Holy furnace

Chapter 214 Invincible


Li Haoxuan held the gun with one hand, pointing the tip of the gun at Yi Peng's throat, and suddenly blasted out with the other hand, like a huge wave hitting the sky!

Infinite mana emerged from the golden palm, and with the fist intent of the Destroyer Fist, it smashed Yi Peng into pieces without any suspense.

"Ah! How dare you kill him? Do you really dare to kill him? You are doomed! No one in the sky or on earth can save you!" Yipeng was killed instantly, and the rest of them gasped and shouted loudly. growled.

"Nonsense! Isn't it just a bastard with the blood of a roc? If such a thing comes, I will kill one, and if two come, I will kill a pair!" Li Haoxuan's eyes were cold, and he looked coldly at the several monster masters in front of him and said, "With me Invincible, whoever comes to kill me, I will kill him, and you are the same, all of you will die!" While speaking, Li Haoxuan grabbed Yipeng's demon core directly in his hand.

"Ah! Yipeng's demon core must not be taken away by him! His demon core contains a ray of Tianpeng blood. If we take it back, we can let the supreme powerhouse in the sect cast a spell to refine the Tianpeng blood in it." , and even create another Yipeng at that time!"

"That's right, this monster core must be taken back, otherwise we will all be punished, let's kill together!" Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect Li Haoxuan to be so arrogant, he didn't negotiate with them at all, and waved a Ling Xuqiang Those who were directly blasted into slag!

Li Haoxuan resisted several demon masters with a big golden millstone, and stood still.Standing on top of the golden sands wearing the precious clothes of treasures that were plundered before, the wind blew so hard that even the hem of his clothes never lifted!Li Haoxuan's body was as stable as Mount Tai, and his golden blood was surging. This kind of combat power made those monster masters change their colors. "snort!"

Suddenly, a cold snort came!The young man in Tsing Yi called the young master finally made a move. His body suddenly flew up, sitting cross-legged on the sky, he suddenly reached out a big hand, and grabbed Li Haoxuan. The golden millstone is even bigger, the size of a small hill, covering the sky and the sun.

The young man in Tsing Yi watched the battle for a long time, and he also knew that he couldn't resist Li Haoxuan with his body, otherwise even he would probably not be able to stand it, so he immediately cast divine spells as soon as he came up.

This huge palm strikes from a distance, and there is a strong wave of mana on it. This is the embodiment of Taoism running to the extreme. The young man in Tsing Yi is a hundred feet high from the ground, but his palm can cover the sky. Block out the sun, cover the sky with one hand.

Under this huge palm, strands of innate dao patterns flashed away. This is a kind of mysterious supernatural power, which can obliterate anyone in it, not just a simple palm!

"Okay! The young master has finally made a move, this kid is dead!"

"That's right! The young master hasn't made a move for nearly half a year. Even I don't know how strong the young master is, but I think he is almost invincible under the law!"

"Absolutely! The young master took a crucial step half a year ago and became a half-step master. With the young master's current body, he will be fine even if he doesn't eat for half a year. What he lacks is some insight and time. If you go one step further, you can enter the ranks of the ring powerhouse at any time!"

"This time the young master finally made a move. That kid will never die! But he is proud enough to let so many of us make a move together. After he dies, I will cut him into pieces!"

"Cut into pieces? That's impossible! His body is so tyrannical, the young master will definitely refine him into a puppet of a demon god, how can he let you do whatever you want..."

Seeing the young man in Tsing Yi make a move, those powerful monster clan members all relaxed, as if they had foreseen Li Haoxuan's tragic end!

The huge palm came down from the sky, its power was shocking, however, Li Haoxuan had no fear at all, he stood in place and let the big hand fall down, without moving!

Just when that big hand was about to slap him, a magnificent sacred mountain with a radius of three feet suddenly appeared above his head. Although the sacred mountain was small, it was majestic, like a real small world, and the whole body was full of supreme divine light. In this sacred mountain, there are towering mountains, silver waterfalls, towering ancient trees, howling tigers and monkeys, and even rushing rivers, which are incomparably magnificent, and wisps of yellow mysterious energy hang down to protect Li Haoxuan.

Hold the mountain seal!

Li Haoxuan's Baoshan seal has become more and more proficient, and he doesn't even need to form a seal. With a single thought, he can move the heaven and earth avenue and condense the supreme mountain!The sacred mountain that Baoshanyin summoned seems to be in the midst of recovery of all things. Although it is small, it can give people an incomparably magnificent feeling, and there are even terrifying power fluctuations, which are shocking.

The huge mountain-like palm of the young man in Tsing Yi finally came down, and collided heavily with Li Haoxuan's Baoshan Seal!

Boom!There is a mysterious and yellow aura lingering on the sacred mountain of Baoshanyin, which is extremely terrifying. When it collided with the opponent's palm, the huge palm was directly shattered!

"Hmph!" The young man in green snorted coldly, still sitting cross-legged in the void calmly, suddenly a bronze spear appeared in his right hand, and shot towards Li Haoxuan, wanting to nail Li Haoxuan to death on the desert, Let him suffer the same fate.

However, Li Haoxuan was almost invincible, he swung his golden fist directly, and punched out the God of Destroyer Fist, powerful coercion rippling from his body, his punch directly hit the sky, it was as if a golden sun was slowly rising from the ground , incomparably bright, the golden divine flame outside his body was burning fiercely, with momentum like a mountain, and coercion like a divine mansion.

Li Haoxuan's physical body is comparable to a spiritual weapon, coupled with the destructive secret of the Destroyer Fist, one punch can shatter the sky and the earth, the huge fist directly hit the bronze spear, crushing it, causing the bronze spear to break inch by inch, and it fell into the void Turned into powder!

"Come down!" Li Haoxuan raised his head, moved his body slightly, the white crane wings in his body activated, and his whole body suddenly turned into a golden light, which instantly appeared above the young man in Tsing Yi, he raised his hand and punched out.

The young man in Tsing Yi's expression was indifferent, and he directly sacrificed a bronze-colored ancient shield, hanging above his head to resist Li Haoxuan's golden divine fist!There was a mysterious aura on the ancient bronze shield, and pieces of talismans even flew up. It was obviously blessed with supreme magic, and it was a powerful defensive magic weapon.

However, he still underestimated Li Haoxuan's strength. At the same time as Li Haoxuan punched out, the Baoshan seal reappeared, and wisps of black and yellow air fell down, directly pressing on the ancient bronze shield.The Xuanhuang Qi is the Mother Qi of heaven and earth that can only appear after Baoshan Yin has evolved to a certain extent. It is brewed from the real sacred mountain and moved by Baoshan Yingou. It is equivalent to the entire essence of the endless sacred mountain. Ten thousand catties!

Click!In just an instant, the ancient bronze shield shattered, and then a figure was knocked down heavily and smashed into the desert!

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