Holy furnace

Chapter 99

Li Haoxuan's God of Destruction Fist has a positive atmosphere, like the fist of an ancient god, one punch is enough to clear away all obstacles!

Now Li Haoxuan can sweep away all opponents of the same level with one punch!

"Ah!!!" More than a dozen Silian disciples went crazy. A dozen of them monks who were in the enlightened state were crushed and beaten by a person of the same state. Remember the God of Destruction Fist!

"It's too fierce. To suppress more than a dozen Silian disciples by one person, is this still human?" All the Sanlian disciples dared not participate in the battle, and hid far away. This series of battles is not something they can participate in. Yes, the occasional wave of mana leaked out is enough to shake them all into a pulp!

"It's so powerful, it's almost invincible! The Destroyer Fist is enough to wipe out everything! There's also the phantom of the sacred mountain before, what kind of magical power is that? There is absolutely no such magical power in the Shentong Pavilion. Is it the unique secret skill of the law enforcement?"

"It's very possible! After all, he is a master who can cultivate the Condensation Energy to the sixth level! Even if he can get the favor of the law enforcers, it's justified!" Many Sanlian disciples saw their blood boiling, and said from their hearts that they were still closer Li Haoxuan, after all, this is the three lotus disciples from the infinitely small world, not the four lotus disciples who suddenly appeared, and to some extent he is closer to them.

Most of them came to Shiwan Dashan to hunt and kill the Black Water Profound Snake because they were persecuted, and not many people wanted to die. After all, the Black Water Profound Snake was an existence that the disciples of the Four Lotuses could not simply answer, and the disciples of the Three Lotuses could only become cannon fodder.

"Li Haoxuan, I will never die with you!!" Finally, someone became completely angry, and was suppressed and humiliated by Li Haoxuan one after another. Their bottom line has been touched!

Endless brilliance bloomed from one of them, and his aura began to increase sharply. Obviously, he used the method of suppressing the bottom of the box to temporarily improve his strength!

Afterwards, that person pointed at Li Haoxuan.

"Hey..." a flash of brilliance flashed like a meteor, with a fast speed, and hit the heaven and earth vitality shield around Li Haoxuan with a crash, causing the vitality shield to tremble and almost shatter!

"Qingtian Yizhi!" The man shouted loudly, his right hand kept pointing out the dao brilliance, and rushed towards Li Haoxuan!Each of these brilliance contains powerful power, making a chi-chi sound in the void, as if to split the entire void!

The same was true for the rest of them, they all used their deep knowledge of the bottom of the box, and various methods emerged one after another, and the endless divine light almost drowned Li Haoxuan!

Li Haoxuan propped up the heaven and earth vitality shield, stood in the void, opened the way with his fists, and resisted the endless supernatural power!

It has to be said that once the Destruction Fist is practiced, even if it is not a great achievement, it will have unimaginable divine power, invincible! !Li Haoxuan swung the God of Destruction Fist, his thick black hair fluttered like an ancient god of war, opening and closing, as if he wanted to knock down the entire sky.

"Roar..." Li Haoxuan let out a loud roar, swallowing mountains and rivers of anger!The endless ancient trees on the ground are trembling, and the lush branches and leaves are undulating like stormy waves!

"Kill!" More than a dozen Silian disciples went crazy, used taboo magical powers, went upstream, and even suppressed the Destruction Fist!

Although the God of Destruction Fist is invincible in the world, it is impossible for one person to really defeat a dozen or so maddened monks at the enlightened state. Li Haoxuan began to struggle. Although the will to fight and the aura of invincibility remained the same, He who was originally calm also had to fight carefully!Li Haoxuan's fist was invincible, he strode forward to attack, and punched one of the four lotus disciples, blowing him up on the spot, destroying his body and spirit, his flesh and blood burned in the void, but , Li Haoxuan himself also suffered heavy injuries, a big hand suddenly appeared from behind him, shattered his heaven and earth vitality shield with a palm, slapped him, and sent him flying dozens of feet away!

Li Haoxuan was fearless, he fixed himself in the void, turned around and punched out, the terrifying air wave roared past, instantly destroying the giant hand behind him!At the same time, the Baoshan seal was played again, and a sacred mountain emerged, heading towards the town of those Silian disciples!

Roar! !

The four lotus disciples roared loudly, using all kinds of magical powers to move the endless mountain away!

However, before they could shatter the mountain, Li Haoxuan had already flown in front of them, raised his hand with a Destruction Fist, and directly blasted one of them, leaving no bones left!Afterwards, Li Haoxuan once again cast the seal of holding the mountain, embracing a mountain and falling down, overlapping with the phantom of the first mountain!

Boom! !

The supreme power was added, and more than a dozen Silian disciples vomited blood one after another, which was equivalent to bearing two Baoshan seals at the same time!

Li Haoxuan was also uncomfortable. The Baoshan Seal could not be used unlimitedly, and it consumed a lot of his primordial power!Because the Dao pattern on the mountain needs to be burned with Yuanshen!

If he hadn't broken through to enter the ninth level of foundation building last month, he might not be able to continuously cast the Baoshan seal three times in the sealed state!Li Haoxuan printed two Baoshan seals one after another, causing more than a dozen Silian disciples to almost collapse. This kind of mighty power was beyond their imagination, and it was simply hard to resist, as if they were really carrying a supreme mountain!

"Open it for me!!" Yu Tianyuan yelled, and once again sacrificed the black millstone to burn the mana in his body, which increased his own strength by half!With the support of a huge amount of mana, the black millstone showed great power, and its brilliance soared, and it really fixed the endless mountain for a moment, making it impossible to suppress it!

And at this very moment, a dozen Silian disciples all used their mana and escaped from the suppression of the Endless Mountain, otherwise they would definitely be crushed to the point that not even scum was left!

"I'll send you on your way first!" Li Haoxuan appeared behind Yu Tianyuan like a ghost, and punched out a fist of destruction!

boom! !An infinite talisman suddenly rose from Yu Tianyuan's body, firmly protecting him in the middle!The clothes on his body were shining, it was a high-grade treasured treasure clothes, which blocked Li Haoxuan's Destruction Fist for Yu Tianyuan!Even so, Yu Tianyuan was still spitting blood from the beating. The God of Destruction Fist was too powerful. Even the top-grade treasure clothes could not completely counteract that shocking power. Even if it was only part of it, it was enough to injure Yu Tianyuan severely!

"It turned out to be a precious garment, very good, bring it to me!" Li Haoxuan shouted loudly, and threw out his fists one after another, the terrifying fists almost wiped out Yu Tianyuan completely!

"Senior Brother Li, let me go, let me go! I was wrong, I shouldn't have shot you because of Wang Ziwen, as long as you let me go, I will only follow you in the future!!" Yu Tianyuan was extremely frightened, and began to shout Li Haoxuan begged for mercy, he felt that he was really dying!

Although Li Haoxuan couldn't break this high-grade treasure garment, his power could be transmitted to his body through it. At this time, his internal organs had been severely injured, and if he continued, he would undoubtedly die!However, Li Haoxuan didn't care about all of this, and threw out another fist of destruction!


With a shrill scream, Yu Tianyuan was finally completely blown away by Li Haoxuan, his whole body was blown into blood mist, even the top-grade treasure clothes could not save his life!All that was left on the scene was a treasure garment shining with colorful brilliance and a black stone millstone!

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