Holy furnace

Chapter 311 The Chance to Go Up to Two Floors

"Before you participated in the hero test, I told you that if you perform well, I can give you a certain reward instead of the teacher." Di Qing said with a smile, "From now on, although I don't know how many people you killed Monster, but that doesn't matter anymore, your contribution to breaking through to the half-step ring is greater than how many monsters you killed, and your performance in the Dragon and Tiger Pass also made us very satisfied, so of course this reward still needs to be rewarded. for you."

"Thank you, senior brothers." Although I don't know what the specific reward is, but it is worth so many senior brothers and sisters to be present in person, which is enough to show the preciousness of this gift, Li Haoxuan immediately bowed and said.

"What we reward you is not a magic weapon, nor a panacea." Di Qing nodded and said, "It's an opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback, and asked, "What opportunity?"

"A chance to go up to the second floor." Di Qing said with a smile.

"Hehe, everyone, don't be fooled." Lin Jia stepped forward and said to Li Haoxuan, "You should know that every place in the Nine Palaces will have a relatively independent scripture pavilion. The collection of books in each palace is very different. And every new disciple can get a chance to enter the Sutra Pavilion, and in the future, you need to pay Xuanjing to buy entry qualifications."

"The Sutra Pavilion is divided into two floors. The first floor is the place where the supernatural powers and secret arts are stored, and the second floor is the place where the supernatural powers and secret arts are stored. The Sutra Pavilion is strictly hierarchical and insurmountable. , the monks of all academic realms can't go up to the second floor to read the books that are qualified to read in the Dharma precept realm, but now, the opportunity we give you is to let you walk up to the second floor as a half-step Dharma precept Go and read the books offered to the Law Precepts."

"The Law Precepts Realm is a big realm, which is divided into three small realms. Many of the books are incomprehensible to us, and reading them forcibly will even hurt the primordial spirit. However, there are also some books that only involve theoretical knowledge, and even some The former sages used very ingenious words to record the differences between Dharma Precepts and Fanxue, if you can truly comprehend that knowledge, it will be of great benefit for you to break through to the Bigu Realm in the future." Chu Xiong also said.

"Is there no time limit?" Li Haoxuan's heart skipped a beat. His current theoretical knowledge is seriously lacking, and he wanted to find an opportunity to refresh his knowledge in the world of practice. Now he has the opportunity to enter the second floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, which is just what he wants. The collection of books on the second floor is basically all the essence of Da Neng's works. If you can really read it again, the benefits are too many to count.With his current strength, magic weapons of the ordinary spirit weapon level are useless, unless they are magic weapons above the top grade spirit weapon.

"You have a good idea." Di Qing scolded with a smile, "It is a historical precedent for you to enter the second floor of the Sutra Pavilion this time. Do you still want to have no time limit? One day, you can find a time for yourself. Come to me when you want to go in, I will take you in, and I will pick you up after a day. But I suggest you not to rush to the second floor, at least you should go to the first floor and wait until the realm is more stable Then go to the second floor, and then the second floor may become your opportunity to break through."

"Thank you, brother, for your guidance." Li Haoxuan thanked again. He had heard people mention the Sutra Pavilion and the Tongtian Pagoda many times. These two things exist in any part of the Nine Palaces but they are different everywhere. They are full of mystery in themselves, and apart from the first For all other times, mysterious crystals are required to purchase qualifications, so it is conceivable that there must be infinite mysteries in it.Li Haoxuan has been in the Qingxu Temple for several months, and now he has never even entered the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, which made him suddenly want to go to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion for a walk.

"Hidden Golden Pavilion and Tongtian Pagoda are both good places, especially for those who go there for the first time, most of them will have some insight. When can you go and see, if you have enough Xuanjing, you can go more, it is left by the patriarch A miracle must be good for you." In the end, Di Qing waved Li Haoxuan to leave after saying this.

"Hey, it's a pity that the trial time is too short this time, otherwise, with Junior Brother Li's current strength, he will definitely be able to kill all directions, and maybe he will become the number one in the hero trial!" After Li Haoxuan left, Chu Xiong sighed with regret. He took a breath and said, "The Elder's Court issued an edict saying that whoever can get the first place in the test of outstanding people can enter Qingxu Hall to watch the patriarch's handbook "Chongxu Sutra". That is the real great fortune. Who will win the trial?" "The Patriarch's Handbook is just a mirror image, even if Junior Brother Li can enter the Qingxu Palace, he may not be able to take ten steps. If he cannot take ten steps, then he cannot enter the Qing Dynasty." There is no difference between Xudian." Di Qing said calmly, "I heard that the champion of this heroic trial is a person from Qiangong, but it doesn't matter, Junior Brother Li naturally has his own way, and if he has the opportunity to enter the reverse world in the future, it will be better than entering the Qing Dynasty now. Xudian is much better, although it will suffer a lot, but everything will be worth it."

"Well, it makes sense. I still remember that when Zhou Xing entered the Qingxu Hall, his internal organs were shattered. If the elders hadn't personally acted, the boy would have died. Reverse the world, hehe, I almost lost my life in the reverse world. I can't stand suicide, and now I don't know how I survived it." Chu Xiong smiled wryly and nodded, no longer entangled in this problem.

Li Haoxuan didn't know that after he left, all the powerhouses in Di Yuan were still discussing around him, and at this time he had already left the main hall of Kun Palace and flew towards the central hall.

The Central Hall is the core of Qingxu Temple. Although it is said to be a palace in name, it can already be regarded as a continent. Some people call the Central Hall the Central Continent, and the most magnificent hall on the Central Continent It was called the Central Hall.Because this continent suspended in the void has a radius of thousands of miles, and there are countless palace buildings, such as the central hall, the Qingxu hall, the battle hall, the criminal law hall, the Lingjue hall, the elder hall, the Xuyu hall, etc., of various kinds. Buildings stand among them, row upon row, in perfect order.

Although it was not the first time for Li Haoxuan to come to the central hall, he was still shocked by everything in the central hall and was speechless for a long time.Such a vast continent with a radius of thousands of miles can almost be compared to half a vast sea and desert. How powerful formations and mana are needed to make it hang above the clouds for tens of thousands of years?Standing in front of this central hall, anyone would feel their own insignificance, and thinking of the Patriarch Qingxu who created the Qingxu Temple, Li Haoxuan felt his own insignificance, as tiny as dust on the ground.

Tiny is not humble, even in the face of the lofty Patriarch Qingxu, Li Haoxuan still does not feel humble, because he has his own dignity and pride.

He came to the central hall this time not to go to the battle hall to participate in a gambling fight, but to first replace the demon core in his hand with a mysterious crystal.

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