Holy furnace

Chapter 313

"Li Haoxuan?" Ruan Shan and Shi Cheng narrowed their eyes immediately after hearing Li Haoxuan's words, they nodded calmly, and then said to Li Haoxuan, "Forget you made it in time, it will be over in a while In exchange for time. Li Haoxuan, right, where is the identity token?"

"Please take a look at the two senior brothers." Li Haoxuan had already learned the process of exchanging Xuan Jing from Qing Shi, so naturally he would not have any objections to this, and handed the token representing his identity to the hands of the two in front of him.

"Well, there is no problem with your identity. How many demons have you killed, take out the demon cores." Shi Cheng said to Li Haoxuan after verifying his identity token.

"I have a total of [-] demon cores here, of which [-] are enlightened demon cores, and [-] are Lingxu realm demon cores." Li Haoxuan said.

"Ten thousand pieces?" Ruan Shan and Shi Cheng looked at each other, then pointed to a round container of identity and said, "Put the demon cores in, we need to count the number."

"Okay." Li Haoxuan nodded, and put the [-] demon cores in the storage bag into the round container with a thought. This is to test the quantity and quality of the demon cores, and it is also the process of exchanging for Xuanjing one.

When all the dense demon cores entered this seemingly small circular container, the circular container immediately began to glow. After a while, Ruan Shan nodded and said to Li Haoxuan expressionlessly, "Yes, nine thousand consecrations, one thousand Ling Xu, it happens to be [-] demon cores. Li Haoxuan, where did your demon cores come from?"

"Where did it come from? Naturally, it was obtained by beheading the demon clan in the vast sea desert." Li Haoxuan frowned, and said in a deep voice, he felt that something was wrong, Qingshi never told him about the time to exchange for Xuanjing The other party actually asked about the source of the demon core, and he felt a ray of hostility from the other party.

"There are a total of [-] demon cores here. Can you really be sure that these demon cores are all yours? After all, [-] demon cores represent hundreds of thousands of profound crystals. I have to be cautious. I don't know if you can produce some evidence to prove it. Do these demon cores really belong to you?" Ruan Shan asked again, with a hint of sarcasm flashing across his face.

"What do you two brothers mean?" Looking at Ruan Shan's expression, Li Haoxuan finally knew that the hostility he felt earlier was not an illusion, but this place is pure and empty, with the entire Kun Palace as the backing, he is not afraid of the other party's tricks Conspiracy and tricks, and said directly, "You guys are too lenient, right? As far as I know, the duty of the two senior brothers seems to be to confirm my identity and then distribute the mysterious crystals according to the number of demon cores. How do I get these demon cores?" Let me explain to you? I don’t know when the two senior brothers even took on the errands of the Law Enforcement Hall? I have never heard of this.”

"Bold! It's just a half-step discipline, just a small inner disciple," Shi Cheng got up and yelled loudly as soon as Li Haoxuan finished speaking.

"It's just a matter of fact, I don't know which eye of the two senior brothers saw me yelling? But senior brother, your voice is really not soft." Li Haoxuan said lightly, his tone was full of sarcasm.

"Hmph, sharp teeth! You can only show off your sharp tongue. Although we, as core disciples, will not condescend to be as knowledgeable as you, you'd better not push yourself too hard, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless. All in all, If you have to explain clearly the source of these ten thousand profound crystals and provide evidence to prove that what you said is true, then we will absolutely not be able to exchange the profound crystals for you." Ruan Shan sneered.

"Then I don't know how to prove it?" Li Haoxuan can now be sure that he has never met the two people in front of him, and he can also be sure that the two people in front of him are indeed targeting him, but he doesn't understand the reason why the other party did this, but the matter is over. He was also not afraid, looking at the other party and asking.

"It's best to be able to report the names of the monster clans that you killed. If you can't, at least five witnesses must be present, and these five people must be neither relatives nor relatives of you, and have never left you during the training period. You are about ten feet away from each other, and you need to have a consistent confession, so you can prove that these demon cores are indeed yours." Ruan Shan said while looking at Li Haoxuan.

"This is the proof you said? Don't tell me that everyone can give such a proof when exchanging Xuanjing. Also, what if I can't give a proof? You just don't want to exchange one Xuanjing? "Li Haoxuan suddenly smiled and said sarcastically.

"Let's not talk about a Profound Crystal, even half of it can't be exchanged for you. That's all, all your monster cores will be confiscated, and you yourself will be subject to our investigation, this is the rule!" Shi Cheng said sharply.

"Rules? I want to know who made the rules!" Li Haoxuan snorted.

"Senior Brother Luo arranged for us to be in charge of the distribution of the mysterious crystals. We are fully responsible for everything related to the demon core and the mysterious crystals, so the rules are naturally made by us! Li Haoxuan, I know that you must be an elite disciple to participate in the heroic trial. But you have to know that this identity is nothing to us, you can show off your power in front of ordinary inner disciples, but you are nothing in front of our core disciples!"

"Li Haoxuan, you don't need to judge a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, thinking that we are targeting you by asking a few more questions. Since we are helping Senior Brother Luo with affairs, the rules we have formulated are naturally to ensure fairness and justice. It may be aimed at individuals. What's more, who do you think you are? You are just an ordinary disciple, if we want to deal with you, it will take such a lot of trouble? Huh, don't take yourself too seriously!"

"Not to mention anything else, just based on your disrespect to our two core disciples of the Law Precepts, we can severely punish you instead of your senior brother! An ordinary disciple dares to yell at the core disciples? It's simply Lawless! In your eyes, do you still have seniority and inferiority? Do you still have the canon of doctrine? Do you still have the law of the king, and do you have many brothers and sisters who are in the realm of law?" Ruan Shan and Shi Cheng exchanged glances He said in a cold voice to Li Haoxuan, his voice was all stern, and wisps of mana overflowed, directly pressing towards Li Haoxuan's body.

"What a fair one!" The disdain on Li Haoxuan's face grew stronger, and he mocked, "Before today, I've only seen one person who could be so shameless but didn't feel ashamed at all. You will be The second and the third. Now I feel extremely shameful even calling you senior brothers, but you don’t have to tell me your names, because it’s unnecessary, I don’t want to stain my ears, let alone, even if you I’m sure I won’t remember it.”

"It's just that I really want to know, where is your so-called fairness, where is justice? We are in the same vast sea and desert, and each person's strength is different, so the number of demons killed is naturally different. There is no such thing as fairness or unfairness. Now you and I What do you mean by fairness? It means that I have to produce evidence to prove that I personally killed these demon cores before I can give them to me? It’s a joke!"

"A long time ago, I had always been in awe of the brothers and sisters in the precepts of the law, but as time went on, I found that not every senior in the precepts of the law was worthy of respect, and some were more annoying like moths. .In my eyes there are old and young, but there is no respect, because all people are born equal, and no one is born nobler than others, at least not in my eyes. I have teachings in my eyes, but I don’t have what you call kingly laws , because the Grand Ceremony is a rule, and there is no rule without rules, and the law of the king is an unreasonable power. I don't like it and extremely reject it. In my eyes, there are many brothers and sisters, but without you, because you are not worthy, even if you have completed the precepts, in the In my eyes, I am still nothing but a moth in the Law Precepts! As long as it is a moth, no matter what it is, it is not a good thing."

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