Holy furnace

Chapter 315 Huge crime

The Law Enforcing Hall is a special institution in the Qingxu Temple, which is affiliated to the Elders’ Court and is directly under the jurisdiction of the Elders’ Court. No one can give orders to it except the elders of the Elders’ Court and the Supreme Headmaster, not even the Nine Palace Masters of the Nine Palaces. The right to interfere with the rules of the law enforcement hall, from a certain point of view, this is equivalent to a violent institution of the Qingxu concept, with great power, and can even judge the core disciples of the law ring, even if the opponent is a strong The practitioners are no exception, everyone in the Qingxu concept changes color when talking about law enforcement, and is in awe.

As a violent institution under the presbytery, the Law Enforcing Hall naturally has extremely powerful deterrent force. Every law enforcement officer in it has a cultivation level of the Law Ring, the weakest is also at the peak of the Bigu Realm, and the strongest is at the peak of the Yuanhua Realm , Among them, there are even powers lacking in criminal conditions who directly sit in it. If they encounter perpetrators who cannot be captured by the law enforcement officers, these powerful powers in lack of criminal conditions will directly take action!The power of the lack of offense can be said to be the strongest combat power in the world. Once he makes a move, he will be shocked immediately. Any strong man in the law and ring will be captured with one move, even a monster like Meng Jun will not be spared.

"The Law Enforcement Hall?" Hearing that the other party mentioned the Law Enforcement Hall at this time, Li Haoxuan had to be cautious, but he is not a three-year-old child, so it is impossible for him to be intimidated by the other party like this, so he sneered and said disdainfully, "You think the Law Enforcement Hall is yours?" Opened at home? What a majestic place the Law Enforcement Hall is, how dare you use the Law Enforcement Hall to pretend to be a tiger, don’t you know how to write dead? "

"Whatever you want to say." Shi Cheng said with a cold face, "I said, you can jump hard now, but in a few days you won't be able to jump even if you want to, just based on what you said to me If so, I will let you know what life is better than death."

"If you want to avenge your personal revenge, you must at least have that ability, but you are just two moths at the Bigu Realm, do you still think that you are a power at the Criminal Realm?" Li Haoxuan's words became more harsh, he knew that he would never be mastered by the other party To take the initiative, it is best to be able to completely irritate the other party and let them tell the truth, so that he can know what he should do next. He knows that there must be a reason for these two people to confront him like this, and it is impossible to be aimless. There has been speculation, but further confirmation is needed.

"You can say whatever you want, it doesn't matter." Ruan Shan's expression was impassive, and he said lightly, "The more you talk now, the happier you feel in your heart, and it will only make yourself more painful at that time. You are just showing off your tongue now. It’s all about the benefits, what impact can it have on us? But after a while, what will be imposed on you is not as simple as the benefits of words! It is said that there is a punishment department in the Law Enforcement Hall, which has three thousand punishment methods, thousands of Years ago, there was a Yuanhua Realm expert who had cultivated the "Wu Wang Jing" and survived [-] punishments before finally dying. I am curious how much you can survive?"

"Wu Wang Sutra" is not a supernatural power, but a method of cultivating immortals. Li Haoxuan once heard Xu Ziyue talk about this immortal formula. It is said that "Wu Wang Sutra" was created by a strong man from the Ninth Heaven of Immortal Records. The purpose of creating this sutra was to abandon the physical body and ascend to the fairyland with the primordial spirit. The final result is predictable, but it is impossible to succeed.However, that strong man is the existence of the Nine Heavens of Immortal Records after all, so how can the "Wu Wang Sutra" created by his lifelong comprehension be a mortal thing?

Although the strong man failed to ascend to the Immortal Realm in the end, he shattered the vacuum with his primordial spirit at the last moment, and almost achieved the quasi-emperor position in the starry sky. The robbery disappeared.Although he has passed away, the "Wu Wang Jing" created by him has been handed down. It is said that if he cultivates to a great success, he may not be able to ascend to the fairyland, but he may be able to achieve the quasi-emperor realm.Moreover, this celestial art pays attention to the complete separation of the spirit from the body, all connections between the body and the primordial spirit will be cut off, even if someone chops it into pieces, the primordial spirit will not feel any pain.

However, it was just such a Yuanhuajing strongman who had cultivated the "Wuwangjing" to a small degree that he was tortured to death in the Law Enforcement Hall. Will be tortured to death.The [-] penalty in the Law Enforcing Hall can be seen, enough to make ordinary monks turn pale with fright and their legs go weak, even those who are strong in the Law Enforcement Hall would not dare to tease the behemoth of the Law Enforcement Hall.

"You don't need to worry about how much I can survive, but you, using the prestige of the Law Enforcement Hall to pretend to be a tiger, think that you can deceive the deacons of the Law Enforcement Hall? Now I feel worried for you, and I hope you don't die too soon." Li Haoxuan also felt the pressure, although he didn't want to believe that the Law Enforcement Hall would really show up, but with the shadow of a famous tree, Li Haoxuan was still very afraid of the existence of the Law Enforcement Hall.

"There will be a moment when you will kneel in front of us and beg for mercy." Ruan Shan was always calm, looked at Li Haoxuan and said, most of what he said was meaningless, it seemed that he was just delaying time.

"Let me kneel in front of you? Why don't you go eat shit?" Li Haoxuan sneered and said, "It seems that you are wasting time here with me like this? But I don't have so much time to talk nonsense with you, I want Xuan Jing is here with you for the time being, and sooner or later I will make you all spit it out." Although Li Haoxuan is very strong, he is not stupid, and he is obviously confident in his opposition, but this also involves a giant like Law Enforcement Hall. He had to fight hard against the other party for the sake of a battle of spirits, and he even felt that his heart was once again covered with a haze, as if danger was approaching.

While speaking, Li Haoxuan already had the idea of ​​retreating. It involved the threat of two powerful men of the law. He felt that it was necessary to report this matter to Di Qing and the others. This did not mean that he was cowardly, but that he wanted to truly I want to integrate myself into the Kun Palace.Then, he made a sudden move, directly grabbed the [-] demon cores in the circular container and put them into the storage bag with his powerful hands.

The demon core is also a hard currency. If you can’t exchange Xuan Jing here, you can go to the official exchange. Although the value will be reduced a lot, if a demon core in the enlightened state is exchanged with the official Qingxu Temple, you can only exchange it for five Xuan crystals, which is a big difference. Four times as much.

"You want to go?" Shi Cheng and Ruan Shan's expressions changed at the same time, they stared at Li Haoxuan and said, they have seen Li Haoxuan's speed, they can't fly here, they can't keep Li Haoxuan.

"Any opinion?" Li Haoxuan asked back.

"You will regret it." Ruan Shan's expression finally changed, and he said sharply, "In the desert of the vast sea, you used the method of killing your fellow disciples to obtain Xuanjing. Do you think this kind of thing can really be concealed? If you leave, you are absconding in fear of crime. Wait a minute!"

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