Holy furnace

Chapter 8 Frangipani

"Junior Brother Li, why have you been away for so long this time? Could it be that you are nostalgic for the mortal world?" Li Haoxuan's return journey went smoothly, and he returned to the Jingxian Court in Taixuan Mountain in a few hours. When he took out all the medicinal materials he bought, Tian Shengcheng asked with a half-smile.

"Hehe, Senior Brother Tian, ​​why are you still making fun of me?" Li Haoxuan said with a smile, "This time, the official road was blocked by the collapsed boulders of huge mountains on both sides, so I detoured to Cuiwei Mountain. Moreover, Qing It seems that the medicinal materials in the gate town can't be gathered overnight, so we can only wait for today, no, I will be back as soon as I get the medicinal materials."

"Okay, okay, can Senior Brother Tian not know about you? It's just a joke with you." Tian Shengcheng waved his hand and said, "By the way, the sect issued another spirit stone last night, and I will help you put the stone lock under the bed as usual." inside."

"Spiritual stones? Why did you send out spiritual stones again? I remember that spiritual stones are issued once a year, so it's only half a year?" Li Haoxuan asked in surprise.As an outer disciple of Qingxuguan, even though he is only an outer disciple, he can still enjoy some benefits, such as one low-grade spirit stone a year.The so-called spirit stone is a stone that stores a large amount of energy from the heavens and the earth. People who practice Taoism can use it to practice and import the energy stored in it into their own bodies!

The vitality of heaven and earth in spirit stones can be divided into high-grade spirit stones, middle-grade spirit stones, and low-grade spirit stones according to their purity and storage capacity. In addition, there are top-grade spirit stones and spirit crystals that only exist in legends.Compared with the vitality in the free world, the vitality in the spirit stone is more mellow and gentle, and the quality is also high, so it is much better to practice with spirit stone than to practice alone. Generally, it takes about three months for outer disciples to get rid of it. The vitality stored in a low-grade spirit stone is completely absorbed, one can imagine how huge the amount of vitality stored in it is.

In terms of value, a high-grade spirit stone is equivalent to 100 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, and a middle-grade spirit stone is equivalent to 1 yuan of low-grade spirit stones.There are hundreds of thousands of disciples from Qingxuguan's outer sect, and one piece of low-grade spirit stones is equivalent to hundreds of thousands a year, which is almost equivalent to one high-grade spirit stone!You must know that high-grade spirit stones also have a huge effect on those masters who have attained the Tao. Therefore, the sect has very strict control over spirit stones. Outer sect disciples get one piece of spirit stones a year, and there has never been an exception.

"I don't know either. I heard that our sect found another spirit stone vein and dug out a lot of spirit stones. That's why we increased the use of spirit stones. In the future, it may be two yuan a year." Tian Brother said.

"Oh." Li Haoxuan let out a sigh, without much emotional change. For a person like him who can't cultivate mana, no matter how many spirit stones there are, his meridians can't be connected, and he can't even run a week. It's a waste of time. The vitality in the spirit stone.

He originally wanted to give all the spirit stones to Tian Shengcheng, but Tian Shengcheng refused, and saved all his spirit stones and put them in the stone lock under his bed.

Over the years, Li Haoxuan has accumulated 14 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, and today's piece is a full 15 yuan, which also means that Li Haoxuan has spent a full 15 years in Jingxianting since he was a child.

"Brother Tian, ​​do you know a kind of fairy grass called Frangipani?" Li Haoxuan remembered the formula of Zhuji Pill in the Dan Jing, so he asked casually, "I saw such a medicine name in the Jing Pavilion a few days ago. , I don’t seem to have heard of it.”

"Oh, frangipani? I know this. It is a kind of yang elixir, which has the magical effect of consolidating the foundation and nourishing the vitality. Junior brother Li, that is the real elixir, and it is only grown in the medicine field in the courtyard of the inner gate." , our Jingxian Court does not have one."

"I see." Li Haoxuan nodded in disappointment, and then asked, "By the way, Senior Brother Tian, ​​is the annual bidding meeting about to start?"

"Well, it will be the day after tomorrow night," Senior Brother Tian replied, and then looked at Li Haoxuan in surprise, and said, "Junior Brother Li, are you going to bid?"

"I have this idea." Li Haoxuan nodded, and then said emotionally, "I think I have no hope of cultivating the Tao in this life. After a hundred years, I will inevitably turn into a rubbish of loess! But I am also an outer disciple of Qingxu Temple. If I can't Going into the inner gate courtyard to take a look, I am really not reconciled! Even if I go in and take a look, besides, there are so many fairy fates inside, I also want to try my luck! I don’t need those spirit stones now, Why don't you take it to the bidding, if you can vote, it can be regarded as one of my wishes."

"Hey, Junior Brother Li, you're still young, you haven't even reached the age of 20, why did you think so far?" Senior Brother Tian was silent for a while, then patted Li Haoxuan's shoulder with fear and said, "A good man has ambitions everywhere. No, after the age of 40, it’s not a bad idea to leave Jingxianting and enter the secular world to become a knight. There are two or three spirit stones, if you need them, I will lend them to you at that time, and I will definitely help you fulfill your wish."

"Thank you, Brother Tian." Li Haoxuan said emotionally, "In the future, if I, Li Haoxuan, can really practice Taoism..."

"Don't say those things that I don't like to hear! If one day you can really practice Taoism, Senior Brother Tian will personally offer incense, thank God for His blessing!" Tian Shengcheng said with a serious face.

"En!" Li Haoxuan nodded heavily, and did not say the rest, but he has already decided in his heart, if he can really achieve success in the future, he must do his best to help Senior Brother Tian!

Jingxianting holds a bidding conference every year, with Lingshi as the bidding unit, and the highest bidder wins.What was bid for was not a treasure, but a quota, a quota that could enter the real Qingxu Temple.

The real quota for entering the Qingxu Temple does not refer to becoming an inner disciple, but to have the opportunity to "visit" the inner sect.Jingxianting needs to pay a certain amount of immortal medicine to the inner sect every six months, as well as other necessities of life, such as materials or food.

And at this time, it is necessary to send a disciple from Jingxian Court to deliver the things to the inner gate courtyard, which means that the delivery person has a real chance to enter the inner gate of Qingxu Temple!If that person is of good character and can flatter, and meets some high-level inner sect disciples, maybe they will be able to get back their original rewards at that time, and they can also see the real mansion of cultivating immortals, which is definitely an eye-opener !

A few years ago, one person won this opportunity, but he was spotted by an inner disciple when he was in the inner courtyard, and he was directly recruited to be a follower!This made the people in Jingxian Court envious, and they all sharpened their heads trying to win this spot.However, spirit stones are scarce, and they are well-deserved hard currency, and everyone needs them. Where do so many spirit stones come from?According to the experience of previous years, six low-grade spirit stones are basically enough to bid for that spot!After all, strength is still the most important thing in the world of cultivating immortals, and very few people would give up their spirit stone outfit and sell it to others.

Time passed, and two days passed quickly.Seeing that night was falling and the bidding conference was about to start, Li Haoxuan also carefully took out ten low-grade spirit stones from his stone lock, and hurried towards the location of the bidding conference.

As usual, the location of the bidding conference was set at Jingxian Hall, which was the largest building in Jingxian Court.When Li Haoxuan arrived, there were already nearly a hundred people sitting inside, and everyone was chatting casually.According to the rules of the bidding conference, if you don't pay a low-grade spirit stone to buy the bidding qualification, you are not allowed to enter Jingxian Hall.Therefore, regardless of whether the bidders win the bid or not, this low-grade spirit stone is definitely gone.

ps: A new chapter will be added for every thousand hits in the fairy furnace. Brothers, help me up! !

"Huh? Isn't this our famous Senior Brother Li? I can't be mistaken, is he here to bid?"

"No way? With his body, I'm afraid he won't even be able to climb up the practice cliff, so how can he climb up the cross-xiantai? Even if he wins the bid, so what? Isn't this a waste of spirit stones?"

"This kind of waste is also here to join in the fun, hmph, it seems that he has a lot of spirit stones on him! He even dared to lie to me that he used up all the spirit stones before, this time he must look good!" Li Haoxuan finally walked into Jingxian In the hall, a series of noises came from inside, and almost everyone looked at him with disdain.

Li Haoxuan turned a blind eye to this, walked straight to a seat, and sat down calmly.He only came here for the number of bids, and he didn't care about anything else.There is only one thought in his mind, the Foundation Establishment Pill needs frangipani flowers, and frangipani flowers can only be found in the medicine fields of the inner sect, so he must enter the inner sect!

"Senior brother Li, have you gone to the wrong place?" Li Haoxuan just barely sat down, and a voice reached his ears.

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