Holy furnace

Chapter 273

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At this moment, Li Haoxuan entered an incomparably mysterious state, and it seemed that some memories in his mind began to revive.In a trance, he seemed to see the great destruction of heaven and earth, the five declines of heaven and man, everything was decaying, shattered, the void collapsed, the planet collapsed, and endless creatures died in aging, whether it was ordinary mortals or fairy records The supreme powerhouse in the realm, everyone's body exudes bursts of stench, and their lifespan begins to decrease sharply, and a moment of time seems to turn into eternity!

Li Haoxuan's pupils reflected the entire decaying starry sky, countless stars fell, the sun lost its light, the stars were no longer hot, and the sky and earth were no longer clear!At the same time, Li Haoxuan felt an incomparably real meaning of disillusionment from these scenes!

His fists moved naturally, moving the avenue of heaven and earth, swaying the power of nature, condensing the true meaning of shattering in his hands, turning into an invincible force and blasting heavily towards Ouyang Shu's body!

Ouyang Shu's expression became extremely serious at this moment, because he felt extremely dangerous!Although the previous Li Haoxuan exceeded his expectations, it did not bring him any sense of danger, but at this moment, Li Haoxuan seemed to have transformed into the most terrifying beast in the world, making him feel a sense of danger all over his body. Creepy feeling!

"Eternal blue sky!" Ouyang Shu roared, and his seven-foot body suddenly enlarged, turning into a full ten feet high!The next moment, his whole body suddenly disappeared, and there was only an ancient tree in the blue sky that seemed to exist in the past!

This ancient tree seems to have survived for countless years, and it exudes bursts of ancient breath!Crash!The infinite branches and leaves on the ancient blue sky tree began to vibrate violently, and waves of mysterious fluctuations spread out at will, enough to distort the void!The entire world is filled with the purest wood-type power.

"What! Li Haoxuan forced Ouyang Shu to this point?" In the distance, Qing Shi and the others didn't react until now. They didn't know what happened before, they only knew that Li Haoxuan suddenly went crazy and beat Ouyang Shu. , and when they reacted, Ouyang Shu had already displayed the supreme skill of Qingdimuhuanggong!

Although Wan Gu Qing Tian is not the taboo supernatural power recorded in the Qingdi Mu Huang Gong, but it is second only to the taboo supernatural power!The supernatural powers of the five emperors were created by the five emperors in ancient times. Although the so-called five emperors were only quasi-emperors, they also represented the peak combat power of that era. How could the supernatural powers created by them be weak?

At this time, Wan Gu Qing Tian blocked the void almost immediately after he appeared in the world, exerting a stronger confinement power than the field!Within a three-mile radius of Wan Gu Qing Tian, ​​all vitality is repelled, except Ouyang Shu's woody true energy is not restricted!

Li Haoxuan's body moved with difficulty within the realm of the eternal blue sky. Even with his strength, he was greatly suppressed. Even the endless golden light on the surface of his body was suppressed. There was a terrifying sonic boom in the capital!Although his real body was restrained, his arm seemed not to be suppressed by the domain at all, and there was a mysterious force on it that was enough to break all seals!His fists still followed the previous rules, striking heavily on the eternal blue sky in front of him!

Rumble!It seems that the world is really about to collapse, Li Haoxuan's fist contains the real power of destruction, everything is broken, even the eternal blue sky can hardly resist the power of destruction!The entire space was crushed, and the huge energy fluctuations oppressed all directions, causing the city wall of Longhu Pass several miles away to collapse, turning into a pile of ruins in an instant!Even if it has the power of endless talismans, it is still difficult to resist Li Haoxuan's most powerful Destruction Fist at this time!

The earth is devastated!Even though they were fighting in the void, the aftermath still had a great impact on the ground. Pieces of land were violently cut apart, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and a corner of the huge mountain peaks thirty miles away were shattered. !This is an unimaginable disaster. If there were no people living within a hundred miles of the desert near the vast sea, a large number of mortals would have died instantly in this shock of vitality!

hum!At this moment, an orange-red ray of light appeared from the depths of Longhuguan, like a giant bowl poured down from the sky, covering all the disciples below the Dharma Ring!

There are other powerful people in the law realm to protect these elite disciples, otherwise, even if they retreat far enough, it will be difficult to resist the mana storm at this time!

Rumble!Li Haoxuan's Divine Fist of Destruction did not stop there. At the same time that he hit the Wangu Qingtian with his punch, the sealed domain of the Wangu Qingtian had been completely disintegrated, and the power of destruction was poured into the Wangu Qingtian, causing all those on it to die. The few branches and leaves have become withered and yellow, as if they will wither at any time!Then, Li Haoxuan made another move, covering the entire Eternal Blue Sky with flowing blades like fire, and wanted to refine it alive with the endless divine fire of the Fire Emperor's red flame!

"Who is that person? Why is it so fierce?" About ten miles away from the center of the storm, a girl in an orange-red dress stood in the void, looking at Li Haoxuan and Ouyang Shu, frowning and muttering to herself.

"His name is Li Haoxuan, he's just a half-step precept." As soon as the girl finished speaking, another girl appeared beside her, and said with a solemn expression.

"How is it possible? Although Ouyang Shu is not a very good person, he is still in the realm of the law. How could he be forced to this point by the half-step law? It is unreasonable." The orange-red girl shook her head and said in disbelief.

"How do I know?" The girl who came later said casually while playing with a string of water-blue bracelets in her hand.

"Ouyang Shu even used Eternal Blue Sky but was pressed and beaten. I always feel weird." The orange-clothed girl said to herself.

"What does that have to do with us? Our mission is to protect the ordinary disciples here. What does it matter to us if they beat the dead?"

"That's true." The girl in orange frowned slightly, looked at an oval-shaped gadget in her hand and said to herself with a smile, "It's just that if he knows that such a person exists, he should be very interested." ?”

The woman holding the blue bracelet trembled slightly when she heard the words, then looked at Li Haoxuan in the distance with eyes full of pity, and sighed silently.

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