Holy furnace

Chapter 238 Nine Tribulations Exterminate the World

ps: Happy New Year's Day to all book friends!

Li Haoxuan bombarded everything that stood in his way with his fists, even if the Nine Heavens Tribulation came into the world, he still couldn't do anything to him, and was finally broken up by his punches one after another!Qi Ming's face finally changed at this time, revealing a touch of shock, because he deeply knew that although the nine-layer thunder calamity could not be compared with the real heavenly calamity, it also contained a trace of the will of heaven, which was not at all If it is so easy to resolve, the monks in the bigu period will also be seriously injured, let alone the monsters who are most afraid of the catastrophe!

However, Li Haoxuan has no fear, his body has already endured the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation when he was promoted to the Enlightenment Realm, and at this time, he was bombarded and killed in the Thunder Tribulation, more like evolving the heaven and the earth in the thunder, turning himself into a pure land, Even if you are struck by thousands of thunderstorms, it will be difficult to contaminate me!

Li Haoxuan has a different understanding of the thunder calamity. There is not only the power of destruction in the thunder calamity, but also the vitality. Even now, Li Haoxuan has not absorbed all the power of the original thunder calamity. He was injured under the catastrophe, but the power of thunder in his body was channeled out to temper his body again!

Li Haoxuan's black hair fluttered, and he became independent in the center after breaking up the nine-fold thunder calamity. Layers of thick demonic aura surrounded him, setting him off like a demon god who opened up the world.

Qi Ming finally changed his color. It's not that he didn't think that Li Haoxuan could break through the nine-fold thunder tribulation, but he didn't expect that the other party could break it so casually, as easily as raising a hand and a foot. Moreover, he felt a different kind of energy from the current Li Haoxuan. Breath, it seems that the other party has gained a lot of benefits under the nine-fold thunder calamity.

"Nine Tribulations to destroy the world..."

Qi Ming's expression quickly returned to normal, he still stretched out one hand, and waved casually at the nine gates in the void. Suddenly, the nine world gates in the void became even more terrifying, and they kept roaring downward. Suppressing, the power is no less than Li Haoxuan's previous Yin-Yang God Diagram.

"Boom!" A terrifying aura began to permeate the air. While being suppressed continuously, the nine gates of the world began to collapse, and a world-destroying aura emerged from the nine portals. Nine strands of world-destroying energy The machines merged with each other, and then rushed towards Li Haoxuan at the same time, wanting to destroy him and this small world together!

Although Qi Ming's face was dull, the means he used were extremely fierce. He was performing the ultimate secret technique of the Nine Tribulations Immortal Phoenix Dao, Nine Tribulations to Destroy the World.It is said that the last move of Nine Tribulations and Extermination of the World is enough to shatter the space, and any monk who has not comprehended the law of space will be strangled by the power of space shattering!


The nine gates of the world shattered one after the other in an instant, and the wave of world destruction overflowed, enveloping the entire space!At this moment, whether it was the four masters fighting in the distance or the infinite monsters in the ancient mirage city, they were all scared to death!

This is really a big killing move, which can be called a peerless forbidden technique. You must know that it is not easy for Qi Ming to perform the Nine Tribulations Immortal Phoenix Dao to summon the nine portals, because the nine portals have imprinted his divine sense fluctuations Now, smashing all the nine portals at once is equivalent to smashing the Dao map under one's own imprint. Kill the enemy at a low price!

This is a supernatural move that is cruel to others and also cruel to oneself. The consequence is that both sides will suffer. However, Qi Ming's expression has not changed, and he is still looking at the field calmly!At this time, the field is still shrouded in the world-destroying energy, and it even has a tendency to spread. Everyone watching the battle is terrified, and even Yao Batian and other two powerful rings are far away for fear. Encountering a catastrophe, once their strength is implicated, although they will not die physically and mentally, they will definitely be injured, and their strength will be greatly reduced.

The void is collapsing and silently annihilated. This method is very terrifying. Although the strength of the same name does not really shatter the space, it almost shakes the void into a piece of torn paper, and even strands of space cracks appear, very Subtle but ear-piercing voices came and went, rippling with a destructive aura!

"Boom...boom..." Like a thousand thunderstorms rioting, the portals of the nine small worlds are still shattering. The mysterious power transmitted through them exploded at this moment, surging down like a vast ocean, Li Haoxuan was trapped in the middle.

"So ruthless! He actually broke the nine portals he summoned. His soul has been injured, and his strength has dropped by at least [-]%!"

"Self-exploding and imprinting the Dao map of the primordial spirit of my body, just to suppress and kill my genius disciples of the monster race, it is really cruel! The Nine Tribulations Immortal Phoenix Dao is the supreme magic art, which is astonishing in the past and the present. I have never learned it before, but today it is true! You can see it clearly! When you fight with him, you will kill him with one blow and avenge my Yaozu disciple!" Yao Batian and another Yaozu powerhouse stood far above the void, and said lightly.

No matter Yaobatian and other Yaozu powerhouses or the two masters of Qingxuguan Jingjing Pavilion, they all think that Li Haoxuan must die at this time, because no Dharma monk in the Bigu state can survive under this kind of power to destroy the world!

In fact, their thinking is not wrong, after all, they are strong in the realm of law, with sharp eyesight, but they don't know that the only one who can survive this kind of world-destroying aura is the current Li Haoxuan!

Li Haoxuan stood on the spot, enveloped by the infinite world-destroying energy machine, even with his physique that is not afraid of thunder disasters, there is a rattling sound at this time. At this time, there is a faint golden light around Li Haoxuan's body, which is the body of the golden bell. Great supernatural power, but this supernatural power has been greatly suppressed at this time, even the shape has changed, and it is tightly attached to Li Haoxuan's skin!

Li Haoxuan frowned, such a great power to destroy the world caused the mana in his dantian to almost boil!

The rumbling sound is endless, and it has not subsided for a long time!

"Buzz!" At this moment, Li Haoxuan felt that the golden bell's supernatural power was getting harder and harder, and it actually made a buzzing sound, as if it was about to burst!

"Swipe!" Suddenly, an invisible sword aura suddenly appeared, and rushed out from the field covered by the world-killing aura. This is an extremely terrifying sword aura, rippling with majestic coercion, and it flew across with a scoff. , Shoot towards Qi Ming!

"Dang!" Qi Ming raised his hand, clamped the invisible sword energy between two fingers, and shook the sword energy into nothingness with a random vibration!However, the next moment, his face changed drastically, and when he looked up suddenly, he saw a black fist as huge as a millstone falling from the sky and hitting his head hard!

"Instant killing!" Li Haoxuan's cold eyes reflected Qi Ming's somewhat shocked face, and then he punched out, the speed suddenly increased several times, and with a bang, he bypassed Qi Ming's rising right hand, and smashed it down!

The instant killing gun is a supreme supernatural power, which can make his own sword energy assassinate at a speed several times faster than the sound. At this time, Li Haoxuan regards himself as a sword and uses the instant killing gun to motivate himself. I have to say that this supernatural power is really powerful. Now Li Haoxuan can use it ten times faster than the speed of sound, and can travel ten miles in the blink of an eye!

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