Holy furnace

Chapter 222

The young master in Tsing Yi was furious. He was like being put on by Li Haoxuan, saying to let him go. As a result, he just turned around and the other party killed him. This kind of behavior has always been his method before, but now it is used by others. Immediately, the two Buddhas who were angry with him were born, and the five Buddhas ascended to heaven!

He made such a compromise before in order to preserve his own background, but now the other party has actually tried to kill him again, which made him furious and extremely furious!He never thought that he would die here at all, he knew his own background, if he really went crazy, let alone a mere cultivator in the mortal realm, even if Li Haoxuan was a strong man in the realm of law, he would be sure retreat!

Especially the two words Li Haoxuan said, it almost really made him feel so depressed that he vomited blood!With the strength of the other party before and the supernatural powers they are displaying now, is this still a competition?The battle of life and death is nothing more than that!

"Go to hell!" Finally, he went into a rage and used his hole cards recklessly!Because he himself also knows that if he still hides his hole cards at this time, he will be blown up in ten to one, and that is the saddest thing!

While speaking, the talisman full of mysterious aura shot by the young master in Tsing Yi suddenly exploded in the void, and finally turned into a phantom in the shape of a human. The breath of "law" and "reason" is an extremely tyrannical old antique! !

Boom!A huge coercion appeared from this phantom, and the aura of the young master in Tsing Yi began to decline sharply. The magic power in his body was almost exhausted, and all of it was drawn by this phantom. In the end, this phantom Ying's eyes opened at once, and at the same time, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed Li Haoxuan directly!

"Hahahaha, I keep my word, I will let you go safely, there will be a later date!" Feeling the powerful coercion above this phantom, Li Haoxuan was not in the mood to fight, he just shot up into the sky with a haha ​​smile, spread out his white crane wings and disappeared into the distance Skyrim!

"Kill!" The young master in Tsing Yi roared, and the phantom giant hand stretched out fiercely, stretching for dozens of miles, but unfortunately still failed to catch Li Haoxuan, the white crane's wings are a high-grade spiritual weapon, under the urging of Li Haoxuan Underneath, he showed the world's fastest speed, and no one in the world can catch up with him.

"Roar!" The young master in Tsing Yi roared up to the sky. Such a result made his heart bleed. He really lost his wife and lost his army. Instead of beheading Li Haoxuan, he also used his own trump card All his subordinates were also killed, and he became a real polished commander!

"I will definitely find you at the ends of the earth and tear you to pieces!" The roar of the young master in Tsing Yi resounded through the golden desert, and then, the phantom entered his body, causing his strength to soar. Fly quickly towards the distance!

This is a supreme talisman, which can allow him to gain countless times more power than his own in a short period of time. It is his real trump card. With this talisman, he can even survive from the hands of the strong man of the ring. Unfortunately, It can't last long, and it will consume the source of life, and he won't use it until the moment of life and death.

"What a powerful talisman, the aura on that phantom is extremely ancient, filled with the aura of "law" and "reason", very close to the aura of the Venerable Punisher, but not as strong as the aura of the Venerable Punisher , but it's not something I can compete with." Li Haoxuan flew back after flying extremely far, and looked at the place where they were before with his silver eyes. He knew what this kind of talisman could support. Time must be limited, he wanted to see if he could be killed.

But the result disappointed him, the young master in Tsing Yi had flown away and was not here.

"Bang!" After a while, there was a loud noise in the golden desert, and a figure flew up from the ground of the golden sand unsteadily, his body kept shaking in the void, and finally fell down with a bang, landing on the ground Above the vast sea and desert, gasped for breath. "Damn it! Damn it! I actually abolished my supernatural powers!" This pale and terrifying man fell down on the desert and breathed heavily, his eyes were filled with deep hatred, and his dantian was abolished by Li Haoxuan. Jing Wuxue!

"Even the young master and the others were defeated! Strong, really strong! But don't be complacent, my demon core is still there, as long as I can return to the clan alive, I will have a chance to come back. There are countless magic pills in our clan , there is no one who can heal the dantian, and I will definitely chop off your head with my own hands in the future!" Jing Wuxue lay in the desert and said to himself.

"You have no chance." As soon as Jing Wuxue finished speaking, a fiery red gun light fell from the sky, pierced his throat with a bang, and nailed him to the desert.

"You think I'll forget about you, a leaky fish?" Li Haoxuan slowly descended from the sky, and with a move with his right hand, he directly dug out Jing Wuxue's demon core, and then finally flew away, following the path of the young master in Tsing Yi on the map. The recorded route goes to the ancient city of Mirage!

Although Li Haoxuan clearly recorded the route on the map, he would not follow the map completely. Who knows if the young master Tsing Yi has hidden something tricky in the map?He even notified the strong man in the law realm to intercept and kill him on the road, so he planned to take a detour and go to the ancient city of Mirage while sharpening his cultivation!

According to the information obtained from the young master in Tsing Yi, there are a total of five ring powerhouses in the ancient mirage city, of which Yao Likong has been killed by him, and there are four left. As long as he acts carefully, he may not make a fortune What's more, he is also eager to have a battle with the strong man of the law ring, to see if his current strength can really compete with the strong man of the law ring!

After flying for half a day, Li Haoxuan landed on the desert. Afterwards, his aura suddenly changed, and wisps of demonic aura were slowly exuded. At the same time, a tiny solitary aura suddenly grew between his eyebrows. Horn, there are extremely complicated dark golden lines in this unicorn, which contains powerful energy!

In just the time it took to breathe, Li Haoxuan unexpectedly changed from a righteous person to a pure monster!

"Unexpectedly, there is a great supernatural power on the supernatural power seed Great Golden Pill of Yao Liekong. It just so happens that I can use this supernatural power to stimulate the demon core, so that I can emit pure demon energy to deceive the demon army! It's a pity that I am a human race. I can't use the sky demon above the golden core, I can only push it a little bit to make the horn on the head appear a little bit, otherwise it will be more convenient to do things, but this is enough, enough for me to get in In the ancient mirage city!" Li Haoxuan walked on the vast desert and said to himself.

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