Holy furnace

Chapter 23

"Boy, are you looking for death? Don't open your dog eyes and take a good look. Is this seat suitable for you?" The man in white stood in front of Yang Hao, with one hand on Li Haoxuan's shoulder, asked jokingly.

"Oh? Could it be that I can't sit in this seat?" Li Haoxuan raised his eyelids slightly, and glanced at the other party lightly, and he sat down slowly when he originally wanted to get up.

"New here?" Another man sneered, knocked on the table and said, "Who in Jingxian Court doesn't know that this is Brother Chen's position, how dare you stab him?"

"Senior Brother Chen? I haven't heard of it." Li Haoxuan snapped away the other's palm on his shoulder, and then slowly picked up the dishes on the table.

"Looking for death!" The young man who spoke first changed his face, and raised his hand to press Li Haoxuan's chest!The cold air lingered on the palm, it turned out to be Xuan Ming Jin!

"Shooting will kill people, you are really lawless!" Li Haoxuan sat motionless on the spot, and a fiery red light quickly rose from the surface of his body to cover him.This fiery red light was absorbed as soon as it was emitted, and it was only attached to the surface of his skin, and no one noticed anything unusual.

"Bang!!" Xuan Mingjin brought up a burst of cold mist, and directly slapped Li Haoxuan's body, making a loud bang!

"Hum!!" Li Haoxuan's surface was surrounded by fiery red light, instantly dispelling the strength of Xuanming Jin into the invisible, and then he snorted coldly, and the vast mana in his body swept out, directly squatting all the people around him on the ground !

Li Haoxuan's current mana is unfathomable, it has compressed the ordinary mana by a full forty to fifty times, even if such a pure mana leaks out, it is enough to kill all the people in front of him!

"Who dares to touch my people!!" At this moment, there was a loud shout, and then Li Haoxuan saw a man with a big horse and a golden sword coming in from the entrance, with strong mana waves rippling all over his body, facing him shouted loudly!

"It's him? How is it possible! A year ago, he was only at the fourth level of Chongxu Jing, how did he suddenly become a master of the seventh level?" When Li Haoxuan saw the appearance of this person in front of him, he also had a secret feeling in his heart. Surprised, this person is Chen Junhui who repeatedly humiliated him in every possible way a year ago!

"Junior Brother Chen, long time no see! You slaves are not very sensible, so I will discipline you for you." Li Haoxuan said flatly.Even if Chen Junhui is a master of the seventh heaven, he is not much better than an ant, and it is enough to kill it with just a few flips!

"Who are you? It's not your turn to discipline my people, get out of here!!" Chen Junhui shouted loudly, raised his hand without saying a word, and punched out, and then, a huge phantom fist appeared , directly charged towards Li Haoxuan!

"There is nothing I can't handle in Jingxianting!" Li Haoxuan waved his sleeves, instantly turning the phantom of that fist into invisible, and said in a cold voice, "Junior Chen is really a noble person who forgets things a lot. I haven't seen you for a year. You can't remember me anymore?"

This can't be blamed on Chen Junhui's bad memory, but Li Haoxuan's changes are really too great at this time!It's just a world upside down if you don't compare it with a year ago!The Foundation Establishment Pill refined from Lihuoshen Furnace is so powerful that even his height has been raised by a full five centimeters, and his appearance has also changed a little. This is a real transformation!

"Who are you?" Seeing that the opponent blocked his Tiangang Shenquan with ease, Chen Junhui also put away his contempt and asked indifferently.

"Forget it, since you have forgotten who I am, then forget it forever." Li Haoxuan shook his head, not wanting to talk too much with Chen Junhui!He had been in Jingxian Court for more than ten years, and it was not He Wuliang who humiliated him the most, but Chen Junhui!He Wuliang just wanted his spirit stone, while Chen Junhui really took humiliating him as a pleasure.

After saying these words, Li Haoxuan finally stood up!He suffered ten years of humiliation in Jingxian Court, and now it's time to pay it back!

"What do you want to do?" Chen Junhui felt a heavy pressure from Li Haoxuan's body, it was a powerful oppression, and it even made it difficult for him to breathe!

"Although I don't know what kind of adventures you have this year that can make you jump to the triple sky, but I think it's the best choice for you to let you forget the past forever and be an ordinary person!" Li Haoxuan said lightly.

"Tiangang Shenquan!!" Chen Junhui's face changed drastically, knowing that the person in front of him was going to attack him!He immediately let out a loud roar, violently bursting out with his strongest strength, pouring mana into his fists violently, shooting out layers of phantoms, and attacking Li Haoxuan!

"Hey!" A piercing sound came, and Chen Junhui saw a ray of light shuttle through the shadows of fists all over the sky, and finally fixed on the center of his eyebrows!

"Jingxianting can't kill people, but didn't say it can't hurt people." Li Haoxuan shook his head looking at the fist shadows all over the sky, and then pointed out. With his finger pointing out, all the spiritual energy of the surrounding world was disordered, and he moved forward in the void His Tiangang Divine Fist immediately shattered, and Li Haoxuan's fingers were like a broken bamboo, directly hitting Chen Junhui's eyebrows!

"Ah!!! You can't kill me, I am..." Chen Junhui's terrified voice stopped abruptly, his terrified eyes slowly returned to normal, and finally he collapsed on the ground with a bang.

"It turned out that I entered the inner courtyard and got a Peiyuan Pill. No wonder my skill has improved by leaps and bounds! But that's all for now. It's extremely stupid to use Peiyuan Pill without even storing your mana to the limit!" Li Haoxuan pointed out. After breaking Chen Junhui's Zi Mansion, he entered it with his own soul, and instantly understood everything that happened before Chen Junhui. After knowing everything, he was more confident in his decision, because this person should be punished!

Li Haoxuan possessed alchemy scriptures, he was very familiar with all kinds of elixirs, Peiyuan Dan was a kind of elixir of the same level as Zhuji Dan, its function was to consolidate the foundation and cultivate the essence, and condense mana!Only when one's own mana is condensed to the limit, can it be used after taking it to achieve the greatest effect, and even be able to break through and enter a higher realm in one fell swoop, otherwise, the effect will be limited!

"You...you killed Senior Brother Chen?" Chen Junhui fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Those who were suppressed by Li Haoxuan's magic power and knelt on the ground almost fainted from fright, with trembling lips, pointing at Li Haoxuan, Can't speak clearly.

"Chen Junhui deserves to die. As for you, capital punishment is inevitable, and living crime is inevitable!" Li Haoxuan turned around and said expressionlessly. Afterwards, Li Haoxuan snapped his fingers and shot one after another of mana, hitting everyone's dantian.

Bang bang bang!A series of muffled sounds came, and the faces of those kneeling on the ground turned pale instantly, and they looked at their dantians in disbelief.Li Haoxuan raised his hand and shot out the mana, breaking all of their dantians from the outside to the inside. If there was no good luck, these people would have no hope of continuing to practice Taoism in this life, because mana cannot be stored!

"I·my mana·my dantian..." Those people all cried while holding their dantians, unable to bear such a heavy blow.

"It's been a while, isn't it?" At this moment, Lao Chu and others who hadn't gone far also turned back, looked at Chenjun Huiyu and others who had fallen to the ground and said softly to the others, "Although Chen Jun Hui and the others are indeed not good people, but there is no need to directly abolish their skills, right? Moreover, Jingxian Court has rules that cannot fight in the same room. Although this person is a master, he may not be able to escape the investigation of the chief executive." "Too much Ruthless! It directly broke their dantian, and there is no hope of cultivating the Tao in this life." The other person also frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice. "Who the hell is this person? I heard that Chen Junhui obtained the immortal fate in the inner sect. In just one month, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he directly entered the seventh level of the Chongxu Sutra. Now he is abolished like this Skill? Then what kind of master is this person, Yazhong? Or Jiuzhong?"

"It's definitely not Jiuzhong! The masters of Jiuzhong are all practicing in the depths of Taixuan Mountain, and they won't get out easily, it should be Yazhong!"

"Does Yae have such strength? Can a seventh-layer master be abolished in a snap of a finger? That is Tiangang Divine Fist. It is said that Chen Junhui learned the top-level technique from the inner sect, and it is not inferior to the supernatural power in Chongxu Sutra!" In just a few breaths, Chen Junhui was crippled by someone's finger before he showed his power, and the rest of them knelt down from the beginning to the end, and their skills were crippled in the end. This style of behavior is true. It can be called ruthless!The people around immediately started whispering, really wanting to know who exactly is Li Haoxuan, who has the guts to commit murder in the Hongqi Building.

"Who dares to fight in Hongqi Building?" At this moment, a loud voice came in from outside the crowd!

"It's the manager in gray!" After hearing this voice, there were bursts of discussion in the crowd again, and then the crowd separated automatically, and a middle-aged man in gray slowly walked into the arena.

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