Holy furnace

Chapter 245 Fighting to the Limit

This time, Qi Ming didn't say anything anymore, and his eyes became a little hollow.

"People like you shouldn't live in this world." Qi Ming stepped forward, walked towards Li Haoxuan, and said a cold and cold sentence.

"Up to now, do you still dare to say that what I see is the sky, and where I am is the sky?" Li Haoxuan sneered, standing on the spot and said, he deeply knew the fear of the same name, so he didn't relax at this time, but kept saying om Zi Tianyin shook his own bone marrow in a low voice, allowing himself to return to his peak state as soon as possible.

"What? Do you feel proud to be able to survive my life at this moment? Or proud?" Qi Ming said, "Your pride is just a joke in front of me. You may think you are a genius, but In fact, it is nothing, because only those who survive can be called geniuses, and no matter how stunningly beautiful a dead person is, he can only be called a dead person.”

"Because you have obtained the supreme inheritance, you feel that there is no more genius than yourself in the world, so you want to kill someone like me, because you feel that you are the only one in the world! You said that my pride lies in you There is a joke in front of me, I want to give this sentence to you intact, because I never think that I am a genius, and you have always regarded yourself as a genius! But now? With the strength of the mid-Bigu period, it is still difficult for a mortal student A cultivator in this realm, a genius like you doesn't deserve the name, does it?"

"Only a living person can be called a genius, and a dead person can only be called a dead person. Very good! I'm curious if you dare to say that to the tomb of the ancient emperor? If you dare, I have to admire you Your courage, but I can only admire a corpse!" Li Haoxuan said lightly.

The Ancient Great Emperor is the strongest in the world, even if he dies, no one will allow anyone to desecrate him. Even if countless thousands of years have passed, the Ancient Great Emperor still has the qualification to look down upon the universe. The world is collapsing, and the will of the ancient great emperors runs through the past and the present. Even the dead will still exist in a special form, but all the ancient great emperors have exiled their own palaces to the outer space of the universe, and it is basically impossible for people to find them. It turns out that even if you find it, no one can open it. Forcing it to open it is a dead end, even if you hold the ultimate magic weapon, it is useless.

"The ancient great emperors have surpassed the scope of human beings. True immortals are not visible. Even if they are called immortals, they are not exaggerated. Naturally, they are not included." Qi Ming said calmly, and he also knew that there was a mysterious feeling in the dark. Power exists, disrespecting the ancient emperor at this time may lead to a series of unimaginable consequences, "But do you want to stand shoulder to shoulder with the ancient emperor? Even if your demon emperor is resurrected, you may not be the opponent of the ancient emperor , how can you be rampant in front of me now?"

"The Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor are not your turn to judge, I can see that you are extremely ashamed at this time, because you lost to me." Li Haoxuan said disdainfully, "If you really want to prove yourself, then seal your strength to Fan Xue If you dare to fight against me, I don't need to use one hand, I can shoot you to death with just one finger!"

"There are no eagles in the world of ants, so they don't know what to fear when facing eagles and ants who are high above you." Qi Ming disdainfully looked at Li Haoxuan coldly and said, "In my eyes, you are that ant. I don't know what to be in awe of." It is because the level of your existence is too low! Even if you look up, you can only see bushes, and you don’t know what an eagle is! An eagle does not need to reduce itself to the size of an ant, and then prove it by crushing the ant to death My own strength, so if I want to kill you, I can kill you at will!"

"The problem is that you can't kill me." Li Haoxuan said indifferently, "What's more, even if you are an eagle, how much better are you than an ant in the eyes of Dapeng? Above Dapeng, there are Kunpeng and Xianhuang, How much do you think you are really better than ants? Since they are all ants, how dare you say such a thing?"

"You will die today." Qi Ming's eyelids moved, and then he said five words extremely coldly.

"You're talking nonsense." Li Haoxuan smiled slightly, and also responded with five words, for him.

At this moment, Qi Ming finally moved, he suddenly let out a long roar, his aura rose again, and even the galaxy around him was shaken away!

"This is my third seal, let's go." An extremely complicated pattern appeared on the center of Qiming's eyebrows, and then the pattern began to change slowly, and finally dispersed with a bang. At the peak, he raised his strength to the Ninth Heaven of Bigu!

With a loud bang, Qi Ming performed his profound art again. This time, his body was no longer pure and flawless, but instead became as black as ink. Not only that, the light of the entire starry sky was covered, and the sky and the earth were completely dark, as black as ink. Layers of black clouds and mist are boundless, descending from the sky and wrapping him and Ye Fan in it, completely isolating the outside world!

This is also a shocking divine technique, which can isolate a world, and no one can see through it. You can only see the clouds and mist rolling in this black mist, and powerful waves of mana overflow from it, almost breaking the world!At this time, no one can see the scene, and even the sound cannot be transmitted.

"Boom!" In the endless black mist, there was a sudden explosion. Qi Ming swallowed endless starlight like an endless abyss, and absorbed all the light into his body. His black hair was flying, and his eyes were empty, like the killing intent and extinction of the vast ocean. The world energy mechanism appeared and directly enveloped Li Haoxuan.

This time, Qi Ming used Bigu Jiuchongtian's strongest combat power, and did not give Li Haoxuan any chance at all. The rumbling sound of the sonic boom resounded throughout the world!

Li Haoxuan also went berserk, and at the same time activated several supernatural powers in his body, such as Yin Yang Divine Diagram, Invincible King Fist, Wuhuo Daogang, Tianlong Bayin, Golden Bell Cover Body and other supernatural powers, which almost collapsed the space!

However, the gap between the realms of the two sides was too great, even Li Haoxuan couldn't bear such a blow, he was sent flying by Qi Ming with a bang, and a large amount of blood gushed out of his mouth!

Boom!The pitch-black space vibrated violently, and a figure flew away from it, with a lot of blood on his chest!

Li Haoxuan's face was pale, there was a difference of eighteen small realms, the gap was too big, even he couldn't bear it, the previous blow was his last explosion, pouring all mana into the golden core, making Several supernatural powers appeared at the same time, but it was a pity that they still collapsed in the hands of Qi Ming, and it was difficult to do anything to him!

"Death!" Qi Ming walked step by step like a god, and raised his hand to form a big seal and threw it at Li Haoxuan!At this time, the same name is Bigu Jiuchongtian, and its power is ten times stronger than before. Once it is hit, even Li Haoxuan will undoubtedly die!

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