Holy furnace

Chapter 265

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Li Haoxuan was extremely powerful, every word and deed showed his incomparable domineering nature!Although Kun Palace is ranked last among the Nine Palaces, Li Haoxuan doesn't think so, firstly because the enforcer gave him hints, and secondly because Li Haoxuan has never felt that Kun Palace is weak!

Li Haoxuan cultivated the God of Destruction Fist, his fist is invincible and domineering, mana can be weak, realm can be weak, but the only thing that can't be weak is spirit!He can admit that others are strong, but he will not admit that he is weak. Ever since he was able to practice, Li Haoxuan has always had the belief that he is invincible. This is a belief, not blind arrogance and conceit. This belief is to Squeeze out your last bit of strength!

The brave man wins the battle between the two armies, the same reason!When facing an opponent stronger than yourself, the first thing you have to do is to cut off your retreat, so that you can go forward bravely without hesitation. Once you leave yourself a retreat, then your belief will be If you are affected, your thoughts will no longer be clear, and your fist will also have flaws, because you are not focused enough, because you are not ruthless enough!

If you dare to show your claws, I will show my fangs!This is a belief, this is an attitude, at this moment, Li Haoxuan represents Kun Palace!So he can be fearless, so he can be domineering and strong!

What's more, with Li Haoxuan's current real strength, would he be afraid of Ouyang Shu?Even if he can't use Yao Likong's supernatural golden core at this time, what's the difficulty if he just takes the opponent's palm?In the final analysis, strength still comes first, if Li Haoxuan does not have such strength, then he is not even qualified to stand in front of Ouyang Shu, then the above remarks will only rot in his stomach forever!

"Li Haoxuan! Li Haoxuan!" Ouyang Shu stared at Li Haoxuan, one thought after another flashed in his heart. The other party was just a disciple of Lingxu Realm, and he could so easily dispel his witnesses. This kind of strength is undoubtedly a half-step ring, but when did Kun Palace release such a half-step ring?

Li Haoxuan really didn't enter the Qingxu Temple for a long time, just a few months, while a strong man like Ouyang Shu may need several months or even years to retreat for a single retreat, and the mere half-step precept is not enough. It can't really enter his line of sight, after all, half-step dharma ring is not dharma ring after all!

"You are fine!" In the end, Ouyang Shu gave up some other thoughts, looked at Li Haoxuan and said, "Today you dare to stand up and challenge my will, I admit that your courage is good! But the last one in Kun Palace is the last one , no matter how sharp your teeth are, you can’t deny it! If you take a slap from me today, I will be merciful, otherwise it will affect me more or less! But today’s matter will go to Kun in person after I return to Qingxu Temple. A trip to the palace, I hope Di Qing can give me a satisfactory explanation!"

"Don't bother so much! I can give you the explanation you want today, why go back and bother Senior Brother Di Qing?" Li Haoxuan sneered, "I also know a few senior brothers and sisters who are in the precept realm. People who have cultivated to the realm of the law will be as indifferent to fame and wealth as they are, and they are worthy of respect. Now it seems that they are not as I imagined. If this is the case, then there is nothing to say. Just let me give you a palm, although I haven't entered the Dharma ring, but with your palm, I don't think I won't be able to take it."

"Do you really think that I dare not kill you?" Ouyang Shu's face was so gloomy that he almost dripped water. In front of so many disciples of Qingxu Temple and Sun Moon College being slapped in the face by a cultivator at the mortal realm, his His dignity was greatly challenged, he took a step forward, and whispered to Li Haoxuan, "This is the Dragon and Tiger Pass, and this is the vast sea and desert. If I want to kill you, you can do it without anyone noticing it. Do you think Di Qing saved it?" You? Even if he fights in person, he may not be my opponent, just a half-step Dharma ring, do you really think that you are already Dharma ring?"

"You have to remember! In Qingxu Guan, only the Dharma precepts are the core disciples, so what if you are a half-step Dharma precept? I am afraid you don't know how many half-step Dharma precepts in our Qingxu temple are breaking through the Dharma every year." When you precept, you will cause a catastrophe and die. If you don’t become a precept, you will be an ant! If you really don’t know how to restrain yourself, I will send you back to the west! I hope you understand that you are not provoking me today, but provoking So disciples of the Law Precepts!"

"You don't need to put such a big hat on me. The person I'm looking for is you, and it has nothing to do with the other brothers and sisters in the Law Ring! You want to kill me? It's because I, as a disciple of Kun Palace, said something for Kun Palace. In a word? Good! There is no need for a one-palm agreement, you make a move, and I will see how you kill me! If you can't kill me today, then we will die!" Li Haoxuan was also completely enraged, and the other party even Threatening his life at this time, he didn't expect that he was also a disciple of Qingxu Temple, but the other party wanted to kill him just because of this matter!

In Li Haoxuan's view, it's okay to have conflicts, it's okay to have disputes, it's okay even if the two sides fight each other, but it's really too much to kill people every now and then!

"You!" Ouyang Shu didn't expect Li Haoxuan's attitude to be so domineering. He pointed at Li Haoxuan and was speechless for a long time. Finally, he waved his sleeves and said to Li Haoxuan, "Hmph! No matter what you say, I won't Bullying you, I only have [-]% strength in this palm, if you take it, I will let you go today!"

"Let's do it." Li Haoxuan stood with his hands behind his back, and Liu Bai and other Sun Moon Academy disciples stood behind him, and said to Ouyang Shu.Although Li Haoxuan can't accurately estimate Ouyang Shu's strength, he can also know that he will definitely not be stronger than Qi Ming!So Li Haoxuan was not worried, and the Sun Moon Academy and the others were even less worried. They had seen Li Haoxuan beheaded two magic ring experts from the Heavenly Demon God Palace with their own eyes!

"Boom!" As soon as Li Haoxuan's words fell, Ouyang Shu's body suddenly rose with a huge pressure of mana, a layer of emerald green light rippling from his body, causing the void to fluctuate slightly, like the surface of water!At the same time, a force of life began to spread, and this force seemed to be filled with endless vitality!

"Senior Brother Ouyang, show mercy!" Just as Ouyang Shu's mana was condensed and he was about to make a move, a clear and loud voice sounded from under the gate of Longhuguan, and then three figures rose from the ground , flew in front of Li Haoxuan and Ouyang Shu.

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