Holy furnace

Chapter 24 Megatron Hongqi Building

"Officer Huiyi is the law enforcement officer directly selected by the chief executive. All of them are at the peak of the eighth heaven. Even Ying Xiangtian may not be their opponent! This time even the steward in gray was alarmed. Good!"

"When did our Jingxian Court produce such a master? Kill Qizhong with a snap of his fingers! I don't know if he will fight against the gray clothes steward? I remember that the chief steward once said that anyone who commits a catastrophe in Jingxian Court , as long as he can defeat the manager in gray clothes he personally selected, he can be exempted from the death penalty! I wonder if we can see such a battle between dragons and tigers today!" Seeing the manager in gray clothes appearing on the stage, the expressions on the faces of everyone began to become complicated, each with their own thoughts .

"Hongqi Building is a place to eat, not a test platform. It is against the rules for you to do something here! Besides, who gave you the right to destroy their mana?" The manager in gray is a disciple of the peak of the eighth heaven, and his eyes are so vicious , You can see the situation of Chen Junhui and others with just one glance!Mana leaked out one by one, and the spirit was low. There is no doubt that the dantian was broken, and the mana of physical strength was also continuously lost.

"Let's go, follow me to Jingxian Hall. Your matter is too big and I can't make the decision. It will be dealt with by the chief steward himself." The steward in gray looked at Li Haoxuan and said calmly. Naturally, he would not care about the life and death of ordinary disciples such as Chen Junhui, but the authority of the chief steward cannot be challenged.

"Everyone will pay the price for what they have done. No matter whether the price comes sooner or later, it will come eventually." Li Haoxuan seemed to have not noticed the gray-clothed manager, but suddenly turned his head to the old man. Chu said, "People are doing it, and the sky is watching. People who cultivate the Tao pay more attention to their original intentions. It is what they did in the past that determines today's results. The cycle of cause and effect is like this! Therefore, I don't agree with what you said. On the contrary, I think this is just right."

After speaking, Li Haoxuan turned around and walked directly towards the exit.

Li Haoxuan took one step forward, and Xianting seemed to shrink the ground into an inch. He directly crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and came to the side of the gray-clothed steward. Outside the air building.

"I will personally find the chief manager for today's matter, you don't need to intervene." After Li Haoxuan's back disappeared, Li Haoxuan's voice echoed on the scene for a long time.

"Ten Realm! People from the depths of Taixuan Mountain!" The gray-clothed steward's pupils suddenly shrank, and a look of deep horror appeared on his face!

He has been following the chief steward all year round, so his eyesight is naturally extraordinary. In just two steps, Li Haoxuan, the steward in gray has roughly guessed the opponent's cultivation level!

"That's the end of today's matter, no one should spread half a word, or the door will deal with it!" A powerful coercion suddenly rose from the body of the gray-clothed steward, covering everyone in it, and then the gray-clothed steward He said with a serious face, and his body exuded wisps of evil spirit!

After everyone nodded in agreement, the gray-clothed steward walked away. Today's matter involved the great power in the depths of Taixuan Mountain, and he could not participate in it. Everything can only be handled by the chief steward himself.

"Who is this person? He can actually change the color of the gray-clothed officer, absolutely surpassing the eighth heaven! Could it be those terrifying existences in the depths of Taixuan Mountain?"

"Hush! Don't die? Didn't you hear the words of the manager in gray?" After the manager in gray left, several people quickly came out of the scene, claiming that they were ordered by the manager in gray to take Chen Junhui and others out.

After Li Haoxuan walked out of Hongqi Building, he immediately suppressed his mana fluctuations and moved forward with the flow of people.After abolishing the cultivation of Chen Junhui and others, Li Haoxuan suddenly felt a sense of relief and lightness!It was as if a bright moon rose up, dispelling the haze over his heart!He felt that his thoughts became extremely clear at this moment, and his whole spirit became enlightened!

"Hurry up, hurry up, the martial arts competition is about to start! Although Junior Brother Lu has the talent of heaven, he has cultivated to the peak of the sixth level of Chongxu Sutra at a young age, but it would be too much for him to challenge Senior Brother Ying at his current level. "

"That's right. Senior Brother Ying is a master at the eighth stage of Chongxu Jing. Even Senior Brother Hua said that Senior Brother Ying has the strength to hit the ninth stage of Chongxu Jing! Once Senior Brother Ying has practiced Chongxu Jing to the ninth stage, he can compete with the Senior Brother Hua and others are the same, opened up caves in Taixuan Mountain! It is said that the spiritual energy in Taixuan Mountain is very strong, and one can practice rapidly there, and even obtain spirit stones frequently!"

"I've heard that too! Not only Brother Hua, but also Senior Sister Lan, Senior Brother Kong, Senior Brother Deng and others all have caves in Taixuan Mountain. Will come out! It is said that they have not gone down the mountain for more than ten years!"

"What's the point? Brother Hua and others are the core and elite of my outer disciples. Their only goal is to become inner disciples and step onto the immortal path. Besides, like attracts like, and people are divided from groups. They are all superior Such a person, how could they join us? Moreover, with their methods, even if we go down the mountain, we probably won't be able to find them at all!"

"Haha, what Senior Brother Ye said is true. Birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. Lu Chenyu made friends with that trash a few years ago and often hang out together. Now he is trying to challenge Senior Brother Ying in vain. It is like hitting a stone with an egg!"

"If you ask me, it's nothing to challenge Senior Brother Ying. Lu Chenyu's most idiotic behavior is to challenge Senior Brother Ying for that trash! The time for the competition is approaching, so let's rush over there. If we go late, we might not have a place! Hehe, we It is rare for Jingxian Court to be so lively, and it is said that even the chief steward was alarmed."

"What? The chief executive was alarmed? Then there won't be any changes in the martial arts competition then?" Someone asked in surprise.

"That's not true! Apart from those senior brothers and sisters on Taixuan Mountain, who can have the eyes of the chief steward? Moreover, it is said that even those senior brothers and sisters on Taixuan Mountain are in awe of the chief steward."

"After all, the senior manager is the number one person in our Jingxian Court. He holds the power of life and death. Who would dare not be afraid? However, I don't believe that he will intervene in today's martial arts competition. Senior Brother Ying is the eighth-level master. The senior manager I will definitely think about him, so Lu Chenyu still wants to go against the sky?"

"Joke, the gap between the two sub-realms is so easy to make up, I want to see if Lu Chenyu will kneel down and beg for mercy..."


At this time, scenes like this are everywhere in Jingxian Court, countless people flock to the practice cliff, because this time the martial arts competition will be held on the practice cliff.

"Junior Brother Lu actually wants to compete with Ying Xiangtian? Ying Xiangtian's Chongxu Sutra has been cultivated to the eighth level, Junior Brother Lu is indeed no match." Li Haoxuan frowned slightly as he listened to the conversation in his ears, and walked silently with his head down .Because of cutting the hair and washing the marrow, his originally thin and thin body has become extremely strong, and he is wearing a long robe taken from the secular world.

Jingxian Court already had countless disciples, but Li Haoxuan didn't arouse anyone's suspicion when he walked on the road. He also followed the flow of people and walked slowly towards the practice cliff. He heard an unusual flavor from the previous conversation. The contest between Lu Chenyu and Ying Xiangtian was related to him.Among other things, Junior Brother Lu and Senior Brother Tian are the only two people in the entire Jingxian Court who are willing to befriend him and do not dislike his inability to cultivate. It is impossible for him to watch something happen to Lu Chenyu and not take action.

The outer disciples in Jingxianting are all cultivators, at least they have cultivated the Chongxu Sutra to the third level, so naturally all of them are fast and stride like flying, which is countless times better than the lightness kung fu in the world, Li Haoxuan is fine He followed behind unhurriedly, one step was a few feet away, and the first court shrank to an inch while walking, and soon arrived at the bottom of the practice cliff, he found a random place to stand still, and looked at the practice Lu Chenyu and Ying Xiangtian on the cliff.

"I haven't seen you for a year, but Junior Brother Lu has grown a lot taller." Li Haoxuan looked at Li Haoxuan on the stage, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.A year later, Lu Chenyu, who was still childish at the time, seemed to have grown up, with a look of determination, even facing the eighth level Ying Xiangtian, he couldn't see anything from his face. of fear.

"Junior brother Lu, I really don't want to fight with you." On the practice cliff, Ying Xiangtian held a folding fan, looked graceful, and said with a sigh, "You and I are both disciples of Jingxian Court, why bother to make such a fuss? Capital, now that you have stepped onto the sixth stage, you may be able to break through the seventh stage at some point, why don't you wait until the peak of the seventh stage and then challenge me? To be honest, the gap between you and me now is too big gone."

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