Holy furnace

Chapter 241 Retrograde cutting immortals

After repeated crushing by Tianlong Bayin and Yinyang Shentu, the star field in front of Qi Ming finally became dim, and the killing technique of the world's decay was weakened, not as terrifying as before.

"Boom" Li Haoxuan slashed out the five-fire saber gang that carried the power of the Dao, and the heavy saber light slashed towards the star field, smashing the endless stars in it, and the nirvana of the universe was immediately blocked, and then completely collapsed. The endless stars became extremely dim, and then went out like flames, and were scattered by Li Haoxuan!

The Wuhuo Dao was fierce and strong, and with a tangible knife, it cut out a tangible awn, and even the space had to retreat, destroying the dead, and almost cutting apart the stars around Qi Ming's body!

"Reverse Immortal Slayer! This is the combat power of Reverse Immortal Slayer!" Yao Batian couldn't help trembling all over, he could see what Qi Ming could see, he knew very well that Li Haoxuan was only in the mortal realm now That's all, it might be the peak of Lingxu Nine Heavens, but so what?After all, those who have not entered the realm of the law, but can fight across a large realm can be called retrograde fighting immortals!

Yao Zhentian was so excited that he couldn't help himself, just by discovering such a genius monster clan, even if his actions fell short this time, that's okay, the elders in the Tianyao sect will definitely spare him punishment, and even reward him greatly!What is the concept of retrograde cutting of immortals?That is exclusive to the God King Body and the Ancient Great Emperor. Apart from that, there are really few people who can achieve this level of combat power in history. Each of them is an astonishing and stunning generation, enough to be famous through the ages!

Yao Zhentian believes that Li Haoxuan at this time can fight against the opponents in the middle stage of Bigu to such an extent that it is definitely more than enough to kill the opponents in the early stage of Bigu. There is no doubt that it is the fighting power of retrograde fighting immortals!

"How is this possible! The fighting power of retrograde immortals, he is a demon body?" The faces of the two disciples of the elite pavilion were pale. At this moment, their lofty self-esteem was shattered. They were at the peak of Lingxu, It is the strong man of the half-step method!Even in the elite pavilion of Qingxuguan, they are rare geniuses. They are all ants under the law precepts. Even in the elite pavilion, there are many people who are below the law precepts. There are still not many strong people who resist the magic ring, and they are rare!

And the two of them are on this list!What they are most proud of is not half-stepping the realm of Fajie, but possessing the combat power to compete with Fajie!Although they have never had the brilliance of beheading the strong man of the law ring, they always believe that this one will come eventually!Taking ten thousand steps back, even if you can't kill Dharma Ring, it is no problem to save your life in the hands of Dharma Ring powerhouse!No matter where their strength is placed, they are absolute geniuses and powerhouses. Even all the elders in Qingxu Temple are very optimistic about them and think that their future is limitless!

But now, after seeing Li Haoxuan's fighting power against immortals, they felt that all the words of praise for themselves had become a joke, a big joke!They knew very well that if they met Li Haoxuan at this time, ten lives would be gone!

Li Haoxuan's strength shocked everyone, everyone had to admit that Li Haoxuan had the fighting power to defeat immortals, but no one knew that Li Haoxuan had just stepped into the Ninth Heaven of Consecration, and he hadn't even entered the Lingxu Realm!Fighting against Bigu Wuchongtian with Consecration Jiuchongtian, this record is not far behind that of the previous gods and kings!

Li Haoxuan has not reached the limit of the mortal realm, once he enters the Lingxu realm and achieves great success, then he may really be able to use the word cruelty to kill the monks who deal with the Bigu realm!

Everyone's heart was heavy, they were amazed by Li Haoxuan's fighting power!However, Li Haoxuan was not happy at this time. He knew very well that this battle was the most dangerous since he embarked on the path of cultivation, and Qi Ming in front of him was also the most terrifying opponent, because the opponent was still calm, but Beneath the calm is a fierce self-confidence.

Li Haoxuan shook his head and expelled the thoughts in his heart. Although he also has a backup, he still feels that this battle is about his own life and death. The most unfavorable reason is that his realm is really far from the opponent. If He has already entered the Lingxu Realm at this time, so he doesn't have to fight so hard.

"I think you can break the seal now!" Li Haoxuan's mind turned, his hands scratched in the void, the five fire swords gave him a lot of inspiration, and now he can even condense the rest of the magic weapons that carry the power of the Dao, For example, the heavenly stele that his right hand has evolved into now has the real Dao pattern emerging on it, because the power of the Dao is contained in it.

At the same time, Li Haoxuan was multitasking, and there were a few more killing swords full of murderous aura in the void, and there were more gun lights in the sky, and the five-fire knife gang appeared again. With the sword light, the gun lights and the sky tablet pressed together Fall, go to Qiming suppression.

"Boom" the void collapsed, and several divine soldiers carrying the power of the Dao were crushed down. There were Dao patterns flowing on them, almost collapsing the void!It's a pity that Li Haoxuan can't use the Baoshan seal at this time, otherwise he will be even stronger!At the beginning, the Baoshan seal could not bear the power of the Dao and already possessed supreme power. Now that it can withstand the Dao pattern, it can increase its power by a few small steps!

Qi Ming's expression changed slightly, he didn't want to beat Li Haoxuan to such an extent that he had evolved so many magical weapons by himself!All of a sudden, his aura began to rise continuously, bathed in divine brilliance, and the power of the stars became stronger again, like a divine mansion in the sky. Killed in front of Li Haoxuan!

This time, Qi Ming moved the Dao again, borrowing the mighty power of the stars between the heavens and the earth from the icy universe to contend against. Beside him, the star field is like a sea, gorgeous and dazzing!Beside him, those star-like stars continued to evolve, and finally turned into big stars one by one. A sea of ​​stars is formed!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Endless big stars collided and turned into an ocean of stars. This is a rare spectacle that is rare for ordinary monks to see in their lifetime. The stars all over the sky turned into a boiling ocean, and the boundless starlight shone in the night sky.

"Boom" suddenly came a loud noise from the body of the same name, like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning!

"Shenhui!" Qi Ming yelled lightly. Immediately, the endless stars around his body became brighter and became an ocean. In the end, this ocean suddenly poured towards the sky, turning into a fiery, gorgeous light!

Boom!The destructive force is roaring, occupying the entire sky!The endless void became incomparably bright, and rivers formed by the power of stars were everywhere, rushing freely in the void, Yao Zhentian had already retreated far away, and being hit by such power would not kill him, but he would also be seriously injured!

However, Li Haoxuan was fearless, he propped up the golden bell cover and used his supernatural powers to maximize his fighting power against immortals, and once again rushed to the same name!

"Boom!" Seeing Li Haoxuan approaching in front of him, Qi Ming's expression turned cold!His body was glowing with blazing light, which became thick and solid, and almost burned. At this time, he seemed to have really turned into a big star, extremely bright and dazzling!

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