Holy furnace

Chapter 227 Demon Treasure

That day, when the Yaomen and the four ring giants of the Demon God Palace were talking to each other, Li Haoxuan had already arrived at the periphery of the City Lord's Mansion where they were located without anyone noticing.

At this time, Li Haoxuan looked like a pure monster clan, with a strong monster clan aura, no one would doubt his identity, and when he killed Yao Penglun and others, he took advantage of the opportunity to take the tokens of those people He took it over and hung it on his waist!

There were three long horizontal bars on Yaopenglun's token, which should be a reflection of his status, which made him unimpeded all the way, and arrived in front of the City Lord's Mansion very smoothly.

Li Haoxuan had already inquired clearly before that all the trophies of the demon army were stored in the storage room underground of the city lord's mansion, but the storage room is the most important thing, there are thousands of elite troops in charge, ordinary people can't get in at all, only the law ring Only the strong can enter at will. Li Haoxuan tried it just now, and even his token has lost its effect at this time, and he cannot enter the storage room under the City Lord's Mansion from the main entrance.

At this time, Li Haoxuan is no longer a headless chicken. He even knows that there are four magic ring powerhouses from the demon army living in this city lord's mansion, so he does not dare to kill people in such a place, otherwise he will be killed by the four magic rings. If the strong stare at him, he will be really miserable!

Li Haoxuan was walking around casually, constantly urging his broken silver eyes to survey the surrounding geography, and finally he found a tunnel that could lead to the storage room!

"Very good, the three caves of the cunning rabbit! I knew that when the lord of the ancient mirage city built the storage room, it was impossible to have only one entrance!" Li Haoxuan was overjoyed, and began to move towards the not far away calmly.

After a lot of setbacks, Li Haoxuan finally entered the secret path. However, just after he entered the secret path, a round of arrows shot towards him!These arrow rains are all shot by powerful bows and crossbows in the world, which can shoot a thousand steps away, but for Li Haoxuan today, such attack power is just a drizzle, and it is difficult to hurt him at all.

The entire passageway in the secret room was pitch black, but Li Haoxuan has shattering silver eyes that can generate electricity from the void, so the darkness has no obstacles for him!After a while, Li Haoxuan entered a labyrinth with all the roads extending in all directions. Most people would probably faint after walking in a few steps, but for Li Haoxuan, all of this is still no problem. These are all means to deal with people in the world. To deal with him like this Immortal cultivators are useless at all!

Walking along the secret path, Li Haoxuan found himself at the bottom of a dark river!It is amazing that there is a dark river in the vast sea desert, and there is endless running water in it!However, the ancient mirage city can be built in the vast desert, and there is water under it, which will not surprise many people.

Li Haoxuan stepped into the dark river step by step, lurking at the bottom of the river!Then he discovered that the bottom of the river was huge and clean, without any silt. The whole bottom of the river was made of pieces of gold.

Li Haoxuan walked along the bottom of the river, and after walking for more than ten miles, he suddenly struck out with a palm, making a big hole in the rocks next to the bottom of the river!Behind this big hole is actually a steel gate, which is tightly sealed.

Without saying a word, Li Haoxuan punched out, and there was a loud bang, and the iron gate shattered in response, endless water flowed into it crazily, and Li Haoxuan also entered slowly, as if strolling in the courtyard first.Click, click!

Li Haoxuan had just entered this door, and there was a huge sound on his body, as if a huge sharp blade was cutting on his body. He turned his head to look, and suddenly found that there were actually two huge blades spinning continuously at the door. Like a meat grinder!The two blades were originally stationary, but under the impact of this crazy influx of water, they immediately became in a state of high-speed rotation, and anything that came in would be cut into minced meat by the blades of the meat grinder.

Not to mention those worldly masters who can cross the river with one reed, the peerless masters will undoubtedly die, even the monks in the foundation building state, if they don't have treasure clothes to protect their bodies, they will be directly crushed by these two big blades. Chopped.

However, Li Haoxuan didn't care at all, his body was stronger than the spiritual weapon, those sharp huge blades cut his body and made a clanging sound immediately, and then he was collapsed by the force of the shock It was broken inch by inch and became a pair of scrap iron!

Looking at those sharp huge blades several feet long, Li Haoxuan was also secretly startled, marveling at how an ordinary person could have so much energy to build such a cumbersome and dangerous mechanism. Such a mechanism has no place in the world. People can be broken!

After shattering these huge blades, Li Haoxuan turned around and entered a new secret passage. This new secret passage was upstream, so all the water pouring in from the dark river flowed into the previous passage. Then it meets the dark river again. The ingenious design of the mechanism here is breathtaking. It is hard to imagine how much time it would take for a mortal to build such a secret passage!

Li Haoxuan had just entered this new secret path, and immediately there were countless hidden weapons, knife wheels flying towards him, and at the same time, various poisonous gases began to permeate this secret path, making the air filled with a kind of The pungent smell, and at the same time, something like grease fell from the sky, drenched on Li Haoxuan's body, and at the same time, bursts of fire shot out from both sides, trying to char Li Haoxuan a little bit!

There was a faint red light on the surface of Li Haoxuan's body, it was the vitality shield of heaven and earth, it was blocked by countless oils poured down, and the raging fire was nothing to Li Haoxuan, his flowing blade was like fire, hotter than this ordinary fire Thousands of times, as for the poisonous gas, it has no effect at all. Li Haoxuan has taken the detoxification pill, and even the poisonous mist of the black water snake can't help him.


Just after passing through this secret room, a huge iron ball the size of a hill rolled down with a bang, hitting Li Haoxuan's head, intending to smash it into meatloaf!Li Haoxuan raised his hand slightly, and shot out a shot of mana from the air. With a bang, the iron ball was turned into a discus and fell to the side. These ordinary irons in the world can no longer harm him in the slightest!


A huge stone gate weighing tens of thousands of catties was smashed by Li Haoxuan's punch, and many poisonous arrows and poisonous water splashed out, but were blocked by Li Haoxuan's heaven and earth vitality shield!Then, Li Haoxuan stepped into it, and immediately saw a huge and resplendent secret room, in which countless open boxes were piled up!

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