Holy furnace

Chapter 20 Mana Derivation

"I don't know if my precious fleshy body will grow back after being chopped off with a sword!" Li Haoxuan finally carried it over, looking at his brighter fleshy body, he couldn't help but think in his heart.His thinking like this is naturally absurd, it's just an illusion brought about by being too powerful. Li Haoxuan himself knows very well that if someone cuts off his arm with a sword, at most it will quickly scab and leave a scar. It's just a scar the size of a bowl, and when the time comes to put the arm back, it will have to be cut again.

"The third Foundation Establishment Pill is here, and I have 27 more. I will definitely be able to break through the meridian barrier!" Now, Li Haoxuan sees hope, as long as his meridians are tough enough, that barrier will definitely be broken!Afterwards, Li Haoxuan took the fourth Foundation Establishment Pill again, and started a new round of breakthrough!

With the consumption of the Foundation Establishment Pill, the pain he endured was much easier than before. When Li Haoxuan took the tenth Foundation Establishment Pill, he could easily resist the pain from his body!And at this time, the strength of his meridians finally withstood the bombardment of the medicine effect, and the medicine effect began to penetrate and expand continuously, trying to break through the barriers in the meridians!

However, it failed in the end, the effect of the medicine was consumed too much, and Li Haoxuan's meridian was too big at this time, the space in the meridian was expanded by more than [-] times compared with ordinary people, a building Jidan's medicinal effect could only support one meridian to the limit, but could not successfully break through that barrier!

"One Foundation Establishment Pill won't work, then two! Isn't it just the Foundation Establishment Pill? I have plenty!" Without further ado, Li Haoxuan poured out two Foundation Establishment Pills and took them together!Boom boom boom! !The incomparably huge medicinal effect emanates, rushes through Li Haoxuan's meridians, and rushes towards the barrier wall in the meridians with such momentum! !

"Boom!!" A loud noise came from Li Haoxuan's body, Li Haoxuan's body shook violently, and a little blood began to overflow from his mouth and nose, but an incomparably bright smile appeared on his face, "Hahahahaha , It’s done! It’s done! Finally opened up the first meridian, hahahaha!” Li Haoxuan raised his head and laughed, the effects of the two Foundation Establishment Pills finally opened up the first meridian in his body, and the remaining medicine The effect rumbled towards the second meridian, and finally stopped at the barrier of the second meridian!

Li Haoxuan's closed meridian has a total of fifteen meridians, now that one is opened, there are still fourteen left, and there are still twenty-four of the Foundation Establishment Pill!

"Go all out!" Before Li Haoxuan's body fully healed, he swallowed two Foundation Establishment Pills again. At the same time, Li Haoxuan sat cross-legged, running the Chongxu Jing with all his strength!With the operation of Chongxu Jing, a large amount of heaven and earth vitality was absorbed by Li Haoxuan!The terrain here is extremely high, and the vitality of heaven and earth has not been polluted, it is very pure!Li Haoxuan's meridians are so big and hard beyond imagination, countless heaven and earth vitality were absorbed by him, penetrated into the meridians and compressed infinitely, and used to match the medicinal effect of Zhuji Pill for impact!

As Li Haoxuan continued to absorb, it seemed that a vitality storm formed around him!A huge vitality storm hovered around Li Haoxuan's body like a tornado, countless snows were blown away, the momentum was extremely terrifying, like no other for a while!

Boom boom boom! !His body was constantly under the impact of the Foundation Establishment Pill and the vitality of heaven and earth, and one meridian after another was opened up!With the continuous opening of the meridians, Li Haoxuan's body is also undergoing earth-shaking changes!Black impurities constantly emerged from the radiant body. His body seemed to be undergoing countless tempering, and his body even began to emit colorful light. The sound of chanting came out again, as if a fairy was singing the praises of beauty!

"The last meridian must be opened!! Open, open, open!!!" In the end, without exception, the thirty Foundation Establishment Pills were all swallowed by Li Haoxuan, and all the eight extraordinary meridians on his body were also penetrated. Only the last meridian connected to the dantian is left. Once this meridian is connected, the vitality of heaven and earth can complete a big cycle and directly enter the dantian to become mana!Now, there is only one final step left, the last step!

"Open!!" Seeing that the effects of those Foundation Establishment Pills began to dissipate slowly, Li Haoxuan was in a panic. The power of the primordial spirit in the Purple Mansion surged out and directly entered his body, dispelling all the Foundation Establishment Pills. The power of the medicine and the vitality of heaven and earth were seized, and they began to crash towards the closed door in a spiral shape!

Boom! ! !Like a super storm, the last barrier was finally broken, Li Haoxuan's meridians were completely opened, those heaven and earth vitality broke through the barrier at once, and immediately poured into Li Haoxuan's dantian to become mana!

"Okay!!! Mana, is this mana!! Guided by the power of the primordial spirit, absorb the vitality of heaven and earth into the dantian, and evolve it into its own mana!" Li Haoxuan raised his head to the sky and screamed, and finally felt the existence of mana in his dantian!Now his meridians are all connected, he can absorb Qi into the body, introduce it into the dantian to become mana, and he can also circulate internally and externally, so that the mana in the body is endless!

He felt that in his dantian, there seemed to be more reckless vitality dragons!These real dragons are all transformed from mana, and their power is boundless, twice as powerful as their current physical body.And obey your command all the time, that is, your own arms, your own wings, and your own energy!Li Haoxuan deeply understands that once he possesses mana, he can break through ordinary people's world view, and can perform all kinds of incredible behaviors, calling wind and rain, capturing objects from space, changing the climate, and his power is boundless!It's like He Wuliang's Dragon Capturing Skill, Xuan Ming Jin and so on.Moreover, the integration of these magic powers into the body can prolong life and change the physical body.

Ha ha ha ha!Li Haoxuan raised his head and screamed, and let out a reckless laugh!Then, his body jumped violently, and his mana surged towards his legs, immediately increasing his strength several times!He immediately jumped up to a height of thirty feet in the air, and then he stretched out his palm and pressed it far away towards the ground.Immediately, an invisible energy emanated from his hand, condensed in the air, and turned into a huge invisible handprint, bombarding the ground of the mountain!

Boom!The ground shook and the mountain shook, and a huge handprint-shaped crater appeared on the mountain peak, a full three meters deep!The horror is boundless!

"Mana! This is the power of mana! I don't know how many times stronger than the heaven and earth vitality I can control with the power of my soul!" Li Haoxuan looked at the pothole for a long time without saying anything. It is to make people stand in the air, basically it has reached the limit!

But now, with his magic power, he can smash the ground to a depth of three meters with one palm.Now that Li Haoxuan has attained the Tao, he has become a dragon, from now on, his frail body will no longer be his burden, but will become his powerful means!

Both the strength of the meridians and the strength of the physical body determine that Li Haoxuan will be stronger than others!The mana absorbed and transformed by Li Haoxuan in one day is almost the same as the mana absorbed and transformed by others in a year, such a gap is unimaginable!Moreover, Li Haoxuan also discovered at this time that Li Vulcano is guarding his dantian, which will automatically compress his mana for him. The size of his dantian is limited, but compressing mana without limit within a certain space means that he can Obtaining incomparably refined mana, the power will naturally be greater!

"Taking advantage of the remaining power of the Foundation Establishment Pill in my body, I will go all out and practice the Chongxu Sutra Body Chapter!" Li Haoxuan thought, and then sat down directly, the bead in the Purple Mansion exploded again, The endless power of the primordial spirit surged out, and the pure vitality that communicated between the world and the earth gathered!

With the current strength of Li Haoxuan's physical body, he can completely carry all the power of the primordial spirit, and he doesn't have to compress the power of the primordial spirit like before. Li Haoxuan's firepower is fully unleashed, and the whole world is immediately surging. The vitality of the heavens and the earth was guided, and a terrifying vision appeared in the entire sky, as if a sky eye was looking from the depths of the universe!

The vitality of the world with a radius of hundreds of miles was attracted by Li Haoxuan, and quickly penetrated into Li Haoxuan's body!Li Haoxuan is like an old Buddha in meditation, washed by endless vitality, but he is majestic and at ease!Li Haoxuan seemed to have become a black hole, constantly devouring it!

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