Holy furnace

Chapter 267 natal supernatural powers

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"Gengjin Body, open!" Ouyang Shu said suddenly, and then, the endless green light on his body suddenly subsided, and the magic power condensed by him before slowly dissipated and returned to his body!

The next moment, a rumbling sound came from his body, like thunder, and at the same time, a layer of faint golden light slowly penetrated from his skin until it covered his whole body!In the end, his entire body turned into a faint golden color, even his face and arms turned into a faint golden color!

That is not a golden light, but the skin has really changed from flesh-colored to golden. This is a change in life characteristics, it is a flesh and blood body that has transformed itself, and it is an unimaginable supernatural power.

"This is the Gengjin body of Ouyang Shu's natal supernatural power!" Qing Shi's face became extremely serious, she did not expect that Ouyang Shu would use his natal supernatural power in such a situation, it is incomprehensible!

"What is natal supernatural power?" Li Haoxuan was stunned for a moment, and then asked, he had heard about the awakening of supernatural powers, but he had never heard of natal supernatural powers!

"When we cultivators enter the consecrated state, we will open the door of wisdom and obtain the first supernatural power bestowed by heaven. The supernatural powers bestowed by heaven during this period are called supernatural powers awakening! Due to the reason of one's own realm, the supernatural powers awakened for the first time will not be very strong, and are generally auxiliary supernatural powers, such as the divine eye!"

"After entering the consecrated state, the monks continue to open their own shackles and attack higher levels, until they enter the realm of the law, the heaven will bestow the second supernatural power, which is called the supernatural power of life! The supernatural power of life is similar to the awakening of supernatural powers , no need to practice, as long as you have the support of mana, you can use it at will. Moreover, there are many kinds of supernatural powers, and sometimes they even violate the laws of nature. Undoubtedly, it will be the most unique and special kind! Therefore, it will generally be used as the finale magical power of the Dharma monks!"

"So the Gengjin Body is the natal supernatural power bestowed upon Ouyang Shu when he broke through the precepts of the Law? Is there anything special about it?" Li Haoxuan asked slightly surprised.At this time, he suddenly remembered that when he fought Qi Ming in the desert of Hanhai, Qi Ming didn't seem to use his natal supernatural powers!But Li Haoxuan was relieved immediately, because Li Haoxuan didn't push Qi Ming to the limit, so Qi Ming naturally didn't need to use his natal supernatural power.

"That's right." Qingshi's status in Qingxu Temple is very high, even she is no stranger to some brothers and sisters in the Dharma realm, and she knows a lot of information, so she quickly said to Li Haoxuan, "Ouyang Shu is practicing Qingdi Muhuang. Gong, whether it is supernatural power or mana, is partial to the wood attribute. The supernatural power of this attribute is not strong in attack power, but its defense and vitality are amazing. The physical ability of Gengjin makes his body transform into the nature of Gengmetal, so he has the power of gold. Attack, wood's defense, complement each other! You can double your own strength!"

"Twice the increase?" Li Haoxuan was shocked. He could have imagined that the supernatural power of life could increase the combat power of the strong man of the law, but he didn't expect to be able to increase the opponent's combat power to this level. It is really terrifying to increase the combat power by twice. , It is equivalent to the power of many secret and forbidden methods!

"Not all natal supernatural powers are so powerful." Qing Shi seemed to know what Li Haoxuan was thinking, and shook his head and said to him, "Some Fajie monks' natal supernatural powers are even useless and useless! Ouyang Shu is also lucky, and just happened to meet He possesses supernatural powers that complement his own attributes, that's why he has such combat power! Although he is the fifth level of bigu, but after using the body of Gengjin, he can fight the strong man of the sixth level of bigu!"

"Sure enough!" Li Haoxuan said in a deep voice with a flash of light in his eyes.He also knew the fact that the higher the realm, the bigger the gap!In the Foundation Establishment Realm or even the Consecration Realm, it is not difficult to step up and challenge. There are many geniuses who are defeated by the Consecration Level [-] Heaven and the Consecration Fifth Level Heaven. The gap between Heaven and Bigu Sixth Layer is even bigger than the gap between the entire Mortal Learning Realm. Except for some real geniuses and evildoers, very few people can deal with the enemy like this!

Ouyang Shu's ability to use Bigu Fifth Heaven to fight against Bigu Sixth Heaven is considered to be extremely talented, and there are very few such people!

"Senior Brother Ouyang, is it worthy of you to use the Gengjin Body just for a small dispute?" Sun Zhenghai frowned and said to Ouyang Shu.There are quite a few people standing here, and there are even quite a few half-step magic rings, but in terms of real status, apart from Ouyang Shu, it is Sun Zhenghai, because Sun Zhenghai has a teacher who is the master of the palace!Of course, Sun Zhenghai didn't think that Ouyang Shu used the Gengjin Body just for the sake of three thousand profound crystals. After all, he was a strong man of the law ring, and three thousand profound crystals were really nothing to a strong man of the law ring.

"Junior Brother Sun, the lion needs to fight the rabbit with all his strength. This is the real secret to victory in every battle! Moreover, this is not a battle of spirits for me. He is not qualified to make me angry. The reason why I use Gengjin The purpose of this is to let some half-step precepts recognize a fact."

"Isn't this a battle of spirits? At first it was for the majesty of our view of emptiness, but does it make any sense now?" Sun Zhenghai said with a wry smile, "I haven't reached the level of half-step discipline, but I understand how tyrannical Fa Jie is. With your current combat power, let alone knocking Li Haoxuan back with one palm, even killing him with one palm is a matter of course, so why use your natal supernatural power rashly?"

"Zhenghai, there's no need to say anything more, Li Haoxuan can take this palm." Qing Shi said to Sun Zhenghai casually as if looking at him.

"Hehe" Sun Zhenghai smiled wryly again. He wanted to use his way to make Ouyang Shu put away the Gengjin Body, but Qingshi refused him. Then he looked at Xing Qichen with a serious expression and said, "You also think that Li Haoxuan Can you catch Ouyang Shu's palm?"

"I was wondering when Qingshi's mind would return to normal." Xing Qichen sighed and said, "I thought that Qingshi would be more or less sober when Li Haoxuan came back, but now it seems that this is not the case. I can't see it no matter how I look at it." Find out what trump card Li Haoxuan has to block Ouyang Shu's palm, and I can't even imagine where Qingshi's confidence comes from!"

"I know."

"You know? Knowing where Qingshi's confidence comes from?"


"Where did it come from?"

"Feeling! It's the feeling that makes her sure that Li Haoxuan can take this palm!"

"Why do not you go to hell?"


Boom!During the boring conversation between Xing Qichen and Sun Zhenghai, Ouyang Shu made a bold move!

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