Holy furnace

Chapter 10 Star Sea Soars

"Junior Brother Li, all the things to be handed in this time are in this storage bag, you put them away. This time you enter the inner court, you have to seize the opportunity, if you can also be favored by the people in the inner court, just stay in the inner court Otherwise, if you offended Senior Brother He and the others two days ago, things might not be good." In the medicine field of Jingxian Court, Senior Brother Tian, ​​who was barefoot, said to Li Haoxuan.

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Tian, ​​I have a sense of proportion," Li Haoxuan replied, "Even if I don't get a fairy fate after entering the inner courtyard this time, I don't believe they can really do anything to me. There are regulations in the Qingxu Temple, and the disciples of the outer sect are not allowed to interact with each other." Kill me, otherwise I will be dealt with according to the criminal law. No one has the right to touch me except the big manager."

"But a hard time is inevitable." Brother Tian sighed and said, "Are you ready for everything else? When are you going to enter the inner courtyard?"

"Of course, the sooner is better. There are still some things that I haven't collected yet, but it should be almost the same in the afternoon. I think I will go to Sendai early tomorrow morning."

"Well, do you want me to accompany you?" Brother Tian asked.

"No need," Li Haoxuan said, "The strong wind on the practice cliff can't do anything to me, I've sneaked up there before, it's fine."

"Hehe, that would be the best." Brother Tian was completely relieved when he heard Li Haoxuan say this.

For Li Haoxuan, this day passed extremely slowly, as if a century had passed.Finally, after a day and a night, Li Haoxuan got up with the sound of a rooster crowing in the mountains, kicked those storage bags into his arms, and hurriedly walked towards Kuaxiantai.

"Hmph! Li Haoxuan is really here? I'd like to see how he passed the practice cliff!" Crossing Xiantai is located on the mountain behind Jingxianting.Jingxianting is built on the bottom of Taixuan Mountain, and there are several small peaks around it. There is a big mountain behind Jingxiantang, but the big mountain is very strange. Not only does it have no peaks, but the top of the mountain is a smooth road, which is Kuaxiantai !It is said that the reason why the Transxiantai is so flat is because the entire peak of the mountain was cut off by the inner disciple of Qingxu Temple with a sword, and it is as smooth as a mirror!

And under the Kuaxiantai, there is a flat square, which is Practicing Cliff!The terrain of the practice cliff is flat, but there is a big hole in the belly of the mountain behind it, and the wind has been raging for many years!This is especially true on the practice cliff. Ordinary adult men can't even stand on it. Once they stand on it, they will be blown away by the strong wind. Only those who practice Taoism can stand firmly on the practice cliff and practice. .

Li Haoxuan is famous in Jingxian Court for his thin body!The chief steward was superior, he didn't know that Li Haoxuan was normal, but the rest of the disciples knew Li Haoxuan very well, knowing that this person was not so much a disciple of Jingxianting, but rather a handyman of Jingxianting. They whispered to each other, looking forward to it, hoping to see a good show.

"Senior brother Li, you must be careful, if you are blown away by the strong wind, we will not even be able to find you, hahahaha." There were also a small number of people who laughed and took Li Haoxuan for fun.

"Senior brother Li, why don't I go up with you?" At this time, a young man stood up and walked to Li Haoxuan's side and said.

"Junior Brother Lu, don't worry, I went to this practice cliff this morning, it's nothing." Li Haoxuan shook his head, walked straight along the mountain road, and finally crossed the practice cliff in one step.

"This gangster seems to be much weaker than before?" Standing on the practice cliff, Li Haoxuan immediately felt a force acting on him. But Ya has to bear a lot of pressure, but for him now, the power of this gangster is really negligible, he didn't even stop to stabilize his body before he started to move forward quickly, directly towards Go across Sendai.

"What!! He actually passed through the practice cliff? But he didn't seem to be affected at all, and he didn't even mess up his steps!"

"How is it possible! Back then, I had to cultivate the body chapter of the Chongxu Sutra to the third stage to stand on the practice cliff. This trash didn't even complete the first stage. How could it be unaffected on the practice cliff!"

"No, no! There must be something wrong with the practice cliff. Could it be that the big steward, this trash who has no magic power today, specially closed the Gangfeng channel? Yes, it must be like this!" Another person shouted, and then jumped up without saying a word Went up to practice cliff to prove that there is no strong wind here.

However, before he jumped into the air and landed, a gust of wind blew him over five meters away, making him extremely embarrassed, and he had to use his profound kung fu to finally stand firmly on the practice cliff. up.

"Damn it!!" It was also at this time that everyone realized that Li Haoxuan's clothes were loose while walking, wasn't it blown by the wind?Only then did everyone finally believe that Li Haoxuan passed the practice cliff with his own strength!

"Hmph! So what if you can pass the practice cliff? If you can't cultivate mana, you're still a waste after all. What's the matter with being strong? I can make you survive and die with one move." Seeing Li Haoxuan pass successfully After leaving the practice cliff, He Wuliang thought fiercely in his heart.

"Crossing the Xiantai, crossing the Xiantai, crossing the Xiantai in one step, you will become a fairy! Once you enter the inner gate, that is the real difference between a human and a fairy." Li Haoxuan stood on the crossing Xiantai, with various thoughts flying, and finally sighed. He took out a jade slip from his bosom, and put it into a small gap in a high jade platform in the center of Kuaxiantai!

hum! !When the jade slip was inserted into the jade gap, the entire jade platform immediately began to tremble slightly, and then a huge round altar rose from under Li Haoxuan's feet!This round altar is not big, simple and unsophisticated. It is made of strange soil in five colors, and it is full of the breath of time.

hum!There was another slight tremor, and five rays of light descended from the sky, just falling on the five-color round altar, and immediately, the entire round altar was radiant, and the five-color divine light flooded Li Haoxuan!

When Li Haoxuan opened his eyes again, he found that he was in a vast sea of ​​white clouds, and the left and right were all covered with vast sea of ​​clouds, with no boundaries to be seen, as if he was flying through the sky, soaring through the sky.Then, when he looked up, he was immediately shocked, completely shocked!

I saw a huge, seemingly endless palace standing above his head!This palace is ancient, splendid, grand, primitive, sacred, epic, no words are enough to describe the luxury and magnificence of this boundless palace!This is a real palace in the sky, and all the beauty of the world is like the light of fireflies compared with it.This was an indescribable scene for Li Haoxuan, he was deeply shocked!

The sea of ​​clouds is galloping for hundreds of thousands of miles, full of majesty. The sea of ​​clouds is like curling blue smoke. When the mist rolls, dozens of beautiful purple light beams come from the sky, reflecting the illusory Qingxu scenic spot. The scene is magnificent and the luck is extraordinary.Li Haoxuan took a deep breath, and suddenly, a wave of alcohol and aura from the world rushed into his body like quicksilver, boom... the beauty of the moment almost made him faint, he seemed to be flying, flying Beyond the clouds, it seems to be galloping, galloping to the top of the endless sea of ​​stars!

He felt a feeling of extreme comfort, especially his primordial spirit, the little bead in his purple mansion, which was constantly accelerating and spinning at this time, and the endless mist of primordial spirit was quickly derived Absorbed by him, it almost formed another vortex of primordial spirit.

In a trance, Li Haoxuan seemed to be out of his body and merged into the space between heaven and earth. He seemed to see a huge cyan mask lying on the sea of ​​clouds. The mask emitted a soft light. The diameter of this mask stretched for hundreds of thousands of miles. , incomparably bright, seemed to be the same as human breathing, constantly moving, the momentary magnificence left Li Haoxuan dumbfounded.

Li Haoxuan seemed to feel the magic of Taoism at this moment. His soul was constantly moving, and the power of his soul was constantly leaving his body. He wanted to blend into the void, and he wanted to see higher and farther.Li Haoxuan's eyes were closed tightly, like an old monk in meditation, he was more and more immersed in it. At this time, Li Haoxuan was in awe of the supreme majesty of Taoism, and his whole body looked dignified, as if he was a Taoist immortal.

This situation didn't last for too long, after about four or five breaths, Li Haoxuan entered the Qingxu Mountain Gate shrouded in blue light.Everything that he saw before was far away from him. He saw the ground again, saw the sky, and clearly saw all the buildings around him. It seemed that everything before was an illusion. Thinking of what he saw before Everything, he is almost crazy.

"Are you from the outer gate to deliver medicinal materials?" At this time, a young man with a scabbard on his back stood on a huge flying sword and fell from the sky, rushing towards Yang Hao like a shooting star, looking down at Li Haoxuan and asking .

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