Unwilling to fail, the Japanese plotted a bigger plan.

He Baoshan, chief of the Harbin intelligence section of the Military Intelligence Bureau in charge of the three northeastern provinces, received a very surprising piece of information.His senior intelligence officer Yu Rurun keenly noticed a strange figure in the Japanese headquarters in Harbin.This person was dressed in a very ordinary dog ​​fur hat and coarse cloth clothes. At first glance, he was no different from ordinary people in Northeast China.But how could an ordinary person enter the heavily guarded Japanese army headquarters?After some twists and turns, Yu Rurun finally learned the origin of this extraordinary "ordinary person": he was Basang, the representative sent by the Mongolian Living Buddha to Harbin to seek weapons from the Japanese.

Mongolian Living Buddha Jebden Zumba has been under house arrest since his defeat against the "Anmeng Army".After Mongolia's land reform, other important officials were either executed or exiled, and the separatist forces were seriously injured.However, since the "Anmeng Army" sent troops to Gansu, and the White Russian forces in the north took advantage of the gap to enter, the troops in Kulun City have been greatly reduced. In addition, the government is doing its best to carry out the construction of Mongolia, and the hidden Mongolian dark forces have not been hit deeply. People are alive again.Coupled with the land reform, most of the old upper class lost their glory and preciousness in the past. The old forces headed by the former Khalkha alliance leader, deputy general He Bei and his two Taiji, secretly colluded with the Zasaktu Khan, Officials from Sanyin Nuoyan Khan, Tushetu Khan, and Chechen Khan who were dissatisfied with the current government contacted the living Buddha through Lama Erdeni Shandroth Bada, and mortgaged Mongolian forests and minerals to Japan Take out loans to buy weapons and revolt.This Basang was a representative of the Living Buddha's relatives. He traveled to Harbin via Hailar on September 2, and received the attention of the Japanese Harbin Commander Yoshino.

The Kulun garrison also discovered some signs. On September 9, a small group of former Mongolian nobles who had lost their land formed a refugee army and rioted at Kulun Station, the provincial government, and the provincial police department, beating, smashing, looting, and burning. The commander-in-chief of the "Anmeng Army" Ji Yiqiao suppressed it in time. After killing several people and detaining more than a dozen people, the riot was subdued.At that time, everyone thought it was just a riot of people who were dissatisfied with the status quo. After severely punishing the leaders, the Mongolian Police Agency released the rest of the people.

Under the pressure of the Soviet Russian army, the Japanese army was forced to announce its withdrawal from Khabarovsk on September 9, thus losing a base behind the threat of the Feng faction in the Far East.Later, on the 17th, the North China military and political personnel of the Fengjun, represented by Zhang Hanqing, took over the Russian concession in Tianjin, which became the first concession recovered by China since the Opium War.Then Soviet Russia declared to China for the second time, declaring eight things: abolish the old treaty of imperial Russia, return various rights, resume business, ban the old party, cancel consular jurisdiction in China, abandon Boxer indemnity, return the Middle East Railway, and send diplomats to each other.When taking over the Hankou Concession the next day, the Japanese government, together with the governments of the United States, Britain, and France, sent a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China against their will, reiterating that they "hope for the early completion of China's unification, and the new bank group will provide assistance at that time."Backed by the increasingly powerful Soviet Russia, the Feng faction began to squeeze Japan's influence in the Northeast step by step.

For the Japanese government, the civil strife in Mongolia was an excellent opportunity: under the pretext of protecting expatriates and economic interests, Japanese soldiers could open a gap from the northeast to the northwest of Mongolia.Therefore, the Japanese government instructed the commander of the Japanese army in Harbin to hold a military meeting on October 10 to discuss the purchase of weapons from Outer Mongolia.

Just as Commander Yoshino was considering how to transport this batch of munitions worth 600 million yen to Mongolia through the area controlled by the Feng faction, he suddenly received an emergency telegram from China: All the Kwantung Army entered a state of combat readiness!

It turned out that since the Japanese occupation of North Korea, some patriots were sent to the Northeast to form the Korean Revolutionary Party in an attempt to restore the country.In Huichun County, Jilin, on the Sino-North Korean border, North Korean revolutionaries Pak Dong-ming and Kim Yong-sik contacted the Russian radical party and horse bandits to attack the county, burn down the Japanese consulate, and kill 11 Japanese and 1 Japanese policeman.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan issued a statement on sending troops to Huichun.In the statement, Japan only believed that the Huichun incident was caused by the bandits, and avoided talking about the fact of the Korean Revolutionary Party.Zhang Zuoxiang was ordered to send troops into Huichun to prevent the Japanese from taking advantage of this incident to enter the hinterland of Northeast China and threaten security.The government of the Republic of China issued a statement expressing its protest, but Japan ignored it. On October 10, the Japanese envoy Xiaoban sent a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "The Japanese government has decided to continue sending troops to Longjing Village in Hunchun."

Yoshino, the Japanese commander in Harbin, took advantage of the fact that the war in the Far East was still going on, and in the name of evacuating overseas Chinese, he set off from Harbin with a full load of munitions and escorted them to Manchuria along the North-Manchuria Railway.A total of 2000 long and short guns, 100 machine guns, 30 mortars, 1500 artillery shells, 10 rounds of bullets and 2 radio stations were included in this batch of arms. 2 Japanese troops.

The "Fengqing Bureau" has long been closely monitoring.After receiving the news, the Yuzhen Department of the 30th Division of the Northeast Frontier Defense Army had already sent a regiment head Liu Duoquan to stand at Manzhouli Station.When it was dark, the former Khalkha League Zuotai Jilaqige, who was in charge of the response, dispatched his men to transfer the arms in batches with nearly 50 carriages.Laqige said to Takeo Hatoyama in squatting Japanese: "Your Majesty, I accept this batch of arms according to the decree of the Living Buddha of the Mongolian Kingdom. I hope that the Mongolian Kingdom and the Great Japanese Empire will form an alliance." He looked at the real weapon in his hand. With live ammunition, he said happily: "With these things, there is hope for the restoration of our Great Mongolia!"

Takeo Hatoyama chuckled and said, "I wish you victory." Then his face suddenly changed, and he shouted, "Enemy attack!"

However, it was too late, countless Northeast soldiers rushed out of the night and surrounded all the troops on both sides.Raqig's face was earthy, and he sat on the ground with his buttocks on the ground. The energy of showing off his power just now flew out of Jiuxiaoyun in an instant.

Takeo Hatoyama was charged with a mission. Seeing that the mission could not be completed, he was unwilling to let it go. He pulled out his command knife, howled and ran to the train door, and issued orders to the Japanese army in Japanese.

Liu Duoquan was furious. Although he couldn't understand the order of the Japanese commander, he saw that the balance of victory was irreversibly pointing to the Fengjun. If the Japanese army occupied the carriage, the train full of ammunition would be like a big bomb.It is not a problem to wipe out all the Japanese troops. If the train blows up, this trip will not be worth the effort.He shot and killed Hatoyama Takeo, shouting: "Kill all the Japanese!"

The Japanese have been showing off their might in the Northeast for many years, and the Northeast Army is holding back their breath.At this moment, everyone was scrambling to hear the order, so there was a loud gunshot. The Japanese soldiers in the entire squadron were caught off guard. Under the intensive firepower of the Northeast Army, most of them fell down in an instant; Bullet holes were everywhere like a sieve, and hundreds of people died in a pile.

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