Holy furnace

Chapter 29 The Man in Blue

Many other disciples surrounded Ying Xiangtian and looked at each other, but none of them dared to lend a helping hand to Ying Xiangtian whom they had always admired!

"This is the world of cultivating immortals, the world of cultivating immortals I yearn for? The world is cold and warm, and the world is desolate! The old Taoist is right, the jungle is the eternal theme of the world of cultivating immortals! In this world, strength is the most important thing! Qun, the weak can only live like this without dignity! How glorious was Ying Xiangtian before? Now that I have abolished his skills, no one is willing to step forward to help, this is the cruel fact!" Li Haoxuan looked at the front of him silently. All this happened, I sighed in my heart.

"Senior brother Li..." Lu Chenyu whispered as if sensing Li Haoxuan's emotional changes.

"Hehe, I'm fine." Li Haoxuan shook his head, turned around and said, "It's just a moment of emotion!"

"Oh." Lu Chenyu is only 14 years old now, and he doesn't understand many things thoroughly, so he can only nod his head and say.

"Senior brother Li is really invincible. It is a miracle that Ying Xiangtian's skill can be abolished with only physical strength! Hmph, Ying Xiangtian used to rely on his own skill to domineeringly and bully us. Weak disciples, now finally have retribution, good, happy people!" Someone in the crowd laughed softly, looking at Ying Xiangtian with eyes full of disdain, a person without mana is almost a waste!

"Hush! You don't want to die? Brother Hua is also a strong man in the ninth level of Chongxu Jing. It is said that he is about to enter the tenth level. Don't you know his relationship with Ying Xiangtian? If it gets to the ears of Senior Brother Hua, do you think Can there be good fruit to eat?" The other person turned pale and hurriedly covered the other's mouth and said.

"What are you afraid of? Senior Brother Hua is just a legendary figure. I have been in Jingxianting for six years, and I have never seen Senior Brother Hua. I don't know if this person is real or not!" the man said, but his tone softened a lot.

"Just because you don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist! Forget it, you go ahead and talk, I'll walk away, so that Brother Hua won't treat us as a group." After the other person finished speaking, he just ran away and ran to another place. He was very frightened of the legendary Hua senior brother.

"Ying Xiangtian is also a disciple of the ninth level, and he is the pillar of our Jingxianting. It is too much for you to abolish his skill hastily like this. The tenth level of Chongxu Sutra can't be lawless." At this time, someone suddenly said in the crowd, the voice was not high, but it was heard far away, enough for many people to hear, the people around him couldn't help but change their expressions, and retreated, leaving only him A person stood alone in the middle of the crowd, very conspicuous.

"Who is this person? To dare to speak like this in front of Li Haoxuan, isn't this provoking Senior Brother Li?" Someone nearby whispered.

"I don't know, it seems that I have never seen it before, and there is no terrifying mana fluctuation on my body. Is it a new disciple? Tsk, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and ignorant ones are fearless!" Another person sighed.

Li Haoxuan also noticed this person, not because of what he said, but because of his cultivation!Others couldn't feel that man's mana fluctuations, how could it be possible that Li Haoxuan couldn't feel it?He had already paid attention to this person, because he was so powerful that he seemed to stand out from the crowd, but he did not expect that this person would stand out in the end.So, he turned his head, looked at the person in the field, frowned slightly, and said, "What are you? I didn't even speak to the chief executive about how I acted. How can I let you dictate? If you think that your skills are superb, you want to It would be a big mistake to rely on the old and sell the old in front of me."

After learning that Senior Brother Tian was being tortured by Ying Xiangtian, Li Haoxuan held his breath in his heart all the time, wishing he could kill Ying Xiangtian on the spot!He has been in Jingxian Court for more than ten years, Senior Brother Tian is the only person who has not disliked him for not being able to cultivate in these years, and he is almost the only relative for him!Therefore, he didn't have the slightest liking for this person who stood up to the sky.

"I came out of the mountain this time for Ying Xiangtian, because he is very likely to break through the ninth level in the near future and enter the depths of Taixuan Mountain to practice. I was entrusted by Junior Brother Hua to be Ying Xiangtian's guide! Now you will He even said that he has nothing to do with me after being crippled? That’s not the way to say it.” The man who spoke was outstanding, with sword-like brows and star-eyed eyes, and was wearing a light blue gown, which was not much different from other people , but there are three golden lotus flowers embroidered on the sleeves of the gown, which are very conspicuous.

"Oh? Then what kind of reasoning do you want to tell me?" Li Haoxuan smiled coldly, and said to the man, "No matter what kind of reasoning you want to tell me about today's matter, I will accompany you to the end!"

"A person who has just entered the tenth realm, thinks he can be lawless? He is just a frog in the bottom of a well. A lot of people can suppress you with one hand. If I want to attack you, one finger is enough!" The young man in blue said disdainfully.

"It's not like there are people who can suppress me with one hand, but it's definitely not you. On the contrary, I'm one person who can suppress you with one hand!" After speaking, Li Haoxuan suddenly made a move, and with a big wave of his hand, a golden palm instantly appeared in the void. Formed in the middle, press it towards the young man!

"Looking for death!!" The young man's face changed, and his mana was surging. Immediately, the temperature within a radius of tens of feet suddenly dropped by tens of degrees, and the surrounding area was covered in fog. , instantly freezing Li Haoxuan's Void Mahamudra directly in the void.

"Humph!" Li Haoxuan snorted coldly, the big hand in the air suddenly trembled, and then expanded violently, with a bang, the cold air was shaken away, turning into a size of three feet in radius, and he made a head stamp on the opponent!

"Zheng!!" The man in blue didn't move at all, his expression was cold, a white sword energy suddenly shot up above his head, and with a snort, he cut the big hand of vitality in half!

"Okay." Just when Li Haoxuan was about to continue to fight, the high-ranking manager finally spoke. He first looked at Li Haoxuan, then set his eyes on the young man in blue, and said calmly, "Yunfei, you Take Ying Xiangtian back, and go to the alchemy hall to get three recovery pills to heal his wounds. As for the abolishment of the dantian, I can't do anything about it. Let's see his good fortune. This is the end of this matter, you don't want to interfere, I heard ?"

"Yes." Xia Yunfei bowed slightly and agreed.

"Well, let's go." The chief manager said with a smile.Then, Xia Yunfei took a step forward, just like Li Haoxuan before, with a slap of his right hand, Ying Xiangtian was picked up by his entire volley. Afterwards, he took a look at Li Haoxuan, and the whole person rose into the air, his clothes fluttering, as if he was about to become a feather Like a fairy, he flew towards Taixuan Mountain.

"Oh my god! Another master who has reached the realm of Dacheng in the Xujing, it was rare to see in the past decades, but today I saw two at once!!"

"It's unbelievable! Did you see that the chief steward actually smiled just now? I have been in Jingxianting for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen the chief steward smile. I thought I was wrong!"

"What is this! A master who has achieved great success in the Sutra can enter the courtyard of the inner sect and become an inner sect disciple. Even the chief steward can't be neglected. What's the point of showing a smiling face?"

"Hush! Shut up! The chief executive has spoken, so don't make any noise." Some people were excited, some were terrified, and everyone behaved differently, but the chief executive glanced down, and the whole scene immediately fell silent. This is the chief executive. coercion.

"Li Haoxuan, you come to Jingxian Hall with me, and everyone else goes to practice." The chief manager looked at Li Haoxuan and said, then walked towards Jingxian Hall step by step from the void, one step was hundreds of meters, he stepped down , A blooming lotus will rise in the void under your feet, and a lotus will grow every step of the way!

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