Holy furnace

Chapter 252 Heaven and Earth Have Righteousness

ps: I really like Liu Bai in my mind, I really like Xiaoxiao in my mind, I really like the righteousness of the world of Sun Moon Academy!In the future, Sun Moon Academy will have a big role, haha, haha!

There are three figures standing under the blood-colored sky, two of them have ferocious faces, billowing with devilish aura, and the other one is celestial and upright. There is a sun shining behind him, and there is a city of gods standing beside him. Above the void, golden lights flickered, swallowing essence and exhaling, magnificent and boundless!

"Brother, I would like to fight to the death!" The resounding voices of the people came from the golden city of God. What was contained in the voices was the courage of everyone going forward, and it was the supreme glory and brilliance of Sun Moon Academy!

"Okay!" Senior Brother Liu, who had always looked a little calm, was silent, and finally nodded, raised his sword eyebrows, and said loudly, "As a student of Sun Moon Academy, no matter where I am, I will put the promotion and implementation of the sect's teachings as the top priority. Carry out the doctrine of immortality with our lives, the sun and the moon are immortal, righteousness will last forever!"

"The sun and the moon are immortal, and righteousness lasts forever!" Eight extremely passionate voices came from the city of God, and then a girl in white suddenly stepped out of the city of God and came to Senior Brother Liu.

"The bright moon rises from the sea!" "The rising sun shines in the nine heavens!" Two voices sounded at the same time, and a bright moon emerged from behind the girl. It was a rare vision, and behind her appeared a seemingly endless sea area. , a bright yellow-orange moon hangs high above it, exuding a soft light!

On the other side, there is a boundless sea of ​​clouds, a round of rising sun appears from above the sea of ​​clouds, and the fiery red light shines on the whole world!

One yin and one yang, one day and one month, the two echo each other, creating an extremely powerful force!In the end, this force began to spread extremely quickly, and even in an instant, the eighth and tenth demon powerhouses were involved in the vision behind him!

At the same time, the city of guardianship exuding golden divine brilliance came crashing into it, directly rushing into the vision of the two of them and crashing into the two strong demons!

"Too tender!" Suddenly, Lao Ba's voice came from it, and then a giant hand surrounded by billowing devilish energy appeared, and with a bang, it directly pinched the Guardian City in its hand!

The gigantic demonic hand seemed to come from outside the sky, with a radius of nearly a hundred feet, surrounded by demonic energy, fully exerting the strength of the ring realm!The golden city of God struggled fiercely in the big black hands, but it was still unable to break open, making a humming and trembling sound!

The Guardian City is a defensive spirit weapon, not an attacking one, so it will be stretched immediately when it is grasped by the big black hand!

"Heaven and earth have righteous energy, mixed with manifolds. Below are rivers and mountains, and above are sun stars. People call it awe-inspiring, and they are full of darkness..." Suddenly, a series of firm Zen singing came from the city of God From within, these voices seemed to converge into a torrent of mana to bless the golden god city, which immediately increased the power of the guardian city. The rumbling voices continued to burst, and quickly broke the big black hand. rushed out!

The voices from the Guardian City continued to resound in the void, echoing in this piece of heaven and earth.

"Emperor Road should be Qingyi, Hanhe Tuming Court. See you when the season is poor, and hang down the pictures one by one..."

Unwavering voices kept appearing, turning into strands of pure power and wandering between the heaven and the earth, unexpectedly calming down those distorted spaces in the void.

"Heaven and earth have righteousness, and righteousness is awe-inspiring!" In the end, all the voices disappeared, leaving only this voice between heaven and earth!

There is righteousness in the world!


A kind of mysterious and mysterious power suddenly burst out from the city of God, and with a bang, the two masters of the magic way who were fixed by Haishengmingyue and Rising Sun Yaojiutian were blown away!

Crackling!Violent sonic booms sounded continuously, and the void seemed to be exploding. This force was not pure mana, but the Sun Moon Academy's most famous Sun Moon Righteousness. With mana as the guide and righteousness as the mind, the fusion of the two is The sun and the moon are upright!

"Pfft!" Lao Ba and Lao Shi spat out a mouthful of blood at the same time, and the people who were fully motivated by the righteousness of the sun and the moon were sent flying far away. .

"This is the righteousness of the sun and the moon in the legend? It really lives up to its reputation." Lao Ba's eyes were like eagles, looking at the guardian city in front of him, which was controlled by the seven genius disciples of the Sun Moon Academy at the same time.

In addition to the two unique schools of Sun Moon Academy, the rising sea and the bright moon and the rising sun shining on the nine heavens, the most famous supernatural power of the town is the unparalleled righteousness of the sun and the moon!

According to legend, the founding leader of the Sun Moon Academy was nearly invincible in the world. After observing the sufferings of the world, he made a great wish, wishing everyone in the world to be like a dragon, and wishing everyone in the world to be a king.However, this grand wish is too grand, even the ancient emperor can't realize it, let alone just the peak of Xianlu?After all, the leader of the Sun Moon Academy failed to take the last step, and established the Sun Moon Academy after achieving the quasi-emperor throne, while he spent his entire life of cultivation and walked the world as a mortal!

After walking in the world with a mortal body for countless years, the leader finally realized something. He realized that the world is a big prison. It is anger; sometimes it is rice gas; sometimes it is popularity; sometimes it is foul gas.The leader looked at the seven qi in the world and meditated all day long. After a thousand years, he laughed and stood up, saying, "I am good at cultivating my awe-inspiring aura! There are seven qi in that world, and I have one qi. If one is against the seven, why should I suffer! Righteousness!" Then, the leader wrote a song of righteousness and left it in the Sun Moon Academy, and disappeared.

The Song of Righteousness has a long history and was created by Emperor Zhun. It is so broad and profound that ordinary monks can't comprehend it. Then, it was comprehended by countless sages, and finally an improved version of the Song of Righteousness was handed down, which is today's Righteousness of the Sun and Moon!

"There is righteousness in the heaven and earth, it is against the law for you to act like this." A blush flashed across the pale face of the girl in white, and she stood beside Senior Brother Liu and said in a deep voice.

"Even if the sun and the moon are upright, so what? You are all ants under the law. If you do not enter the law for a day, you will be an ant every day. The righteousness of the sun and the moon are hard to go against the sky!" The tenth stepped forward and said, and then with the eighth Attack again, and kill Senior Brother Liu and others at the same time!

This time, Lao Ba and Lao Shi used all their strength, and both of them cast the Hunyuan Heavenly Demon Body at the same time, turning into two huge golems with the blue sky above their heads, which are as tall as a hundred feet, and with one hand pressing down, the golden city of God will be directly blown to Beng Fei. Get out, sparks!

"There is righteousness in heaven and earth!" Senior Brother Liu and the girl in white looked at each other, chanting a song of righteousness in their mouths and struck at the same time, using the righteousness of the sun and the moon to urge the two kinds of unique skills to attack the two golems in front of them!

"Is the ant-like thing still trying to go against the sky?" A cold voice came from one of the golems, and then a black sword appeared out of thin air, instantly shattering the two visions, and headed towards Senior Brother Liu and the girl in white Chop off!

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