Holy furnace

Chapter 308 What is Slap in the Face?

"It's Senior Brother Di Qing." Li Haoxuan was not surprised by the voice that rang in his ears. The existence of the Law Ring Realm can use the supernatural power of sound transmission for thousands of miles, and with Di Qing's strength, it is impossible not to know that Li Haoxuan has returned to Kun palace.

Since it was Di Qing's voice transmission, Li Haoxuan would not be negligent, and immediately flew towards the main hall. Li Haoxuan had been to Di Yuan once before entering the vast sea desert, and this time he was familiar with the road, and he arrived at Di Qing in a short while. outside the courtyard.

"Come in." Before Li Haoxuan knocked on the door, Di Qing's voice came from within.

"I've met Senior Brother Di." After opening the door and entering, Li Haoxuan saluted Di Qing who was holding a Guzha in front of him, and then saluted the rest of the people one by one.At this time, Di Qing was not the only one in Di Yuan, but nearly ten people stood there. Except for Kong Si and other people who had met, Li Haoxuan didn't know most of them, so he could only ignore the names and directly They are called brothers and sisters.

"You are Li Haoxuan? Well, very good." Standing beside Di Qing was a burly man. Although he was not as domineering as Niu Li, he was much stronger than ordinary people. Li Haoxuan could feel the fluctuations overflowing from his body. He is a strong man who takes the route of a warrior, his body is like steel, and he is extremely domineering.

"Junior Brother Li, this is Senior Brother Chu Xiong Chu." Di Qing introduced to Li Haoxuan, "He is following the route of a warrior. If you have any questions about this in the future, you can ask him for advice."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Chu." Li Haoxuan said with a half-bow.

"There is no need to be too polite, anyway, sooner or later you will be able to enter the Dharma ring, and we will discuss friendship as equals in the future." Chu Xiong said.

"Don't dare to exceed the courtesy." Li Haoxuan replied respectfully.

"I heard you slapped Ouyang Shu in the face?" A woman in Tsing Yi standing next to Kong Si suddenly asked indifferently.

"En?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what the other party meant. Could it be that there is someone in Kun Palace who is on good terms with Ouyang Shu?Or did the brothers and sisters in Kun Palace dare not compete with Ouyang Shu?

"I heard that you slapped Ouyang Shu in the face, is there such a thing?" the woman in Tsing Yi asked again.

"Ouyang Shu provoked first, I just..." Li Haoxuan answered after some consideration.

"I said, you slapped Ouyang Shu in the face, didn't you?" The woman in Tsing Yi waved her sleeve, too lazy to listen to Li Haoxuan's explanation, and asked again.

"That's right, the other party has repeatedly provoked the majesty of the Kun Palace, so I should defend it with force." Being pressed by the other party repeatedly, Li Haoxuan didn't bother to circle around anymore, looking at the other party and said directly.

"Very good." The woman in Tsing Yi's face softened a little, and continued to ask, "How did you hit the face?"

"Fight over the ranks, regardless of equal!" Li Haoxuan replied proudly, he knew that his battle with Ouyang Shu could not be hidden from anyone, and it would be better to admit his own strength and power openly than to cover up.

"This is also called face slap? Do you know what is face slap?" The woman in Tsing Yi smiled contemptuously, looked at Li Haoxuan and asked.

"En?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback, and looked at the other party suspiciously. In his understanding, the so-called slap in the face is to insult the other party, to humiliate the other party. Now he is fighting against the ranks, going against the immortals. Although he did not win, he did not lose either. , Isn't it enough to humiliate the other party?For a strong man of the law, what could make him feel more insulted than losing to a monk in the mortal realm?

"You don't know what face slap is." Looking at Li Haoxuan's puzzled expression, the woman in Tsing Yi shook her head and sneered, "Fighting over the ranks? No distinction between equals? Is this what you call face slapping? Ouyang Shu didn't fight with you at all." He didn't show his real strength, deep in his heart you are still not his opponent, and he will never admit that he will lose to a little guy like you who has a mortal education, even if you are a half-step magic ring. Same."

"So, he will think that a tie with you is nothing more than playing house with children and playing casually. Is it necessary to be serious? He still thinks that as long as he exerts all his strength, he can crush you to death at any time. In this case, you He didn't beat him at all, he didn't even draw with him at all, and he didn't feel the slightest insult or humiliation, so how dare you say that you slapped Ouyang Shu in the face? Which child would stand on one leg? Pushed to the ground thinking that he hit that adult in the face? The fallen adult will only feel that the child in front of him is pathetic, thinking that he has defeated himself but he doesn't know that he did it on purpose, Li Haoxuan, you can understand me."

"It turned out that everyone didn't believe that I had the power to fight against immortals, but believed that Ouyang Shu suppressed the strength of the realm in that battle. No wonder there was no disturbance after that battle. I thought it would cause an uproar." Listen After finishing what the other party said, Li Haoxuan thought in his heart, "But this is better, it won't attract everyone's attention, and it can give me more time to practice. Although I can hide Li Vulcan Furnace more perfectly after entering the Lingxu Realm, I still can't think about it." I have concealed some great practitioners, so it is better not to attract the attention of others!"

Li Haoxuan didn't know how powerful it is to fight against the gods. Except for the king of gods, there are very few people who can do it against the gods. Such people can't be born in 1 years. Although everyone knows that Li Haoxuan is a genius , but who would think of Li Haoxuan in that direction?Will a rare genius appear in the Nine Palaces, in the Kun Palace?What a joke.

Except for Liu Bai and others, no one knows that Li Haoxuan's real combat power can definitely kill the strong people in the early stage of bigu with ease, and those two demon masters are living examples.

"Then why do you slap your face?" Li Haoxuan didn't intend to explain this matter, but asked calmly after a moment of silence.

"What do you mean by slap in the face? Slap in the face, as the name suggests, of course, is to slap him in the face!" The woman in Tsing Yi smiled, and then said coldly, "What is Ouyang Shu, who dares to speak nonsense to Kun Palace? A A trash who can't even break into the big formation of the Kun Palace, even if he cultivates bigu, he is still a trash, and he has the face to judge us? Li Haoxuan, although I am very satisfied with your daring to attack him, but I am very satisfied with you fighting him I am not satisfied with the result, and I am very dissatisfied, since you have already taken action against him, since you can gain the upper hand before he uses the eternal blue sky of the unity of gold and wood, then why didn't you slap him in the face?"

"Do you know what slapping the face is now?" Finally, the woman in Tsing Yi asked Li Haoxuan in a harmonious voice.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for your guidance." Li Haoxuan finally recovered from the other party's words after a while, and said with a heavy nod.

"Next time you meet Ouyang Shu's provocation, what will you do?" the woman in Tsing Yi asked again.

"Of course it's a slap on his face!" Li Haoxuan replied confidently.

"Wrong." The woman in Tsing Yi shook her head and corrected, "It was a slap on his face!"

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