Holy furnace

Chapter 316 Want to add a crime

"What did you say?" After hearing Ruan Shan's words, Li Haoxuan's eyes suddenly became sharp, and there was even a ray of murderous intent hidden in it.

In the view of Qingxu, whether it is an outer sect or an inner sect, it is a capital offense to kill fellow sects. Even a strong man in the Yuanhua realm cannot kill a monk in the foundation realm at will. This is the rule, and it overrides other cultivators. Rules above rules!Back then when Li Haoxuan killed He Wuliang when he was in the outer gate, the chief steward even went to check it himself, but Li Haoxuan was experienced and determined to wash away all the breath, otherwise even if he succeeded in building the foundation at that time, he would still be killed by the chief steward. He was killed on the spot for the crime of killing his fellow disciples.

At this time, Ruan Shan categorically accused Li Haoxuan of murdering and seizing property, not only occupying the demon cores of other fellow sects, but also brutally killing those people. It will definitely be alarmed, beheading a fellow sect is a capital crime, and the law enforcement hall has the right and obligation to appear to investigate this matter.

"I said that you slaughtered your fellow disciples, murdered for money, didn't I make it clear enough? Stop pretending to be crazy, it's useless, you can't run away." Shi Cheng said viciously, looking at Li Haoxuan's shocked and angry eyes, he felt a An inexplicable pleasure.

"What evidence do you have?" Li Haoxuan thought for a while, and after confirming that he had explained to Xu Ziyue all the itineraries on the vast desert, he asked calmly.

"You're scared." Seeing Li Haoxuan's expression suddenly calmed down, Ruan Shan raised his brows, thinking that the crimes he wove had something to do with it, so he couldn't help but said in a cold voice.

"I'm not afraid, and there's no need to be afraid. I just asked if you have any evidence, that's all." Li Haoxuan asked again, "I have never met you two, but you have been targeting me from the beginning. Even a fool knows that there must be tricks in it, so tell me, who is instigating you behind the scenes?"

"Joke! Who are we? Who can instigate us? As I said, we didn't mean to target you at all. You have always been guessing wildly, biting people like a mad dog, and now you still make up this Waiting for the nonsense to come, what tricks do you want to play? You don't have to waste your time, no matter what, you can't get away with the crime of killing your fellow disciples, just wait for the Law Enforcement Hall to come." Shi Cheng smiled, and he felt extremely happy.

"Ouyang Shu only has this little guts. Could it be that he doesn't even dare to show his face?" Li Haoxuan paused suddenly, and then sneered, "I'll ask again, what evidence do you have for killing the same name? If there is evidence, I'm fine." It's easy to say, but if you dare to say such cruel words without evidence, I swear that I will let you know what it means to truly live than die!"

"Are you threatening me? Hahahaha, it's a joke, a big joke, how dare an ant with a half-step ring dare to threaten me?" Shi Cheng laughed loudly, then his expression suddenly turned cold, and he said, "Even if I really So what if there is no evidence? What can you do to me? Do you need evidence to deal with you? Guessing is enough. What's more, the fact that there is no evidence now does not mean that there will be no evidence in the future. I believe that after you enter the Law Enforcement Hall, The so-called evidence will appear."

"Is it a trick of torture?" Li Haoxuan said disdainfully, "You can't touch me, and Ouyang Shu can't touch me. Of course the Law Enforcement Hall can touch me, but you can't touch the Law Enforcement Hall. So I don't care what you say. Although I don’t know what tricks you guys are playing, it’s useless, although it’s a pity that you two are not deacons of the Law Enforcement Hall, and no matter how fancy you say, it can’t change any facts.”

"Also, what I said earlier was not threatening you, nor was I warning you. I was just informing you that one day in the near future I will make your life worse than death. You can prepare in advance. As for the specific day I will depend on my mood at that time. One last thing, no matter how far you perform this drama, you are still just clowns in my eyes, no, not clowns, but moths."

After finishing speaking, Li Haoxuan turned around and prepared to leave.He didn't care much about what Shi Cheng said. First of all, he didn't kill his disciples. On the contrary, he saved hundreds of disciples. This is definitely a great achievement, but he doesn't know why this achievement seems to be suppressed. No reward fell on his head.

Secondly, during the entire trial period, he acted alone, never contacted any disciples of the same school, and no one knew his whereabouts, so he was not afraid of any evidence at all. Moreover, all the trips in the vast sea and desert had been confirmed with Xu Ziyue. Collusion is good, even if she appeared to testify, even the Law Enforcement Hall would not continue to insist on this kind of case without any evidence. As Li Haoxuan said before, there is no reason to add a crime, but it is a pity that the two of them are not deacons of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Li Haoxuan knew what he should do now, the top priority was to return to Kun Palace.Xu Ziyue didn't tell Li Haoxuan her contact information, but Di Qing must know. Even if Di Qing didn't know, Niu Li would know too. Therefore, as long as Xu Ziyue is found, all of this will not be a problem. On the contrary, he can take the initiative, In the name of slander and slander, sue Shi Cheng and the other two to the law enforcement court!

The only thing that puzzled Li Haoxuan was why Shi Cheng and Ruan Shan would say that they killed their fellow disciples so firmly without evidence?You must know that if there is no certain evidence for such a major event, no one will use it to slander and frame it, because it is very likely that you will steal the chicken and lose everything.He is now almost sure that Ouyang Shu is leading this matter, but he does not believe that Ouyang Shu can really find any unfounded evidence, let alone that he put his hand into the Law Enforcement Hall, otherwise Niu Li would not be able to lose face He didn't even give it, and ridiculed him like that in front of everyone.

But all of this doesn't matter, as long as he can return to the Kun Palace, all problems will be solved, and the Law Enforcement Hall can't do anything to him.

"We are moths, so what are you? Even if we are moths, we can still crush you to death with one hand. You are not as good as moths!" Ruan Shan said coldly, "I advise you to stay here obediently, don't leave Bring the disaster back to Kun Palace."

"It's still the same sentence, no matter how weak I am, I am still a human being, and no matter how strong your strength is, you are still just a stronger moth. Strong?" Li Haoxuan said disdainfully, "Ouyang Shu treats you like guns so that you still don't know, and even your IQ is low. I think it's unfair to moths to say that you are moths. You can't keep me, if If you want me to stay, let Ouyang Shu come forward." After Li Haoxuan finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the direction he came from.

"But I haven't seen you for a few days, but your eloquence has become sharper, Li Haoxuan, you can't go." Just as Li Haoxuan took a step, a voice came from not far away, it was Ouyang Shu, and Beside Ouyang Shu, there were four figures standing.

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