After the "National Unification Committee" issued a statement strongly protesting the Japanese army's collusion with the Mongols and using arms to finance its plot to destroy China's territorial integrity, the Japanese Kwantung Army Command categorically denied it.Zhang Zuolin, in the name of the Mengjiang economic envoy, notified the ministers of various countries that without the approval of the central government and the local self-government committee, any loan agreement unilaterally mortgaged by anyone outside Menglin Mine is invalid.Governor Wang Shuhan of the Mongolian provincial government also sent a telegram to the central government, requesting severe punishment of lamas who borrowed Japanese money privately.

Mongolia, which was determined to split, saw that the prince's bad deeds had already appeared, so he had to take the risk.A group of remnants including Bokdog, the former representative of the royal family, as the head, "Minister of Foreign Affairs" Longchig, former "Cabinet Manager" Badmadorji, and Deputy General He Bei, the leader of the Khalkha League, gathered [-] Mongolians , took advantage of the chaos to snatch out the imprisoned Jebdan Zumba, supported the living Buddha and marched towards Kyakta, intending to attack on both sides to help open the passage for Baier Enqin to enter Kulun.

Although Zhang Hanqing knew that the Mongolian garrison had enough food and supplies at this time, and that the chances of victory were close, he knew that this battle was a sign of the final independence of Mongolia in history. .One side telegraphed Ji Yiqiao, "For the treasonous and split clowns, we should concentrate our superior forces and use the maximum firepower to destroy their main force. We must wipe them all out and prevent them from slipping through the net. I hope this campaign will put down the source of Mongolia's separatism and keep the peace of our northern border forever." For safety's sake, Zhang Jinghui's department was then telegraphed to prepare to go north for assistance in case of accidents.

Ji Yiqiao kept the Kyakhtu defenders on hold, while covering them with two cavalry brigades from the left and right. He personally led the main brigade of the "Anmeng Army" to attack and advance, encircling the enemy army in the narrow valley between Kulun and Kyakhtu. middle.After several hours of fierce fighting, more than half of the Mongolian separatist army suffered casualties, and the rest begged to surrender. The "Anmeng Army" captured nearly a thousand people under the living Buddha Jebutan Zumba and escorted them back to Kulun in mighty force.

Zhang Hanqing extremely hated these traitors and traitors who lured wolves into the house and did not hesitate to work for their own interests. On the second day after knowing the situation of the battle, he sent a power to Ji Yiqiao in the name of the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Army: "For everyone who rebelled, we should use the method of splitting the country." Serious crimes, clear and canonical punishments, and severe punishments."

After interrogation, each of them confessed to the intention to rebel. On October 10th, the Mongolian Provincial Military and Political Committee shot thousands of people captured at the foot of Langjuxu Mountain for treason, and erected a monument to commemorate it.

Opinions differ on how to deal with the Mongolian Living Buddha Jebden Zumba.Both the central government and Zhang Zuolin called to inquire about Zhang Hanqing's attitude. There was a vague idea that the Living Buddha had a great influence and that it should be handled properly.There are also many hesitant opinions in the People's Army and the Party, who believe that the Living Buddha has a huge influence in the hearts of the Mongolians.Zhang Hanqing was unmoved and insisted on execution.He sent a telegram to the whole country the next day, expressing his position: "Anyone who splits our territory can be killed by the people of the country. Bije Poudan Zumba was once the spiritual leader of the Mongolians, but he didn't want to work for the welfare of the Mongolians, but he was repeatedly dismissed. What's more, at the cost of betraying Mongolia's major interests and splitting the country, they decided to lure wolves into the house and work for tigers. Fortunately, China is immortal, people's minds are united, and military disasters are peaceful. This incident may be a wake-up call to the people of the country : Although China is big, there is no room for division. The law is ruthless, and everyone is equal. For the sake of the country and the nation, Zhang Hanqing insisted on revoking all his titles and ordering his execution, so as to imitate others."

This incident has been known all over the world and shocked the whole world.Both the British and Japanese governments put pressure on Jin Yunpeng's government to demand the pardon of Living Buddha Jebden Zumba.The British are afraid of setting a precedent with the Dalaolai living Buddha in Tibet; the Japanese are afraid that the living Buddha of Mongolia will be destroyed and will cut off one of its claws.However, Zhang Hanqing was unmoved. He insisted that "in this troubled world, we must use thunderbolt means to show the heart of a bodhisattva. It can not only severely punish the separatists, but also show our government's tough attitude."Withstood the pressure of all parties, resolutely ordered Ji Yiqiao to be executed immediately, and announced to the whole Mongolian province.

Now that the living Buddha had subdued the Dharma, the Japanese army's dream of marching westward was shattered, and it lost a huge amount of money and a large amount of ordnance in vain, which made the Feng army easier.So he seized the "Huichun incident" and tried to get a nail in the northeast.However, Zhang Zuolin is no longer the "king of the Northeast" who relied on the breath of the Japanese in the past, and he will not give an inch on matters related to the safety of the base camp.The two sides sent troops here one after another, and for a while, a large number of troops gathered in this little-known town.

Zhang Hanqing knew that although Fengjun could defeat the current Kwantung Army in one battle, Japan would undoubtedly not be able to endure a defeat that was a matter of honor, and would inevitably save face with a full-scale attack.With the current situation of China's fragmentation, the fledgling Feng faction undoubtedly cannot bear the loss of a large-scale war-even if it wins miserably, it will not be able to complete the great cause of unifying China.


It is natural to resist Japan, but it is not enough to make wedding clothes for others.In all fairness, Zhang Hanqing also understands why Chiang Kai-shek clamored in the official history that "to fight against the outside world, we must first secure the inside".

At this time, Japan is suffering from the worst economic crisis in history, and it is estimated that it does not have the confidence to fight hard.Otherwise, with the habits of the Japanese army, how could we tolerate the blatant contempt for the "imperial army" by the little "China" people?That being the case, why not give the other party a step down and let this incident end with dignity? ----Who told you that your strength is too weak?

In the war between Anhui and Anhui, Anhui was defeated directly.Duan Qirui, an Anhui warlord originally supported by Japan, lost power, and Japanese imperialism was hit hard. It was necessary to find a new agent in China.Some people in Japan think: "At least in today's situation, Zhang Zuolin has the most possibility of unification. As the legend goes, if Zhang Zuolin cooperates with the Sun Wen faction in Guangdong, and the north and the south echo each other, and defeat Wu Peifu, the great cause of China's unification will probably not be very difficult." Yes." Japanese Cabinet Prime Minister Takashi Hara wrote in his diary: "Zhang wanted to rely on Japan to expand his power, and we must treat Zhang well in the development of the three northeastern provinces. The interests of our two sides coincided with each other. "Japan is optimistic about Zhang Zuolin, because they want to get the maximum benefit in China by supporting him.They thought it was most appropriate to use Zhang Zuolin as their new tool for invading China.

The "Huichun incident" made it difficult for the Japanese government to get out of the way: to enter, but to leave without a name.Once things go wrong, the interests of the Northeast will be lost, and Japan is not yet ready for a full-scale attack on China; if Japan retreats, it will affect Japan's hard-won reputation as an Asian power, which will be disapproved by the domestic people.At this moment, the Japanese urgently need a step up, which can solve the current crisis without losing their "identity".

After the outbreak of World War I, Japan participated in the war as an Allied power.The war made Japan make a lot of war fortune, which brought about a qualitative change in Japan's economic structure. In 1918, the value of industrial output rose to 56. 8%, and agriculture drops to 35. 1%, Japan has transformed from an agricultural country to an industrial country, but in terms of the proportion of light and heavy industries within the industrial sector, light industry still dominates.Due to the development of shipbuilding, machinery, chemical and other industries, the proportion of heavy chemical industry is also increasing.The prosperity brought about by the war will inevitably end with the end of the war. In 1920, the stock prices in Tokyo and Osaka plummeted, marking the beginning of the post-war economic crisis in Japan.In the crisis, the government did not carry out a thorough rectification of the financial sector, but implemented an overly large relief policy and an irresponsible active fiscal policy. From February 1920, the loan amount of the Tokyo-Osaka Union Bank began to exceed the deposit amount. And was rising month by month.Although the government has saved a number of enterprises that were on the verge of bankruptcy, it has also planted hidden dangers for the future development of the Japanese economy.Moreover, the domestic price level is far higher than the international price level, resulting in continuous growth of Japan's imports, while exports are struggling, causing a general blow to Japanese companies, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises with weak competitiveness, and the Japanese economy has fallen into a long-term depression.

Fortunately, Zhang Hanqing had a good understanding of the situation and was willing to use this rare opportunity to devote himself to economic development. After returning to Fengtian and fully communicating with Zhang Zuolin, Zhang Zuolin published an article in the "Fengtian Daily" in the name of the chairman of the "National Unification Council". Emphasize the necessity of pro-Japanese diplomacy. In November, Zhang Zuolin sent State Councilor Yu Chonghan to Japan to engage in goodwill activities, and returned to Fengtian in December.Yu Chonghan once studied in Japan and is proficient in Japanese. This time he went to Japan as Zhang Zuolin's personal representative.During his stay in Japan, Yu met with Prime Minister Harada, Chief of Staff Uehara, Prime Minister Tanaka Riku, Uchida Soto and other Japanese political and military dignitaries, and held many talks with them.

Regarding Yu Chonghan’s visit to Japan this time, Zhang Zuolin said when meeting Japanese journalists in Fengtian: “The main task of the State Councilor Yu Chonghan who went to Japan recently is to exchange views frankly with each other in order to receive the results of Sino-Japanese friendship, in order to obtain The understanding of the Japanese government (on the Huichun incident). Although Yu Chonghan went to Japan on the surface as a representative of the Beijing government, he actually went to Japan on my behalf. Most of the mission is related to the three eastern provinces, so that Negotiations with the Japanese government, the content of which is inconvenient to explain." It is said that some of Yu Chonghan's activities in Japan were carried out secretly.In short, Zhang Zuolin seems to have tied himself to the Japanese chariot, hoping to obtain Japan's strong support in order to realize the dream of unifying China.However, the Japanese also know very well that "Zhang Zuolin, who is stingy, starts from the pros and cons, and it is natural to have a flexible pro-Japanese theory."

However, after this incident, the Japanese also touched Zhang Zuolin's hole card, and they did not dare to easily touch Zhang Dashuai's "tiger whiskers" when dealing with him.After symbolically expressing Japan's position, on November 11, the Japanese envoy Kobata sent a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, agreeing to withdraw the Japanese troops from Hunchun, thus the "Huichun Incident" came to a successful conclusion.

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