Holy furnace

Chapter 19 Reborn

"Open!!" Li Haoxuan went completely insane. He sat on the ground and began to practice the first level of Chongxu Sutra with all his strength!Countless heaven and earth vitality were brought into his body by him, impacting the closed places in the meridians, however, no matter how hard Li Haoxuan tried, the meridians remained motionless!In the past, when he used the vitality of heaven and earth to cooperate with the Chongxu meridian to attack the meridians, the meridians would feel tingling anyway, and those closed places would loosen, but this time, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how large the amount of vitality of heaven and earth was, The meridians all over his body just don't move, solid as a rock!

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled! Isn't it said that Zhuji Dan can cut hair and wash marrow, and completely improve a person's physique and body? Why doesn't it work for me? Why doesn't it work for me?!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss Roar, the power of the primordial spirit surged out, and the power of the cloud-turning sleeve was fully displayed. Countless snow was rolled up by him and thrown into the air, and then fell down profusely, like another heavy snowfall!

"If I had known that the Foundation Establishment Pill was ineffective for me, I should have broken my body to break through the meridians. Maybe I would still have a glimmer of life back then. How could I be so helpless as I am now! Even Chongxu Jing can't shake it. My meridians are broken, how can I get through my meridians!!" All hopes were in vain, Li Haoxuan couldn't help but burst into tears, the power of the primordial spirit was surging, venting wantonly, this place is deserted, no one will come up, and no one will See what level Li Haoxuan's cloud-turning sleeve has reached at this time!

"Building Foundation Pill! I still have Zhuji Pill!!" Suddenly, Li Haoxuan seemed to remember something, hurriedly took out another Foundation Establishing Pill from the storage bag, stared at the Establishing Foundation Pill in his hand and thought, "One If the Foundation Establishment Pills are not successful, then two, if two are not successful, then three, I still have a full 29 Foundation Establishment Pills, I don't believe that so many Foundation Establishment Pills are not enough to help me cut hair and cleanse my marrow!" Li Haoxuan was completely ruthless, and threw the pain of life that was worse than death that he had felt before out of the sky!

"As long as the meridians can be opened up, no matter how much pain you suffer!!" Li Haoxuan directly threw the Foundation Establishment Pill into his mouth. Just like last time, the Foundation Establishment Pill melted in his mouth. The pain came again, and Li Haoxuan fell into the trap. In the endless cycle of life and death.

Li Haoxuan tried his best to endure the pain, constantly trying to concentrate his mind, trying to make his mind enter the point where he could not forget his thoughts, so as to forget the pain in his body, but the severe pain from his body was too intense!Every time he concentrates, the intense pain will instantly crush his spirit.

This time, Li Haoxuan's physical body persisted for a longer time!It took a full fifty breaths before his meridians were blasted, everything seemed to be the same as last time, with blood splattering, puffing, meridians and flesh being blasted open continuously!The medicinal effect of Zhuji Pill first exploded the meridians, and then merged into the meridians and flesh, making it stronger and stronger. At the same time, the Lihuoshen furnace in the dantian also began to emit red light, slowly Healing open wounds!

The cycle went on and on, constantly exploding, healing, exploding, healing... Li Haoxuan's face was as pale as paper, he had experienced too much torture, his whole spirit almost collapsed!No one can imagine what it would be like to watch his body explode with his own eyes!And it's not a one-time explosion, it's repeated, repeated explosions!

Li Haoxuan once again fell into a coma, this kind of pain is simply unbearable, his blood once again spilled all over the ground!Li Haoxuan's body became stronger and stronger during the constant disintegration and reorganization. Instead of leaving any scars, the healed body looked more like it was made of glazed glass. brilliant!This is an extremely powerful physical body, which can be called a treasure body!

When Li Haoxuan woke up again, he seemed to hear bursts of fairy sounds coming from his body, and it seemed that his body contained a hundred thousand kingdoms of gods, and each of the kingdoms of gods had a hundred thousand gods constantly Chanting!

"The physical body contains unimaginable power!" After the transformation of the second Foundation Establishment Pill, Li Haoxuan finally began to feel the power of his physical body!There is infinite power in every gesture, it seems that one punch can break the sky!

"Boom!!" Li Haoxuan punched the ground with a loud bang, and a huge pothole appeared on the mountain peak!This pothole was smashed out by Li Haoxuan with his physical strength, without using any magical powers of Taoism, but the power is even stronger than He Wuliang's fifth level supernatural power of Chongxu Jing!

"Even if I can't really cut the hair and wash the marrow, as long as I can continue to refine this body without limit, I can still run amok in the world!" Feeling the power contained in his body, Li Haoxuan's confidence began to be stimulated After coming out, he decided to continue using the Foundation Establishment Pill to transform his body!With his current physical strength, it is enough to carry all the power of his primordial spirit, but he has a hunch that for him, this is far from the limit!

"The third Foundation Establishment Pill!" Li Haoxuan's clothes were already in tatters. He stood naked in the middle of the snow mountain with his upper body naked. It was snowing heavily, but he couldn't get close to three feet from his body!His body seemed to be a big melting pot in the world, exuding billowing heat, soaring into the sky!His body was radiant, and it seemed to show a brilliant light under the sunlight!

Li Haoxuan took a deep breath, took the third lesson of Building Foundation Pill, and stood firmly on the mountain with both feet, he wanted to resist the pain!He didn't believe that his current body would be shattered again by the medicine effect of Zhuji Pill!That kind of pain came as expected, but for Li Haoxuan who had gone through two reincarnations, all this at the beginning was just a child's play!The medicinal effect of Zhuji Dan was violently colliding in Li Haoxuan's veins, trying to break through the increasingly solid barrier!In the end, more and more medicinal effects accumulated, and the barrier began to loosen slowly, almost being broken through!

"Hold on!!" Li Haoxuan clenched his teeth, however, there was a loud bang in the end, his arm was blown apart, and the success fell short!The strength of his meridians still couldn't match the blocked barriers, and the strength of his meridians was finally burst!At this time, Li Haoxuan already understood that as long as the strength of his meridians exceeds the strength of the barrier barrier, then the medicinal effect of Zhuji Pill can successfully open up his i meridians. At that time, cutting the hair and washing the marrow will be considered a success!

He also discovered the difference between himself and others at this time!If other people's meridians are blocked, a piece of Zhuji Dan can directly explode the entire meridian, and then the medicinal effect of Zhuji Dan will reorganize the meridians, so that the symptoms of different meridians will naturally disappear. Once the meridians are connected, the compressed medicine will There will be a breakthrough in the effect, and a cycle will be completed soon, and then as the blood merges into the flesh, bone marrow, and internal organs, the hair cutting and marrow washing will be completed!

But he, Li Haoxuan, is different, because there is a Li Vulcan furnace in his dantian!Once his meridians are exploded and damaged, Li Vulcan Furnace will automatically protect the Lord, allowing his meridians to heal slowly!This led to the fact that although his meridians were blown away by the medicine effect of Zhuji Dan, the closed barriers in the meridians did not explode, and at this time, his meridians had already begun to repair themselves!So every time, his meridians exploded in vain, because what should be exploded was not, and what should not be exploded was exploded!

The meridian exploded, but it was still not unblocked, and the medicinal effect of Zhuji Dan still could not complete a cycle, and in the end it could only be integrated into that meridian and the nearby flesh and blood, which is why his meridian and flesh and blood would become more and more Strong, the body has gradually evolved into a powerful treasure body!

Fortunately, this is the Foundation Establishment Pill refined from the Vulcan Furnace, which has powerful medicinal effects!For Li Haoxuan, if it was an ordinary Foundation Establishment Pill, taking the second one would be of no use, because the medicinal effect would not be able to break through the barriers of the meridians, nor would it be able to explode Li Haoxuan's meridians, it could only dissipate in the meridians , such a small amount of medicinal power is even negligible to the current Li Haoxuan!

The third Foundation Establishment Pill, Li Haoxuan did not pass out, although his body also exploded, but he persisted!The power of this precious body is beyond his imagination, and with the help of Li Vulcan Furnace, the exploded flesh and meridians are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, almost an immortal body!

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