Holy furnace

Chapter 28 Beating the Disabled!Destroy!

At this time, Li Haoxuan is like a fairy coming to the dust, walking in the world, and all dharmas are not attached to his body.He used the power of the primordial spirit to confine the vitality of the heavens and the earth around him, forming a shield of the vitality of the heavens and the earth, which can be called an absolute defense. Ren Yingxiang could not get within one meter of Li Haoxuan with all kinds of magic spells and supernatural powers.

Li Haoxuan took a slow step, every step shook!A peculiar rhythm rose from his feet, and as his footsteps continued to fall, the forbidden talismans on the ground jumped like crazy, and there was even a clicking sound, which was that individual talismans could not resist Li Haoxuan's mighty power , starting to appear broken!

The restriction of practice cliff can defend against the full-strength attack of the master of Chongxu Jing, but now it trembles under Li Haoxuan's footsteps. This is an incredible phenomenon, which surprised even the chief executive.

"It's over!" Li Haoxuan seemed to be shrinking into an inch, with a step of three meters, he quickly pushed himself in front of Ying Xiangtian.Li Haoxuan's skin showed a faint golden color, he didn't use any magic power, he directly swung his fists to smash Ying Xiangtian's body, this was pure physical power, but it was a terrifying mess!

Snapped!The air was directly crushed by his punch!There was a violent sonic boom, and the wind was overflowing. Before the fist was close, Ying Xiangtian felt a raw pain in his skin!

Hit people first with guts!Li Haoxuan's punch directly disintegrated Ying Xiangtian's fighting spirit, making him seem to have fallen into the abyss of despair!

"Roar!!" Ying yelled suddenly at the sky, screaming up to the sky!Facing the mighty Li Haoxuan who is like a prison, he seemed to see a corner of the future from Li Haoxuan's pale golden fists. Extremely unwilling!But at this moment, he was completely helpless, he could only watch the golden fist add to his body!

"I'm unwilling, I'm unwilling!! I want to break through the prison, I want to rewrite the future!" In an instant, when Li Haoxuan's golden fist was about to hit his body, Ying Xiangtian suddenly entered a wonderful state in his heart, and he almost forgot Put away all the emotions, and put all the energy into his purple mansion and dantian.His eyes saw Li Haoxuan approaching constantly, when Li Haoxuan was only three meters away from him, suddenly, he felt his dantian explode!It seems that an origin exploded and evolved into the entire universe!Infinite magic power derived from his dantian and condensed and compressed in the limited dantian, almost condensing into substance!

When Ying Xiangtian's desperate emotions were squeezed to the limit, there was finally a huge rebound!The rapid derivation and surge of mana in his dantian is to break through the ninth level of Chongxu Sutra at this critical moment!

Ying Xiangtian is naturally talented, and he has practiced for many years. He has stood on the eighth level of the Chongxu Sutra for ten years. According to his cultivation speed, he has almost reached the bottleneck of breaking through!If there is no accident, he will be able to break through to the ninth level of Chongxu Jing in two or three years, but now, the strong pressure brought to him by the life and death battle with Li Haoxuan has become his belief that he has to break through!If you can't break through, there is only one dead end!In just an instant, Ying Xiangtian's body has undergone earth-shaking changes!

His mana was more than three times stronger, powerful mana fluctuations spread from his body, and he waved his hands at will, which turned out to be another large void majestic handprint!In the end, all these void big handprints condensed together and turned into a substantial big handprint attached to his right hand, pressing towards Li Haoxuan's golden fist!

At this time, Ying Xiangtian had broken through to the ninth level, this powerful mana brought him unparalleled confidence!Even if Li Haoxuan in front of me is really able to stay away from himself, I will knock you to the ground with one palm!

At this time, Ying Xiangtian is neither sad nor happy, the mana power of the ninth level is several times higher than that of the eighth level, and then the Mahamudra of the Void is compressed into substance, such power is definitely not something that anyone's physical body can resist of!

"En? Brother Ying has actually broken through! Judging from the mana fluctuations on his body, there is no doubt that he has entered the ninth stage of Chongxu Sutra!"

"Ah! Just broke through like this? The ninth stage, you can enter the Taixuan Mountain to practice, but you have a chance to hit the tenth stage, Brother Ying has firmly entered the top [-] thresholds of our Jingxian Court! "

"Good guy! Breaking through the ninth level in such a life-and-death battle is more solid than the cultivation breakthrough. The first time you break through, you will be able to fight the battle, which will be of great benefit to your future practice! Brother Ying is indeed a celestial figure, It will be difficult not to rise up in the future!"

"As expected of Senior Brother Ying! To be able to explode such belief in the face of a master who has achieved great success in the Sutra, amazing!"

Ying Xiangtian made a breakthrough, and the few masters in the crowd immediately sensed that aura!Very powerful, the ninth level of Chongxu Jing is much stronger than the eighth level, not at the same level!The higher the cultivation of the Chongxu Sutra, the greater the gap. The fifth level of the Chongxu Sutra may be able to defeat the masters of the sixth level, but the sixth level is almost impossible to resist. The seventh level, as for the ninth level, You will definitely be afraid of death by the tenth palm, of course, the premise is to use mana!

"Breakthrough at this time? Very good, I'll let you know what despair is!" Li Haoxuan watched Ying Xiangtian break through helplessly, but he didn't have any scruples in his heart!Not to mention that Ying Xiangtian broke through the ninth level, even if he broke through to the tenth level, he would still be able to slap him to death, nothing worth caring about!For Li Haoxuan, it would be better for Ying Xiangtian to break through the ninth level now, he just wants to knock the opponent down from the altar when the opponent is most confident, and let him know what true despair is!

With a thought, Li Haoxuan's fist suddenly increased in speed, as if it melted into the void!No one can describe the mistyness, agility, emptiness, and horror of this punch!

Li Haoxuan swung his fist, in Ying Xiangtian's eyes, it seemed to reflect a dream of nothingness.He found that everything in front of his eyes had disappeared, the golden fist disappeared, and the tall and straight Li Haoxuan also disappeared, leaving only himself alone in the entire world, facing the coercion of the entire world!Suddenly, Ying Xiangtian felt a warning sign, and the hairs all over his body stood up suddenly, and an extremely dangerous premonition enveloped his whole body!

"Back!!" Ying Xiangtian knew that something was wrong, so he was about to fly up as soon as he moved, but it was too late!

Li Haoxuan's almost dreamlike punch directly bypassed his big void handprint, and with a bang, it directly hit his lower abdomen dantian!

puff! !How powerful is Li Haoxuan's punch, such a punch, even a hill would be smashed, let alone a mortal like Ying Xiangtian?Therefore, Ying Xiangtian's whole body was thrown high into the air, mouthfuls of blood spurted out from his mouth, pupils of his eyes widened suddenly, blemishes were about to burst, it was almost unbelievable, he guessed that he had just broken through the ninth level The supreme realm, was really blown away by someone punching him with his physical body!

If he loses to the mana of the opponent, he has nothing to say. After all, the opponent is a master of the Dao of Xu Jing, and a single palm is enough to break mountains and crack rocks. However, he did not sense the fluctuation of mana from the opponent. Physical strength!The fact that the strength of the physical body alone can exert such speed and strength is indeed frightening!

"Ah!!!" However, Ying Xiangtian didn't have that much thought to think about these issues anymore!Because the next moment, the severe pain from the dantian almost made him collapse!It was a pain deeper than the bone marrow, as if one's soul had been imprisoned and burned on the real fire of the nine suns. The pain from the depths of the soul was indescribable!He fell heavily on the ground of the practice cliff, his blood was all over his body!

The blood stained on his body flew everywhere under the overflowing wind from the practice cliff, and many of them splashed towards Li Haoxuan!However, whether it is the Mahamudra of the Void, the wind or the blood, any substance will automatically dissipate when it is within one meter of Li Haoxuan, or it will take a detour. The law does not touch the body!

"Be decisive and act ruthlessly, good! The road to immortality is bumpy, and the law of the jungle is even worse than in the mortal world. If you don't pay attention, you will die to death. Those who are too kind, indecisive, and most of them will die! He is good. , as long as you don’t go astray, you can be counted as a generation of outstanding people, who can compete with the monsters of the other branches!!!” When Li Haoxuan’s punch hit Ying Xiangtian’s dantian, the unfathomable height of the height The chief manager nodded, with a rare smile on his face.

Li Haoxuan protected Lu Chenyu behind him, and just stood on the practice cliff like that, coldly watching Ying Xiangtian who was rolling around not far away to ease his pain. From the beginning to the end, the chief steward on the high platform did not make any sound , as if turning a blind eye to all this, closing his eyes slightly seems to have begun to fall into samadhi!The crowd of onlookers originally wanted to ask for love, but when they saw the attitude of the chief steward, they knew it after a little thought.

Moreover, facing the current situation, no one can interfere with Li Haoxuan's affairs unless he is also a peerless master who has achieved great success in the scriptures.If Li Haoxuan is offended, he will definitely bring shame on himself!

"Is it enough to be ashamed?" After a while, Li Haoxuan waved his right hand, rolled up Ying Xiangtian from the ground, stood on the ground, and said.

"I'll fight with you!!" Ying Xiangtian went crazy!He has never suffered such humiliation in his life, and his will to practice has been severely tested. If he cannot wash away this humiliation, he will not be able to set foot on a higher realm in his life, and will stop here for the rest of his life!

"You...you broke my dantian??" The next moment, Ying Xiangtian who was trying to activate his mana was suddenly stunned, he looked at Li Haoxuan in disbelief and asked!Because when he moved it a little bit, he immediately found that his dantian was empty, where was there half of his magic power?What's more, the entire dantian was shattered, unable to hold even a sliver of mana. Such an injury, even the legendary Foundation Establishment Pill, could not be healed. The shattered dantian also meant that his cultivation career would come to an end. From now on, I can only be an ordinary mortal!

The dantian is broken, not only can't cultivate mana, even the internal force in the world can't be cultivated!However, his primordial power is still there, and he can be regarded as a top expert in the dormitory. This is because Li Haoxuan didn't want to do things too badly. After all, he just came back and hasn't established an invincible coercion. He is also afraid that Ying Xiang will go crazy naively He will attack Senior Brother Lu Chenyu and Tian, ​​so he has to guard against that Senior Brother Hua he was talking about!

"Get out, get out immediately before I decide to shatter your Purple Mansion! From today on, I can let go of the past." Li Haoxuan was unmoved, and with a simple sentence, he admitted that he had done it intentionally!This is strength, I didn't accidentally smash your dantian, but I deliberately wanted to smash your dantian, what's wrong with the boss?Whoever dares to attack my people, this is the fate!

After finishing speaking, Li Haoxuan's sleeves fluttered, a powerful storm of vitality formed, and countless winds turned back, directly fanning the seriously injured Ying Xiangtian to the audience!Ying Xiangtian coughed up two mouthfuls of blood again, and fell into a coma, unconscious!

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