Holy furnace

Chapter 21

Primordial spirit and mana correspond to the realm of the primordial spirit and the realm of the physical body!The realm of the primordial spirit can be higher than the realm of the physical body, but the realm of the physical body is absolutely impossible to be higher than the realm of the primordial spirit!It's as if the space of the container can be larger than the volume of the water in the container, but the volume of water can never exceed the container's capacity. Once it exceeds the capacity of the container, there is only one end: exploding and dying!If Yuanshen couldn't control the huge mana, the mana would run wild, and he would blow himself up after a few efforts!

And if the power of the primordial spirit is strong, as long as the physical body allows, mana can be accumulated endlessly, and the realm of the physical body can also rise steadily!The cultivation of the primordial spirit requires comprehension and epiphany, while the realm of the physical body only needs to be accumulated, constantly accumulated!This is why there are spirit stones that can help cultivate mana, but there are no other things that can help cultivate primordial spirit!

In other words, the primordial spirit determines the physical body!As long as your primordial spirit is strong enough and the realm of your primordial spirit is high enough, those with supernatural powers are all floating clouds!Just like the current Li Haoxuan, his primordial spirit realm has reached the foundation-building stage, stronger than the ten great perfections of the Chongxu Sutra, and he can naturally improve his physical realm until it reaches the level corresponding to his primordial spirit realm !

The improvement of his physical realm requires mana, strong mana, as long as his body is strong enough, mana can be continuously derived, and the dantian also has capacity, which is equivalent to Zifu!This is the relationship between the second container and water. The human body is the container, and mana is water, but mana is compressible water!It just so happened that now that Li Haoxuan's physical body is strong, all his worries can be ignored. The only thing he has to do is to continuously absorb the vitality of the world and turn it into mana!

The first level, the second level, the third level... the sixth level... Li Haoxuan's meridians became extremely powerful, and Li Vulcan Furnace was able to compress Li Haoxuan's magic power Fifty times, correspondingly, the difficulty of his cultivation of Chongxu Sutra has also been increased hundreds of times!It's as if someone needs to generate a ray of mana to achieve the first level of cultivation, but he needs to generate a ray of compressed mana! !

However, even so, Li Haoxuan's cultivation speed is still extremely fast!Because his primordial state is high enough to absorb more heaven and earth vitality!In just one month, Li Haoxuan has cultivated the Chongxu Sutra to the sixth level!However, the following speed has become more and more slow, two months have passed, and it is still impossible to complete the seventh level of Chongxu Sutra!

"The mana I can hold is simply too much! Even if I absorb it at this speed, I am afraid it will take nearly two years to cultivate the tenth stage of the Dao Chongxu Sutra! Moreover, I have to stop every three hours of practice, Otherwise, the vitality within a radius of a hundred miles would not be enough for me to absorb!" Li Haoxuan was helpless, although his power of primordial spirit was strong enough, he could only absorb vitality within a radius of a hundred miles, and wanted to quickly rush to the tenth place in the Xujing Heavy, it seems unlikely.

"With my speed of cultivation, even if you give me spirit stones, I'm afraid it's useless! For ordinary outer disciples, a piece of spirit stone is only enough for three months, and I can use it up in one day! I can't bear the consumption speed like this." Can not afford!"

Li Haoxuan is also secretly worried about his current situation. He needs too much vitality to raise his realm, and he is far behind others. However, he wins in quality. With his current strength, even if he is a master of the tenth level of the meridian, He can definitely win the battle easily. Once he reaches the tenth level, it is almost equivalent to gathering the magic power of hundreds of tenth level masters into one body. Blessed by the furnace!

"Hey, Li Vulcan Stove, Li Vulcan Stove, I wonder if you can help me quickly absorb vitality?" Li Haoxuan put Li Vulcan Stove in his hand and asked to himself.

"Om!!" A miracle happened!Li Vulcan's furnace buzzed and trembled, a red light jumped out of the furnace, and merged into Li Haoxuan's mind at once!

"Spirit Gathering Array!!" Li Haoxuan turned his consciousness in surprise, and immediately found a piece of magic art in his mind, named Spirit Gathering Array!

The Spirit Gathering Array, as the name suggests, is a formation that gathers the surrounding spiritual energy to assist in cultivation!It is a relatively common formation in the cultivation world, and it is used by some big sects.In addition to studying exercises, monks also need to absorb the aura of heaven and earth and turn it into mana. The richer the aura, the faster the progress of the monks' cultivation. This is why the famous schools that occupy famous mountains and rivers are enduring. reason.

Li Haoxuan's practice needs to absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and then extract the spiritual energy in the meridians, and finally transform the spiritual energy into mana!Why is it faster to practice with Lingshi?Because there is ready-made spiritual power in the spirit stone, there is no need to continue to extract spiritual power from the vitality of heaven and earth, and the efficiency is naturally faster!And the spirit-gathering array also has this effect, which automatically filters other substances in the vitality of the world and extracts spiritual energy. Once a cultivator enters the spirit-gathering array to practice, the efficiency can be doubled immediately!

"This spirit-gathering formation can actually compress spirit energy!! Let ordinary spirit energy transform into high-level spirit energy! It's against the sky!!" After reading the introduction of the spirit-gathering formation, Li Haoxuan knew that the spirit-gathering formation contained a divine word, It must be different from ordinary spirit-gathering formations. Only after seeing it at the end did I realize that the spirit-gathering formations had such a heaven-defying effect. I couldn't help but gasp!

The spirit-gathering array can continuously absorb spiritual energy, and even compress spiritual energy!At this time, Li Haoxuan realized that there are good and bad auras. The higher the level of aura, the more beneficial it is to people, and the purer and more powerful the mana transformed from the higher level aura will be!

"No wonder Senior Brother Chu said that the place where the core disciples live is higher than the inner courtyard. It must be because the place where the core disciples live has more aura and higher grade!" Li Haoxuan thought in his heart.

"Very good! There is a Spirit Gathering Formation built into the Vulcan Furnace, and it can be used as long as I guide it with mana! No wonder this message didn't show up before, it turned out to be because I didn't have mana at that time!" Li Haoxuan was overjoyed!Hastily memorized the magic formula for activating the Spirit Gathering Formation in the whole article, and then quickly zoomed in on Li Vulcan Furnace, and entered it by himself!

This is the first time for Li Haoxuan to enter the interior of Li Vulcan Furnace, everywhere is filled with the ancient atmosphere, the surrounding furnace walls are engraved with countless lines of mysterious and mysterious laws, Li Haoxuan is in it as if he is in the ancient prehistoric world!

"Li Vulcan Formation, open!" Li Haoxuan mobilized his strong mana, and penetrated into the various parts inside the Li Vulcan Stove through hand formulas!As Li Haoxuan continued to play hand formulas, the Spirit Gathering Array also began to slowly operate!

Crash!In the outside world that Li Haoxuan couldn't see, within a radius of thousands of miles, countless auras rushed in, the sky and the earth changed color, and even the infinity auras were absorbed, scrambling to pour into Li Vulcan furnace!Fortunately, there are few people here, otherwise, there will definitely be a big commotion!

"Here we come!!" Li Haoxuan felt the aura coming in through Li Vulcan Furnace, and was overjoyed immediately, and began to frantically absorb this higher-level aura, transforming it into mana!

Time passed, I don't know how long after, a young boy with naked upper body suddenly appeared on the peak of Chuyun, which was covered with snow all the year round and no one had climbed to the top. It seems to be able to break through the sky!This young man is Li Haoxuan, in the blink of an eye, he has spent a whole year on Touching Cloud Peak, and his cultivation has finally reached the tenth level of Chongxu Jing! !

"The tenth level of Chongxu Sutra, it's time to return to Jingxianting!" The young man's eyes flashed, his body suddenly floated in the air, and quickly flew down the mountain!

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