Holy furnace

Chapter 216 Kill All

The young man in Tsing Yi was wearing a silver battle armor and holding an ancient silver shield to fight against Li Haoxuan!

The silver ancient shield in his hand seems to be of the same origin as the Hundred Tribulations Armor, and strands of dao patterns are intertwined on it, which belongs to the ranks of the top-grade spiritual weapon!However, even so, the young man in Tsing Yi was slashed by Li Haoxuan and flew into the sky!

Although Li Haoxuan's Remnant Fire Sword couldn't smash the ancient silver shield, it could transmit its strength through the ancient shield. The young man in Tsing Yi couldn't stop him at all. The radiance flourished, and finally blocked this supreme mighty power!

The few people who watched the battle were all startled and dumbfounded. Through this blow, they could really imagine how powerful Li Haoxuan's blow was.


The purple-gold lamp was shaking, the light was dazzling, strands of purple awns escaped from the trajectory and returned to the wick, and then finally got rid of the confinement and flew into the hands of the young man in Tsing Yi.

Li Haoxuan walked forward step by step, the void under his heavy footsteps trembled slightly, the red long knife in his hand stretched forward, pointing at the young man in Tsing Yi who was protected in the middle by the armor of a hundred calamities in the distance. High temperature, and as heavy as a mountain, it seems to be able to split the whole world with a single knife.


There was a great vibration in the void, Li Haoxuan swung the remnant fire sword in turn, and slashed with the momentum of sweeping away thousands of troops.


The young man in Tsing Yi unleashes the Zijin Lantern to fight against the Remnant Sword with the Supreme Magic Lamp!

Immediately, the divine fire was overwhelming, and the purple divine light danced in the void, evolving into a purple flame, turning the entire desert sky into a purple ocean. However, all of this was still useless, unable to stop Li Haoxuan's footsteps, and appeared behind his body A pair of huge wings, the wings of the white crane emerged, which made all the surrounding purple divine fires isolated, unable to hurt him in the slightest!

Li Haoxuan's body shone with golden light, and his physical body possessed peerless sharpness, making him brave and invincible.

"Chong", "Zheng..."

Li Haoxuan swung the fiery Remnant Sword continuously. He really looked like an ancient god of war resurrected. His black hair danced wildly, his eyes were sharp, and he continued to beat the young man in Tsing Yi, making the opponent's armor of a hundred calamities almost dim up.

His body was dyed with a layer of golden brilliance, and he continuously rotated the residual fire sword, slashing with a total of 33 knives. The powerful force is invincible in the world. Even the young man in Tsing Yi who has the body protection of the Hundred Tribulations battle suit is still coughing up blood. , his eyes were blood red, this is a humiliation he has never suffered since his debut.

Everyone was startled, and the monster masters who watched the battle all stared wide-eyed, gasped, and were almost scared to death!The armor of Hundred Tribulations, even the top-grade spiritual weapon intertwined with dao patterns, can't stop Li Haoxuan's footsteps, how can he fight against it?

"Could it be that he is really a strong man of the law who proclaimed himself part of the mana?" So people couldn't help but feel hairy in their hearts. Such an enemy is hard to guess his cultivation level, and his crimes are terrifying. If he is not careful, he may die unexpectedly!

They have absolute confidence in their young masters, but there must be a prerequisite, that is, they are in the same realm, and the other party is not a god-king body, otherwise, even if their young masters are so powerful, they will only be defeated!Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the realm of the law, you can crush the monks at the peak of the mortal realm to death with your hand, but the god king body is another kind, it can be challenged by leapfrogging, and it cannot be calculated by common sense!

The entire face of the young man in Tsing Yi was covered by the Armor of Hundred Tribulations, making his expression impossible to see.However, at this moment, a strand of blood slipped from the body of the Hundred Tribulations Armor, his face was pale, and he had already started to cough up blood!

He didn't expect Li Haoxuan to be so powerful, he even had a crazy premonition that maybe until now, Li Haoxuan still didn't show his full strength, because the opponent was too relaxed, like raising his hands and raising his feet, with punches and punches, swords and swords , It’s as simple as eating and drinking water!

The young man in Tsing Yi himself is strong enough, and he is wearing the best spiritual weapon, the Hundred Tribulations Armor, holding the Hundred Tribulations Ancient Shield and the Purple Gold Ancient Lantern, but he is still no match. If he continues to fight, he may even be shocked to death by Li Haoxuan, just like the Wang Ziwen, a disciple of Silian, was completely blown away.

Although the Hundred Tribulations Battle Armor and Hundred Tribulations Ancient Shield are supreme magic weapons, they can resist part of the power, but it is impossible to completely offset them. Without these two magic weapons, the young man in Tsing Yi would have been blown away long ago!


Li Haoxuan slashed out with the last knife, directly chopping the young man in Tsing Yi five hundred feet away, blood staining the sky!

Although the Hundred Tribulations Armor is invincible, his physical body can't bear it, and it's impossible for the supernatural power of the sky demon to transform his physical body to be comparable to today's Li Haoxuan. Facing a person like Li Haoxuan, he has no ability at all. The enemy was finally beaten and fell into the dust.


At this moment, the Hundred Tribulations Armor on the young man in Tsing Yi shrank back into his dantian with a soft humming sound.The best spiritual weapon is the closest to a magic weapon. Every time it is activated, it needs to consume a lot of mana. This is why the young man in Tsing Yi does not use it often. Today, the residual fire sword that has resisted Li Haoxuan several times has already consumed him. With so much mana, even the Hundred Tribulations Armor couldn't maintain it.

"Protect the young master!" Seeing the young man in Tsing Yi shot down from the sky by Li Haoxuan, the expressions of the other monster masters changed drastically, as if they were struck by lightning, they raised their heads and roared, soaring into the sky to kill Li Haoxuan!

These monster clans are all masters, and each of them has mastered powerful supernatural powers. At this moment, they have joined forces to create a sealed field!Four barriers of different colors appeared around Li Haoxuan. On top of the quadruple barriers, pieces of mysterious talismans danced, absorbing a large amount of heaven and earth vitality and blending them into the barrier of the divine formation, It is firmly sealed in it!

"Hmph!" Li Haoxuan snorted coldly, and stepped forward, a powerful aura fluctuated overflowing, propelled by the punching intent of the God of Destruction Fist, and hit the barrier heavily, causing the quadruple barriers to tremble slightly!

Then, Li Haoxuan swung his fists and unleashed the third move of the Destroyer Fist, Bahuangdong. For a moment, Li Haoxuan became the only true god between the heaven and the earth. The talismans above the enchantment have been shattered one by one, turning into nothingness!


There was a loud noise, and the barriers of the quadruple domains were all shattered in an instant. The monster masters in the distance spurted blood one by one, flew upside down, and fell on the vast desert!

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