Holy furnace

Chapter 309 2 Rules

"Wrong, it's not a slap on his face, but a heavy slap on his face!" Li Haoxuan couldn't help being shocked by the words of the woman in Tsing Yi!He didn't expect that the senior sister of Kun Palace would be so strong, as if she really regarded Ouyang Shu, a strong man in the law, as a waste.

He was originally worried that the brothers and sisters in Kun Palace would think that what he did was a little too much, but now it seems that there is no such problem at all, it seems that they only think that what they have done is not too much, not what they have done Too much!

"That's right, he was slapped heavily on the face!" Li Haoxuan said immediately.He is now more and more sure that Kun Palace's true strength will definitely not be as weak as the outside rumors. As for why Kun Palace's ranking is at the bottom, Li Haoxuan can't figure it out.

"Very good, now you know what it means to slap your face, I hope I won't let me teach you what it means to lose face again." The woman in Tsing Yi nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and took a step forward and disappeared into the courtyard.

"Junior Brother Li, it was you, Senior Sister Zhang Aoxue, who spoke to you earlier. Her temper has always been like this, so you don't need to pay too much attention to it." After Zhang Aoxue left, Di Qing said helplessly to Li Haoxuan.

"I think Senior Sister Zhang's character suits me very well." Li Haoxuan could feel the kindness from these people in front of him, so he was no longer so restrained, and replied with a smile.

"Senior Sister Zhang's teachings are naturally to be listened to." Di Qing smiled and said, "But you have to do what you can. With your current strength, it's not enough to compete head-on with Ouyang Shu. He must report his flaws, although The conflict between you is not a big problem, but you also have to be careful that he will give you black hands in the dark. Well, but I forgive him for not having the guts to dare to do anything to you in the audience. Anyway, improving your own cultivation is the key The top priority. Where are you now?"

"Half-step law precept." Li Haoxuan replied calmly, at the same time slightly surged his mana, causing the faint breath of "law" to permeate.

"It really is a half-step precept, and you have already begun to comprehend the mystery of the law?" Di Qing was shocked, and asked, "Before you left, you only just consecrated the realm, why did you reach the half-step precept in just over a month? I heard that you were ambushed on the first day of your departure, and then you disappeared after you decided to break up. Where have you been for more than a month? But what adventure did you get?"

"In fact, I had already comprehended the realm of Lingxu during that breakout. After breaking through, I first found a place to break through, and then met Xu Ziyue in the desert, Senior Sister Xu. I have followed her for more than a month. Practicing by your side... Half a month ago, we discovered a small vein of spirit stone in the desert of the vast sea, so the speed of breakthrough is a little faster." Li Haoxuan already had an excuse in his mind, and now he carefully explained this one What happened to Yue was told without any flaws.

"Is this a little faster? It's so fast." Kong Si's expression was twitching, and he finally choked out a sentence.

"With Xu Ziyue by your side to guide you, there will be no madness and unstable foundation." Another senior brother said, "We are here today mainly to see what the genius of the new genius disciple from my Kun Palace is. To a certain extent, seeing it today did not disappoint us, Junior Brother Li, I think you will be able to stay in the main hall in the near future."

"The road to practice is so bumpy. Although Xu Ziyue is by your side to guide you, I think your advancement is still too fast, and the aura of the law on your body is not pure, it is a bit messy, so don't rush to break through. In Ling It will be good for you to stay in the Void Realm for a few more years." A young man holding a folding fan suddenly said to Li Haoxuan.

"Thank you for your teaching, senior brother." Li Haoxuan quickly agreed, but this senior brother's suggestion had the same effect as Xu Ziyue's suggestion.

"Today, those of us who are not in retreat have another purpose besides seeing you as a genius, and that is to tell you something you must know as a core disciple of Kun Palace." Chu Xiong took a step forward, facing Li Haoxuan said, "You not only have to listen to what Zhang Aoxue said before, but also really understand it."

"I don't care what the outside world thinks of our Kun Palace. Whether it's the weakest or the last, it's all a false name. We don't care about it, and the teacher is even more dismissive. As for you, if you don't care, then you Don’t care, if you want to care about it, then you should care about it, in the future, if you see anyone who dares to provoke our Kun Palace, then you will fight until he is afraid, until he dare not mention the word Kun Palace again!”

"Speaking of which, Kun Palace doesn't have any miscellaneous rules, there are only two, you have to remember. First: Do whatever you want, Kun Palace advocates freedom, so we won't force you to do anything you don't want to do, even if it is Cultivation! Cultivation is your personal business. We have no responsibility, let alone urge you to practice, so if you like to practice, then you can practice. No one will discipline you or restrain you."

"Second: Help relatives or not. Once you enter the Kun Palace, you are a family. It doesn't matter how much you fight and intrigue in the Kun Palace, because everyone is your own, as long as it does not exceed the teacher's set But in the face of people outside of Kun Palace, if our disciples of Kun Palace are being bullied, then we have to stand up for him. Considering the consequences of doing so, the debts that should be collected must not be less.”

"I don't care what the outside world thinks of Kun Palace, but I know that everyone in Kun Palace will be proud of being a Kun Palace disciple, so we firmly believe that what every Kun Palace disciple does must have a reason, there must be something like this The reason for doing it, since this is the case, then we think that what they did must be just and reasonable, at least for us Kun Palace, this is just and reasonable, so we must take action to defend our The justice and truth of Kun Palace!"

"The practice world pays attention to the respect of the strong, and the same is true for our Qingxu concept. If both sides have reason, then as long as you can win the fight, the reason is in your hands! So don't be afraid of causing trouble, even if it does, we will take care of it." Otherwise, what do you want us brothers and sisters to do? When your truth is taken away by others, we will help you get it back, so don’t be afraid that what you do will be unreasonable, because the truth is always on our side. "

"If you see someone who doesn't like you and want to beat him up, then you go, we brothers and sisters have no opinion at all and stand on your side unconditionally, but you must understand one truth, that is to be clear Know whether you have the ability to teach others a lesson. Although we follow the principle of helping relatives and not helping others, we also need to let you know the cruelty of reality. Therefore, if anyone fights with you in the future, no matter how miserable you lose , those of us will not make a move, some things still need to be resolved by yourself.”

"However, if anyone dares to overwhelm you with his realm, no matter who he is, you come to me, and I will help you out! If I can't do it, then there will be Senior Sister Zhang, if Zhang Aoxue can't, then there will be Senior Brother Di, and if Senior Brother Di can't, there will be Senior Brother Fang." If Senior Brother Fang can't do it, then wait for the Palace Master to come back and break his bones!"

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