Holy furnace

Chapter 287 Become Stronger

Li Haoxuan sat cross-legged on the golden yellow sand, surrounded by the invisible power of the five elements, his body exuded a faint golden light, and the blood and mana in his body began to surge regularly, as if he was about to take that step at any time , Entering the realm of Lingxu.

Li Haoxuan's eyes were tightly closed, and he didn't rush to close them immediately.Since he has not succeeded in breaking through the realm, the power of the five elements around him will not have any impact on him, because his current state is not enough to understand such a profound and profound origin of the five elements, only at the moment of breaking through him can he You can use the power of stealing the sky to peek into the origin of the five elements and even absorb the power of the five elements.

Although he felt the strong power of the five elements here, Li Haoxuan didn't have any other feelings. He slowly ran through the scriptures and found that besides the power of the five elements, there was also spiritual energy here.However, this did not surprise him. The five elements are the origin of all things in the world, and there are origins everywhere. Even the aura is evolved from the yin and yang and the five elements.

Li Haoxuan tried to incorporate the power of the five elements into his body together with aura, but found that he could not absorb the power of the five elements at all!After the power of the five elements absorbed by him wandered around in his body, a lot of them escaped from his body and returned to the world.Only then did Li Haoxuan remember that Xu Ziyue once told him that only monks in the realm of the law realm have the ability to absorb the power of the five elements. This is entirely a matter of realm and has nothing to do with combat power. With the ability to refine the five elements, Li Haoxuan can't either.

The monks in the mortal realm absorb aura and evolve it into mana, while the monks in the realm of law and discipline go one step further. After absorbing the aura, they can extract the power of the five elements from the aura and fuse it with their own mana. This is a qualitative leap. The only way to violate the law of understanding.

Then Li Haoxuan stopped thinking about the five elements, and started to concentrate on absorbing the aura of the surrounding world!Because of the relationship between the Five Elements Annihilation Formation, the spiritual energy here is endless, which is also equivalent to a large spirit gathering formation.

While absorbing the aura, all the memories from childhood to adulthood involuntarily appeared in Li Haoxuan's mind.From being bullied by others in his youth to killing all directions today, he has experienced a lot, and he has experienced the warmth and coldness of the world, and the desolation of the world!

People who have not experienced exposure to the sun in the desert, and who have experienced hunger and thirst will never know how precious the oasis is. Similarly, people who have not been bullied endlessly will never know how important it is to have tyrannical strength.Li Haoxuan was humiliated in the Jingxian Court for ten years, and finally found the opportunity to become a dragon, and got rid of the miserable life that can be described as before.

So he wants to become stronger and stronger, because only by becoming stronger can he truly control his own destiny and protect his dignity!He has been working hard for this goal, and he can even pay any price for it. He can endure the almost lingering torture when building the foundation, and he can also endure six years of loneliness in the Hundred Thousand Mountains!

The reason for his practice is actually very simple. He just wants to live more freely, and he just wants to be truly unrestrained one day, so he is getting stronger.He has been actively cultivating before, actively wanting to climb higher mountains, but now, everything has changed.

All the changes started from Li Vulcan Furnace, and it was precisely because of Li Vulcan Furnace that he had to continue to become stronger!Because Li Vulcan Stove is really against the sky, if this kind of Taoist-level magic weapon is leaked out, it will definitely attract the attention of many powers who are short of criminals, and even cause the great powers to fight. However, no matter who the Li Vulcan Stove is eventually As a result, he, Li Haoxuan, bears the brunt, and the first one will be killed.And for the bigger and truly powerful, how much stronger can his current meager strength be than an ant?

Li Haoxuan has already understood this truth in Jingxian Court. Although in just seven years, Li Haoxuan has grown from a waste who cannot practice to a peerless genius today, many things still remain unchanged. For example, what is the difference between the current Lihuoshen Furnace and the Lingshi back then?

Originally, Li Haoxuan didn't have such a strong sense of crisis, but since the battle with Yao Likong, this sense of crisis began to increase sharply, and even rose to the point where he was terrified!Because he found that the Li Vulcan Stove in his dantian couldn't hide from a strong man in the Law Ring. This was not because the Li Vulcan Stove was not strong enough, but because Li Haoxuan's strength was too weak, and the Li Vulcan Stove was not complete. Hurt a lot!

If Li Vulcan Stove has not fallen into a deep sleep, then he can hide himself voluntarily, and monks in the precept state cannot see Li Vulcan Stove's real body at all.But now that Li Vulcan Stove has fallen into a deep sleep, Li Haoxuan can't hide it perfectly at all, so Yao Likong can see through Li Vulcan Stove in his dantian at a glance!In other words, in fact, any person who is comparable to Yao Likong can see through the Lihuoshen Furnace in his dantian, the key is whether the other party has evil thoughts towards you.

Today's Li Haoxuan is like a child with ten thousand taels of silver bills hidden in his chest. Walking on the street, any adult can easily tear off your clothes and snatch your silver bills. The key is whether those big men want to Do it!No one will trouble you for no reason, but if you take the initiative to provoke a big man, then he will naturally tear your clothes if he wants to attack you. How will you keep your ten thousand taels of silver?

Li Haoxuan was supposed to keep a low profile, but that was not his original intention. He once told Meng Jun that I rule the world with my original intention, so facing Ouyang Shu's provocation and sneak attack, he still made a bold move!Although he was very impulsive, he didn't regret it. If he still needs all kinds of scruples, what's the point of his practice?

Whether it's Ouyang Shu's rumors or his record in the battle with Fajie, he will be pushed to the cusp of the storm. It is foreseeable that he will face many people and many things after returning to Qingxu Temple.So he had to become stronger, had to become stronger than those people!At this moment, he felt extremely heavy pressure, so his desire to become stronger began to burn, and his fist began to boil!

Boom!It was like a bolt from the blue!

Li Haoxuan's body suddenly burst into immeasurable golden light, and an extremely powerful and domineering terrifying aura rose from his body, rushing straight to the sky like wolf smoke!The golden energy and blood in Li Haoxuan's body was like a turbulent wave, making rumbling sounds continuously, and the whole desert seemed to tremble under this power.

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