Holy furnace

Chapter 9 Bidding Conference

"Junior Brother Crane." Li Haoxuan sighed inwardly, finally gritted his teeth and met his eyes.

"Senior Brother Li, let me ask you if you have gone to the wrong place." He Wuliang's eyes were about to burst into flames, staring at Li Haoxuan and said in a neutral tone!

Li Haoxuan told him before that he had used up all his spirit stones, but now, it's only been a few days?He actually came to participate in the bidding meeting with a lot of money and wealth!

There is no doubt that Li Haoxuan has a lot of spirit stones on his body!

"Junior Brother He, I know this is the site of the Jingxian Hall's bidding conference, and I did not go wrong." Now that this decision has been made, Li Haoxuan does not want to continue to endure, he is determined to win the spot to enter the inner sect!

"Hand over the spirit stone to me, and then get out! I can forget about the past, otherwise, I will make it impossible for you to live or die." He Wuliang leaned forward and whispered in Li Haoxuan's ear.

He Wuliang is young, only twenty-eight years old, but he has an outstanding appearance. He has already cultivated to the fifth peak of the Chongxu Sutra. Although he can't compare with some of the elders, he is definitely one of the top rookies. A genius, very few people will offend him.

However, despite being a genius like him, he did not dare to threaten Li Haoxuan openly on this occasion, otherwise he would be caught by the chief steward and would inevitably be punished.

"Junior Brother He is threatening me?" Li Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at He Wuliang in front of him and said indifferently.

"You can think so." He Wuliang stood up and said expressionlessly, at the same time stretched out his right hand, pointing to the baggage in Li Haoxuan's hand, "Think about it yourself, I know what you want to do in the inner door, isn't it just In order to bump into the fairy fate? Huh, the fairy fate is so easy to get? You still have to be realistic, as long as you can give me the spirit stone, I will definitely be able to rush to the sixth level, or even the seventh level. , the entire Jingxian Court, I will keep you worry-free!"

"Sorry, Junior Brother He, I plan to use these spirit stones myself." Li Haoxuan shook his head and said calmly.

"You...don't eat a toast and fine wine, do you think I really dare not touch you?" He Wuliang gritted his teeth, wishing he could slap Li Haoxuan on the face, but at this time there were so many people with mixed eyes, and not many people who paid attention to them At least, he didn't dare to act rashly.

"The chief manager is here. Brother He wants me to repeat what I just said to the chief manager?" Li Haoxuan sat upright, shifted his eyes to the high platform, and said casually.

"You wait for me!!" Seeing the chief steward arrived, He Wuliang could only retreat first, no matter how unwilling he was, he could not bear the charge of offending the chief steward.

"Okay, everyone is here! This is not the first time our bidding conference has been held, so I won't talk nonsense, the highest bidder wins, you bid." Sitting on the high platform is Jingxianting. The chief steward is also the biggest figure in Jingxian Court. It is said that he is directly under the jurisdiction of the inner sect, and even has the power of life and death.

"Five spirit stones!" As soon as the chief steward finished speaking, one person stood up and announced his price loudly.As soon as this number came out, many people's faces changed slightly, and some were even dejected, obviously desperate.

"Six dollars!"

"Seven yuan!" The price began to climb slowly, but after reaching seven yuan, there was a period of stagnation, and no one bid any more in a short period of time.The usual price is usually around [-] yuan, and a spirit stone was distributed a few days ago, so the price increase to [-] yuan was unexpected by Li Haoxuan.

"Are there any higher ones?" the chief steward asked slowly.

"Eight yuan!" At this time, a person stood up slowly and said with a painful expression. It could be seen that eight spirit stones were already the opponent's limit, and it was impossible to offer a higher price.

"It's eight yuan. If there is no higher one, then so be it." The chief steward stood up, ready to end the bidding meeting here. Everyone was downcast and looked unwilling, but the chief executive didn't dare to make any noise at the moment, so he could only sigh secretly.

"Nine low-grade spirit stones." However, just when everyone thought the dust had settled, another voice came out, nine low-grade spirit stones, this is definitely a huge sum of money, an absolute huge sum of money!Nine spirit stones can be stored without using one spirit stone for nine years. However, who would not use spirit stones for nine years?I don't know how far I have fallen without using Lingshi for nine years!The rules of the world of cultivating immortals are completely different from those of the world of mortals. If the spiritual stones are exchanged for money, no one may care, and some people will come up with a lot of ways to make money, but the spiritual stones are different. This is their way of practicing Taoism. Base!

"Looking for death, looking for death!!!" He Wuliang fixed his eyes on Li Haoxuan, wishing he could kill Li Haoxuan on the spot!However, in front of the chief executive, no one dared to move rashly, not even dare to make noise. Everyone stared at Li Haoxuan in a daze, and the scene was completely silent.

"Nine spirit stones? Very good." The chief steward nodded slightly, and said, "No one is higher than Xiao Li, right? That's it, the quota for going to the inner sect this time is Xiao Li's. Xiao Li, our rules you I also know, so hand over the spirit stone now."

"Yes." Li Haoxuan quickly agreed, carried the spirit stone and walked up, and respectfully placed it in the hands of the chief steward.

"En? You are bidding for nine spirit stones this time. Why are there ten here? Is that too much?" The chief steward opened the box, glanced at the number of spirit stones inside, and asked calmly.

"No, no. Nine pieces of spirit stones are used for the bidding, and the remaining one is for the big manager to spare time to support the bidding conference, so I honor it to you, and I hope you will definitely accept Xiao Li's kindness. " Li Haoxuan bowed quickly and said with a very sincere attitude.

"Oh?" The chief steward raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at Li Haoxuan, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then said, "Since you have this kind of thought, then I will accept it. Listen up, everyone, to the courtyard of the inner gate." Transporting the elixir is a major event, and no one can afford to deal with problems. Therefore, if anyone hinders Xiao Li's work during the period of Xiao Li's preparation, don't blame me for being ruthless! Commander, kill without mercy, do you understand?"

"Understood!" The hundreds of disciples below all trembled and replied quickly.

"Well, tell each other about this matter, I don't want to see what I don't want to see happen, let's go." The chief manager snorted, then got up and left.

"Very good, the chief steward was settled without thinking of a piece of spirit stone, let's see who dares to touch me now!" Li Haoxuan was overjoyed, at least no one would trouble him during this period of time.

"Li Haoxuan, very good, you are very good!!!" Li Haoxuan had just walked out of the gate of Jingxian Hall when He Wuliang's extremely gloomy voice sounded from behind him.This time, He Wuliang was really angry, he didn't even bother to say polite words like Senior Brother Li, and it was Li Haoxuan who spoke directly!

"Junior Brother He, what is the meaning of this? Why can't I use my spirit stone to participate in the auction? If Junior Brother He definitely has something wrong, then I can report to the chief steward for you, what do you think?" Li Haoxuan was not humble Hey, said with a blank face.

"Okay! Do you dare to stab me now? It's different to be covered by the big steward! Yes, I can't afford to provoke you during this time, okay, but you wait, when you come back from the inner courtyard, I will I will let you know the fate of offending me! You can’t live, you can’t die, Senior Brother Li, don’t think I’m joking, I’ve always kept my word!!” He Wuliang grinned, and swung his sleeves heavily towards Go to your own place!

"Forget it, this is the end of the matter. If you don't behave tougher, you might not even be able to keep the remaining spirit stones! As the old saying goes, good fortune is followed by misfortune, and good fortune rests on misfortune. It may not be a bad thing to offend them this time." Li Haoxuan thought while looking at He Wuliang's back.

"This little guy is interesting. His meridians are blocked, but his physical body is so powerful? How did he practice? Could it be possible to climb Taixuan Mountain every day to climb out of such a physical body? Moreover, in my perception, his soul seems to be There is nothingness, is it impossible to cultivate the power of the primordial spirit? But looking at his eyes, although he is humble, he is energetic and piercing. This is a very powerful manifestation of the power of the primordial spirit. What about the power?"

"Hey, interesting little guy. Well, for the sake of your courage, I will help you once. What happens in the future depends on you."

Li Haoxuan didn't know that on the roof of the Jingxian Hall, the chief steward was sitting cross-legged in the void, carefully observing his every move, and at the same time squeezed a low-grade spirit stone with his right hand Shattered, the rich vitality of heaven and earth emitted was instantly swallowed by his body.

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