Holy furnace

Chapter 204 Awakening

In the endless sea and desert, a ragged young man fell straight on the golden yellow sand, and a few blooming lotus flowers could be faintly seen on the ragged Taoist robe.

The man's skin exposed to the air showed a healthy bronze color, which contained a powerful energy of life, and the scorching sun's rays pouring down on his body did not bruise his skin, but made his body glisten. Shining brightly, it seems to have become the most dazzling star between heaven and earth!

This young man is naturally Li Haoxuan!

At this time, the wind and waves in the vast desert were calm, only Li Haoxuan was lying quietly on the golden sand, and fell into a deep sleep. In his body, the sound of chanting was constantly coming out, and the golden light was faintly visible. Echoing each other's great sun, the whole person exudes an immortal divine brilliance!

After the modification and blessing of Li Vulcan Furnace, his physical body has really become stronger, more than ten times stronger than the previous physical body!Every drop of those blood essences can bring about earth-shaking changes in people, and it is many times stronger than the blood essence refined by Li Haoxuan himself!

Li Haoxuan didn't know how long he had been in a coma, he even thought he was dead, because the strong man who walked out of the brilliant chariot was really too strong, the sound waves alone could make his body explode, leaving no bones left.

Finally, Li Haoxuan's eyes suddenly opened, and a huge bright moon appeared in his sight. It was already midnight in the vast desert!

"What's going on?" Li Haoxuan opened his eyes, and he felt the difference in his body!Li Haoxuan attaches great importance to body training, he is extremely familiar with his body, even a slight change can hardly escape his perception.

"Yao Likong, Li Vulcan Furnace, Brilliant Chariot, Supreme Power..." Li Haoxuan recalled carefully, but his memory ended here, and he could only recall this step, because he had already fallen into a coma after that He knew nothing about the Eternal Flame and the strong man who walked out of the Vulcan Furnace.

"So strong!" Li Haoxuan looked at his physical body, and his expression changed drastically. He felt that his body seemed to have undergone some kind of powerful transformation. This transformation was stronger than any previous transformation. A complete transformation!

"Dang..." Li Haoxuan poured his mana into his two arms, and then lightly collided with each other, and immediately made a clanging sound, as if his entire body was made of supreme divine material, and Not flesh and blood!

"It's too strong. I feel that my current physical body is strong enough to resist magic weapons!" Li Haoxuan stood up and poured mana into his whole body. Suddenly, a dazzling golden light emerged from his body, almost covering a radius of several tens of feet. Bright!At the same time, surging blood energy surged in his body, as if about to break through the surface of his body and attack the nine heavens!

Li Haoxuan swung his fist, the sky and the earth roared, and a violent sonic boom appeared. Even the space seemed to become unstable, and ripples were emitted, rippling into the distance!

Li Haoxuan couldn't imagine the strength of his own body!He really had a premonition that he could smash the magic weapon with his bare hands, but he knew that it was impossible. After all, the magic weapon was a magic weapon, and after all, it was a Taoist weapon, which he couldn't compete with at all!

Although his physical body is extremely powerful, he is still not qualified to compete with the magic weapon, and even a ray of coercion from the magic weapon is still enough to wipe it out!The desire in his heart to compete with the Magical Artifact is nothing more than an illusion of strength beyond the realm!

Before, Li Haoxuan's realm was higher than mana, so he didn't want to be promoted too quickly, for fear that his foundation would not be stable, but at this time, he had to be promoted, because the energy in his body was too powerful, if he didn't raise his realm, he It is almost impossible to control this extraordinary power!

For example, the dazzling golden light on his body looks beautiful and powerful, but it also reveals the fact that Li Haoxuan's realm is insufficient!Because this is the surface of his inability to perfectly control his own power, only by breaking through the existing realm can he control the surge of power in his body more perfectly, so that the realm and strength are balanced with each other, and the most powerful power can be exerted!

Balance is king!

However, there is no rush to improve the realm, Li Haoxuan has plenty of time, his most urgent task is to figure out why such a change occurred in himself, it is incomprehensible!

"Li Vulcan Stove!" Li Haoxuan immersed his consciousness into his dantian while thinking about it. In him, the only one who has the ability to save his life in front of that supreme powerhouse is Li Vulcan Stove.

"The broken dantian has been repaired!" Li Haoxuan looked inside his body, carefully observed every inch of the changes in his body, and found that the essence of his body had really improved a lot. The physical body that could carry a ray of magic power before Now it can fully carry ten or twenty strands. This is an essential change, which increases the strength of his physical body dozens of times!

"En? What is this?" Afterwards, Li Haoxuan saw five drops of crimson blood floating above Li Vulcan Stove, and bursts of ancient prehistoric aura exuded from the blood, making people awe-inspiring!

Li Haoxuan observed carefully, and was finally surprised to find that this blood had a close connection with his own body, and even had a breath of the same origin, but the breath rippling on the blood was extremely strong, a hundred times stronger than his own More than that!

"En? Very familiar, could it be... Could it be that this is the divine essence in the blood of the dragon-bearded crocodile and the black water snake, which was extracted from the Vulcan Furnace and sealed in my dantian, so that I can use it to Tempering the body?" Li Haoxuan's thoughts moved, and a crazy idea appeared in his mind!

Although Li Haoxuan didn't know the specific situation before, but he guessed the purpose of these few drops of blood essence!Later, he tried to communicate with Lihuoshen Furnace, but found that Lihuoshen Furnace seemed to have fallen asleep again, and there was no response at all, and Lihuo World still could not be opened.

"How did Li Vulcan Furnace suddenly recover and help me refine the true divine essence in the blood of the dragon-bearded crocodile and the black water black snake? This essence is better than the divine essence extracted by law enforcement officers I don't know how many times it has been purified, it is enough to make my body break through the realm! And what about the strong man in the brilliant chariot? Could it be refined by Lihuo's divine power?" Li Haoxuan thought calmly, but Everything that happened before was beyond his imagination, and no matter how much he imagined, he couldn't draw a definite conclusion.

"Forget it, I don't think about things that I can't figure out! Even that strong man can't kill me, which means that my life, Li Haoxuan, should not die! I don't know anything now because my strength is too low. As long as my strength If you are strong enough, everything will come to light!" In the end, Li Haoxuan thought of this, and his divine sense slowly withdrew from his dantian.

However, at this moment, his divine sense suddenly saw a small golden inner alchemy appearing in his dantian, slowly spinning under Li Vulcan furnace!

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