Holy furnace

Chapter 202 Lun Zhang Innate Art

Every one of the powerful men who lacked the realm is a myth, a legend!Because once you reach this level, you can start to comprehend the real laws of the world, even including the power of space and time. In this level, the monk's own origin begins to fit with this world, and he can sway the world with his hands and feet. , With the help of the power of the world's origin to fight against the enemy, every step of a strong man in this realm is surrounded by dao patterns, and his real body can even enter the universe to travel, picking stars and moons, omnipotent!

In the state of lack of criminals, even a ray of divine thought is enough to destroy the world, the mountains crumble and the ocean transpires, but now, facing the supreme killing array of Li Vulcan Furnace, a peerless powerhouse, a mythical , legend, just fell in the eternal fire, not even able to gain time to breathe!

The Eternal Fire, also known as the Forbidden Fire!This kind of flame is a fairy fire that does not belong to the human world. It only exists in the fairyland above the nine heavens, rooted in chaos, and blooming in eternity.This kind of flame is eternal, once contaminated, it will never be extinguished unless everything is reduced to ashes!

According to ancient legends, in the ancient times, a ray of eternal fire was born from nothingness. For some unknown reason, it actually descended on a small star field. As a result, this ray of eternal fire was born with wisdom, swallowing the spirit of heaven and earth in the universe. , In the end, the entire ancient star field was reduced to nothingness, not even ashes were left behind, and countless powerful people from the Defective Realm and the Immortal Record Realm perished in the eternal fire, both physically and mentally destroyed!

At this time, Li Haoxuan had already fallen into a coma. When the Venerable Punisher broke out from the Lihuoshen Furnace, Li Haoxuan's body was already cracked and disfigured, and even the source of life began to be lost in a large amount. The proud physical body is not much stronger than an ant in the face of this impoverished spiritual sense, and it can be killed countless times with a single breath!

After killing Venerable Punishment, the blue eternal flame began to flow back slowly and returned to Li Vulcan Stove, and then, the red field around Li Vulcan Stove began to slowly withdraw, with The powerful energy contained in Venerable Punishment's spiritual thoughts was also swallowed by it, turning into its own energy!

Li Vulcan Furnace seems to be able to refine everything. The power of spiritual thoughts of the strong in the Deficiency Realm was refined by it in a blink of an eye. Immediately, the Li Vulcan Furnace was filled with red light, and the ancient aura became even more magnificent. Finally, Li Vulcan furnace trembled, appeared outside Li Haoxuan's dantian, and hovered above Li Haoxuan's body!

Li Vulcan Stove just quietly hovered above Li Haoxuan's body without any movement!

At this time, Li Haoxuan's breathing became weaker and weaker, as if he would die at any moment!After a series of destruction by Xun Shanzun, Li Haoxuan's dantian was riddled with holes, without a single trace of mana, his life source was lost in large quantities, and the vitality in his body was gone. In just a few breaths, even his physical body was It began to rot, emitting a stench!

Li Haoxuan's body has been tempered countless times, and it has long been as flawless as glass, but at this time, that flawless body is decaying and decaying!His eight meridians were broken, and those originally tough bones began to loosen. The strength in his body also began to collapse with the loss of the source of life. It was really no different from a corpse!

"Hey, it's too weak..." Seeing that Li Haoxuan was about to die completely, an old voice suddenly came from the Vulcan furnace. Slowly condensed and formed, and finally stepped out in front of Li Haoxuan, sighed as he watched Li Haoxuan's decaying body.

This figure made of white flames has clear facial features. It is a young man, but there are waves of ancient waves emanating from his body, as if he has survived from ancient times to the present!

The ancient times are millions of years ago, and no one can live from ancient times to the present except immortals. Even the most peak immortals can only live for thousands of years. It is already a kind of life to live for 8000 years. miracle!

Apart from the ancient aura exuding from this white figure, no other mana fluctuations were revealed. His eyes looked at Li Haoxuan quietly, revealing an infinitely complicated expression, full of vicissitudes, anticipation, emotion, and gratification. , excitement, and even disappointment!

What kind of eyes are these?All the emotions in the world seem to have been contained in it, and it is difficult to describe the vicissitudes of it in words!

"Another 1 years..." In the end, the white figure opened his mouth, and whispered to himself in a lonely voice, "Thousands of years have passed away one after another, and he is already the 290th and sixth young master of Li Vulcan Stove. To become an immortal, Holy Emperor, is this really worth it?"

Then, the white figure's complexion changed slightly, and he suddenly became solemn. He looked at Li Haoxuan and said, "Little guy, since you have been selected by Lihuoshen Furnace, you should perform your duties. Falling away at this time , is not your destination." Then, a slight smile appeared on the face of the white figure, and said, "Although your bloodline is not the strongest among all young masters, I have waited for too long. I hope you can go further on the road to becoming an immortal. Today is just the first catastrophe of becoming an immortal, and you have to resolve the catastrophes in the future."

"Although the spiritual power of the venerable Punisher is very weak, it can barely allow me to cast the natural reincarnation technique once. I will inject the remaining energy into your body, and the rest is up to you." It's mine." While speaking, the hands of the white figure began to move slowly, and suddenly, within a radius of ten feet, it seemed as if time was flowing backwards, and strands of vitality exuding golden divine light condensed from nothingness and appeared in the In front of Li Haoxuan!

This is the source of life that was lost from Li Haoxuan's body before. It had already dissipated between the heaven and the earth. At this moment, it was re-summoned by him with his physical power to reverse yin and yang. This kind of magical power is simply shocking, it can bring people back to life!

"Condensation!" There were more and more golden sources of life, and the white figure suddenly drank softly. Those sources of life were instantly condensed into a human form, exactly like Li Haoxuan, and then, with a flick of his fingers, he directly opened those sources of life again. After entering Li Haoxuan's body, Li Haoxuan's body immediately began to regain its vitality, exuding a smell of life!

Afterwards, the strong man in white waved out a red field, covering Li Haoxuan in it. Immediately, the damaged dantian and meridians in Li Haoxuan's body began to be repaired, and within a few breaths, he returned to the peak state, even stronger than before. Powerful, with a faint golden radiance all over his body, the endless kingdom of God in his body was also revived at this time, and the sound of endless Zen singing came out!

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