, held it tightly, aimed, and fired in one go. He beat the ronin who was lying on the ground into a dead dog.

They did it with real knives and guns, and the last nerve of the Japanese soldier collapsed.No more shots and bullets, and all the squadrons were disarmed.

Liu Duoquan did not dare to neglect, and immediately reported to the Northeast Road Guard Army Command.Xing Shilian, the commander of the 4th Division who was on duty, was shocked when he heard the news.The disarming incident is already very serious, not to mention there are two dead people.If it goes wrong, it will cause big trouble.He didn't dare to make a decision, so he directly reported to Zhang Zuolin himself.

Zhang Zuolin slapped his thigh, and Xing Shilian shivered.He has followed the commander-in-chief for a long time and is familiar with almost every movement of the commander-in-chief.Generally, the handsome slaps his thigh, expressing extreme anger or bliss.But today's kind of thing, I'm afraid the commander-in-chief will not be happy.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zuolin said angrily: "Damn it, I'm bullying me! Good fight." He instructed Xing Shilian: "We must pay attention to the movements of the Japanese, and order the main force of the 4th Division to move to Yingkou immediately, and all officers and soldiers to enter combat readiness Status." While urgently holding a high-level Fengjun meeting to discuss the development of the situation, he telegraphed Zhang Hanqing's department as a warning.

Major General Masuke Hamamen, Chief of Staff of the Kwantung Army of Japan, is a top student who graduated from the Japanese Continental University in the 4th term, with a cautious and prudent military style.While thinking about the violent counterattack plan of Kenji Doihara, the first section chief of the Senior Staff Department, he convened the intelligence director, rear director, policy director, and Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the Kwantung Army Staff Department to discuss countermeasures.When he learned that the Fengjun had entered the first-level alert and that Jiang Dengxuan, the general of the Fengjun, led the main force of the 4th Division to the camp to reinforce the camp, he wisely gave up the idea of ​​meeting each other.With the Kwantung Army's strength of only 27, it is hard to imagine that Zhang Zuolin, the king of the Northeast, who has been licking blood among knives for many years and has elite soldiers and strong generals, can be frightened or defeated.At this time, although Japan failed to inherit Germany’s privileges in Shandong, China, as it wished at the Paris Peace Conference, it was negotiating with the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries on the issue of limiting naval armaments, and was preparing to lower some terms in exchange for interests in the Pacific and Far East issues.If there is a loss in this battle and the foundation of the country is shaken, he has no choice but to cut open his stomach to thank the emperor.

But what to do with a Japanese squadron still under hold is a tricky question.The Japanese still have their prestige, and the Fengjun can kill the ronin, but they will never do any harm to the active Japanese soldiers. This "consciousness" should still be there.However, after this battle, the Japanese Nanman Railway Garrison lost face, and it took a lot of effort to comfort the radical young officers.Thinking of this occasion, Hamazura could not help cursing in his heart the incompetent military officers in the General Staff Headquarters. When he took over the Kwantung Army Staff Headquarters, he told him that Zhang Zuolin was an agent that Japan had painstakingly cultivated. You can rest assured.

When Zhang Zuolin was only the commander of the 27th Division stationed in Fengtian, the senior officials of the Kwantung Army favored him and supported him to resist the infiltration of British and American forces in the Northeast, so that Japan could benefit from it.But I didn't expect that after Zhang Zuolin's strength expanded, he would always be indifferent to the Japanese, and gradually became a trend that could not be lost, but the Japanese side had nothing to do about it.At present, no one in the military and political circles can shake Zhang's position, and it would be foolish to raise another agent.

The staff members discussed for a long time, and Kenji Doihara came up with an idea.He is worthy of being called "Chinese elite", familiar with Chinese tactics, and according to later generations, he can think with Chinese thinking.He made a suggestion and said: "Your Excellency, General, at present the Zhang Department (Fengjun, as the Japanese call it) is fighting openly and secretly with the Beijing government. The direct line has a large number of troops, but it has always tolerated the Fengjun being large because of the lack of weapons and ammunition. A large-scale war with the Feng army. If the Kwantung Army can sell arms to them at this time, on the one hand, it will definitely weaken the strength of the Feng army, and on the other hand, it may increase the chance of direct confrontation. If the two sides fight, they will definitely It’s a big fight, but for our side, we can achieve our goal without fighting.”

Hamazura Matasuke appreciated it very much.As it is said, the Fengjun had its own arsenal in Fengtian and formed its own system, becoming the only army in China that had the ability to independently produce artillery and shells at that time.The direct line needs to be purchased from Britain and the United States.If Fengjun is allowed to develop, within a few years, its strength will definitely not be controlled by the empire, which is a legacy of raising tigers.

He smiled and said: "What Doihara said is true. You can represent the Kwantung Army, contact the directly related personnel, and immediately implement this plan." Needs his attention again.

Subsequently, under the negotiation of the Kwantung Army Staff Headquarters, Fengjun released the detained Japanese officers and soldiers, and the incident of killing the two ronin also came to an end without any delay.It's just that since then, Fengtian's Japanese soldiers have obviously restrained a lot.So much so that the people of Fengtian said: "This is Little Japan. If you are tough with him, he will be afraid of you. If you are soft, you can only be their grandson!"

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