Holy furnace

Chapter 210 See You Again

Facing Jing Wuxue's big killing move, the giant python spitting out pills, Li Haoxuan didn't move, and just punched out!

Boom!The sky is falling apart!

Li Haoxuan's seemingly simple punch directly stimulated the supreme fist of Shattering God Fist, a powerful pressure that could destroy the world emanated from him, and the powerful mana made the entire vast sea and desert vibrate When he got up, the golden desert in the distance suddenly collapsed, rumbling like a roaring flood.

This fist roared like thunder, shaking the world, and a golden light appeared on his body, like an indestructible god of war, with strong golden energy and blood, rolling high in the sky.

A simple punch collided with Jing Wuxue's giant python Tudan, and an unimaginable explosion occurred. A large amount of golden yellow sand was rolled up, counterattacking towards the sky, and the wildly flying yellow sand raged everywhere. Every grain of golden sand contains powerful power, which can almost smash an ordinary monk to death!

Eventually, the two forces canceled each other out, the storm ceased, and the rumble between heaven and earth began to die down.

The next moment, Li Haoxuan took a step forward and turned himself into a golden light. The speed was so fast that it made people tremble. Even the expression of the man in Tsing Yi changed drastically. He found that his Celestial Eye could not catch Li Haoxuan's trajectory!

With Li Haoxuan's current strength, there is almost no need for a second move to deal with monks below the Dharma realm!His fist, which was bursting with infinite golden light, was unstoppable and invincible. He directly blasted everything in front of him into powder with one punch, and then stretched directly towards Jing Wuxue's neck, wanting to capture him!

"No, blood shield!" Jing Wuxue's expression changed drastically, and he immediately swiped his hands, and unleashed a powerful defensive magical power. Immediately, a blood-red shield appeared, blocking Li Haoxuan's golden fist.

"Unbearable!" Li Haoxuan's speed did not slow down, he transformed his fist into a palm, and with a single palm, the thick mana in his body surged out like a flood that opened the gate, and the bloody shield shattered in an instant, it was impossible to resist such power!

"Hmph!" After breaking the opponent's blood shield, Li Haoxuan stepped in front of Jing Wuxue again, then stretched out his right hand, directly grabbed the opponent's neck, and lifted him in front of him!

"Hey, the blood shadow kills wildly!" Li Haoxuan grabbed Jing Wuxue's neck this time, as if he had become a duck waiting to be slaughtered, his face became extremely ugly, his green eyes fixed on Li Haoxuan , roared loudly.

"Kneel down for me!" Li Haoxuan was unmoved, he released the Baoshan seal with his right hand, and smashed Jing Wuxue to the ground. On Jing Wuxue's dantian.

"Bo..." Li Haoxuan's mana hit Jing Wuxue's dantian, and there was a slight sound immediately, as if something had been broken.

"You... you actually abolished my dantian?" Jing Wuxue's face was pale, and he knelt on the ground and roared in pain.Although the demon clan has the demon core as the core, the dantian still exists, which is used to store mana, just like human beings.

"Where is there so much nonsense?" Li Haoxuan frowned, and slapped again, directly pulling out several of Jing Wuxue's teeth.

Li Haoxuan has long heard from Qing Shi the evil deeds of many monsters, burning, killing, looting, lawlessness, and all kinds of evil. There is nothing that can control them. In history, there are even strong monsters who slaughtered the entire dynasty, so he There is nothing to say to these monster races, only kill this word!If he didn't want to get the other party's information, he would kill these people now!

"You actually abolished Jing Wuxue's supernatural power?" After Jing Wuxue was knocked to the ground by Li Haoxuan, the young man in Tsing Yi slowly walked forward, with a hint of amusement on his face.

"Boy, if you dare to be an enemy of our Sky Demon Sect, you are really doomed!" Several people behind him also said with grim smiles.

"It's all nonsense! The Heavenly Demon Sect is my life and death enemy, and I still use you to lead it? So what if I abolish his supernatural powers? I will also abolish your supernatural powers one by one!" Li Haoxuan sneered.

"You are very good, you are a genius." The youth in Tsing Yi said, "Although Jing Wuxue's strength is mediocre, he can easily catch some of your so-called elite disciples! It's not bad that you can cripple his supernatural power so easily. I am very optimistic about you! In this way, I will give you a chance. If you can submit to my Tianyaomen, kneel down and swear to be my slave faithfully in the future, then I can spare you today, and I will pass on your innocence in the future. Get supernatural powers, let you enjoy the glory and wealth!"

"Is there such a good thing?" Li Haoxuan said with a smile, "You can still enjoy glory and wealth as your slave? Who do you think you are? Also, is the Tianyaomen not a sect of the demon clan? If I enter it as a human, you won't be afraid of getting involved." you?"

"Bastard! The young master accepts you as a slave because of the fate you have cultivated for several lifetimes. How dare you contradict him? Do you really want to die? Do you really think that you can be lawless after defeating a trash like Jing Wuxue? Say one more word I'll kill you right away, and make you regret coming to this world!" As soon as Li Haoxuan finished speaking, a master came up from behind the young man in Tsing Yi. .

"Who am I? It turned out to be an ape that became a spirit! What? You also want to follow in the footsteps of Jing Wuxue and let me abolish your supernatural power?" Li Haoxuan squinted at the other party, and immediately saw the truth of the place. The body is a powerful ape.

"Looking for death!" The monster master snorted coldly, a long black stick suddenly appeared in his hand, and walked towards Li Haoxuan.

"Yuan Wuji, step back." The young man in Tsing Yi said calmly.

"Yes!" The strong man who became Yuan Wuji stopped immediately, gave Li Haoxuan a hard look, and returned to the back of the young man in Tsing Yi.

"You should feel lucky! Now that our Yaozu trial is about to start, I am in urgent need of a large number of masters, so I will recruit you! If it is normal, let alone a genius like you, even if you are twice as powerful, I will raise my hand How can I talk so much nonsense with you? You are not qualified to know my identity, and there is no need to lie to you with my identity. Hmph, I don’t know how many people in the entire Tianyao Sect want to be my slaves There is no chance!"

"As for your identity, it doesn't matter. I can use the supernatural power of changing the world and directly transform your body into a monster race. Naturally, there will be no flaws at that time! In this way, I will give you three breaths to think about it. It is your only chance to continue to live." The young man in Tsing Yi said with his hands behind his back, looking at Li Haoxuan with a proud face.

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