Holy furnace

Chapter 100

The God of Destruction Fist possesses inconceivable power, unsurpassed power, and boundless arrogance. It is enough to shock the world and weep ghosts and gods when it is truly cultivated to the level of Dacheng.

This is a unique art that is not weaker than the five ancient supernatural powers, but the conditions for practicing it are too harsh, so it has been ignored by many people. If it were not for the advice of the law enforcers, Li Haoxuan might not have chosen such a supernatural power!

Li Haoxuan stood with his fists closed, his aura fluctuated, as if he was breathing like a human body, a massive amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy gathered from all directions, and drilled into Li Haoxuan's body!

The God of Destruction Fist is powerful, so it naturally needs to consume a lot of mana. Although Li Haoxuan's mana is extremely powerful, it is impossible to use the God of Destruction Fist without limit, and the Baoshan Seal has a great influence on him!

In front of him, there was a flickering treasure garment and a pure black millstone suspended!Both of these two treasures belong to the ranks of high-grade treasures, and they are Yu Tianyuan's final treasures, especially the top-grade treasure clothes, which can withstand so many times of the God of Destruction Fist without breaking, and can even resist the next part of the fist attack. It is no small matter, it is definitely an extraordinary treasure, and it is very likely that it is an existence beyond the level of a treasure.

Then, with a wave of his hand, Li Haoxuan directly put the two powerful treasures into his storage ring. Although his physical body is strong and comparable to treasures, he has a weakness, that is, he cannot be attacked by sharp weapons, otherwise it will be easy Injured, and now that he has received this precious garment, he really has no worries. This precious garment can definitely resist the attack of sharp weapons, weaken a part of his strength, and let his body bear it easily!

After putting away the two treasures, Li Haoxuan turned around and looked at the remaining ten Silian disciples not far away!The bodies of these Silian disciples were all shining with strong light, and each of them had so strong mana that it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as fierce as a dragon, but at this moment, all of these people were pale and did not dare to act rashly. I'm afraid that I will be the next one to be blown up!

More than a dozen powerful Silian disciples, Wang Ziwen, Zhang Ziqing, Liu Xingxing, and now even the most powerful Yu Tianyuan, who is carrying two Xeon treasures, have been blown away !

Li Haoxuan's ferocity has been completely established. If the news of today's battle is spread, everyone will be in awe of Li Haoxuan. Fourteen powerful Silian disciples besieged him, and finally four of them were beaten to death. Now only Standing in front of Li Haoxuan, the ten Silian disciples dared not move like grasshoppers!

In all fairness, each of these four lotus disciples is extremely powerful, they can burst out with great power with every gesture, and one blow is enough to smash the most powerful three lotus disciples into flesh, but now, they are completely lost in front of Li Haoxuan. Gained the courage to continue fighting, because in front of their eyes, Li Haoxuan had even surpassed the human form!

"It's up to you next!" Li Haoxuan quickly devoured a large amount of energy, and he had replenished a lot of mana in just a few breaths. He looked at the remaining ten Silian disciples in front of him, and walked forward slowly, as if The true god is in the dust!

"Everyone fight together, we must do our best this time, I don't believe that Li Haoxuan can really defy the sky! From the beginning of the battle to the present, after such a long time, the mana in his body must have been consumed almost, he is definitely bluffing!" One of the ten Silian disciples shouted loudly, cheering for his side, there are a large number of Sanlian disciples watching not far away, if they run away at this time, they don't have to mess around in the future, just buy a piece of tofu and kill them !

"Yes, we'll spend it with him! The longer the time, the greater our hope!" The other person's eyes lit up, and he said the same, this sentence seemed to give them infinite confidence, and they suddenly felt that the Li Haoxuan in front of them didn't seem so scary anymore !

"Ignorance!" Li Haoxuan sneered, and punched out directly, the endless divine light turned into a dragon, straddling the void with a wagging tail and completely scattered ten people!Then, Li Haoxuan stepped forward, and appeared directly in front of the person who spoke first, punched him to pieces, endless blood shot up into the sky, and was instantly evaporated by the fire from Li Haoxuan's body!

A powerful Silian disciple was killed without even making a scream like this, his body and spirit were destroyed!

Li Haoxuan grasped it with his right hand, and pulled out a cold iron sword from the void. The sword was surrounded by layers of cold air, as if it could freeze everything!This was originally the Silian disciple who wanted to sneak attack Li Haoxuan at a critical moment, but he didn't expect that he would be smashed to pieces by Li Haoxuan's punch, and he didn't even have time to use the method of pressing the bottom of the box!

"Very good!" Li Haoxuan carefully looked at the cold iron sword in his hand, then nodded slightly and put it into the storage bag.

At this time, Li Haoxuan was like a god, like a demon, ordinary Silian disciples would die if they touched it!

He punched the opponent to the ground, and after taking away the opponent's cold iron sword, Li Haoxuan turned around directly, and a big black hand that covered the sky and the sun fell directly from the sky. Squeeze it alive!

Roar! ! !That Silian disciple roared furiously, bursting out with mana, as if it had become a day in the void, pushing those big black hands apart, and finally, with a bang, the big black hands completely shattered, and finally, the Silian disciple held his right hand Killed out of it with a big black seal!

boom! !However, what was waiting for him was Li Haoxuan's Destruction Fist!

boom! !This Silian disciple finally used his background to shatter the big handprint of the void. Before he could realize what happened, he was directly hit by Li Haoxuan's Destroyer Fist, turning into a rain of blood and falling. At the same time, the black The great seal also fell into the hands of Li Haoxuan!

"Another treasure!" Li Haoxuan was overjoyed, the speed of accumulating money like this is simply beyond imagination, killing people for money, no wonder so many people like killing people for money!

"People don't offend me, I don't offend anyone! Today was just a matter between me and Wang Ziwen, it was you who intervened and wanted to kill me together. If this is the case, you should also have the consciousness to die!" Li Haoxuan looked at the only nine people left in front of him. said the man.

"Li Haoxuan, even if we can't kill you, you can't stop us if we want to leave!" The expression of one of the four lotus disciples kept changing. It is a shame and a shame to be scolded in public like this!

"Oh? Then you can try?" Li Haoxuan flicked his fingers, and said firmly, "See if you escape faster or I kill faster!"

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