Holy furnace

Chapter 317 Mr. Huyan

"Finally found out? I thought you didn't have the guts to appear in front of me again." Li Haoxuan turned to look at Ouyang Shu. He was not surprised by Ouyang Shu's appearance, and he had even been waiting for Ouyang Shu's appearance. To confirm my guess in my heart.

At this time, Ouyang Shu looked energetic, his face did not have the look of decadence when he was reprimanded by Niu Li, and he looked at Li Haoxuan with incomparable arrogance, like gods aloof.

"You can't leave today even if you talk about a flower like a tongue. Since you can't leave, then I don't need to talk nonsense with you." Ouyang Shu glanced at Li Haoxuan lightly, said casually, and then bowed slightly , whispered a few words to a proud young man standing beside him.

It was only then that Li Haoxuan noticed that although Ouyang Shu and his party came together, he was not standing in the middle, but standing next to the proud young man in black robe, with a very respectful look on his face.

"I've seen Mr. Huyan." Just when Li Haoxuan was slightly surprised, Shi Cheng and Ruan Shan's expressions changed slightly at the same time, and they hurried forward to salute the young man and said.

"En." The young man known as Mr. Huyan hummed lightly and waved his hands. He didn't say much, but looked at Li Haoxuan with a playful look in his eyes.

"Li Haoxuan, you are so courageous! Mr. Huyan came in person, how dare you not come forward to pay respects? Have you taken the guts of a big ambition?" Shi Cheng immediately turned around and yelled at Li Haoxuan after greeting each other.

"Mr. Huyan? I haven't heard of it." Li Haoxuan gave Shi Cheng a disdainful look, and said, "What does it matter to you whether I see you or not? He didn't say anything, so where is it your turn to speak?"

"You don't know who I am?" At this moment, Mr. Huyan suddenly smiled and said to Li Haoxuan.

"Why do I need to know who you are?" Li Haoxuan said naturally.

"Hehe, interesting." Mr. Huyan nodded, and said with a smile, "I'm just curious that someone doesn't know me. Even if the Kun Palace falls, it won't be isolated from the world, right?"

"The people I want to know will naturally meet. In other words, there is no one I should know other than the people I want to know, so don't take yourself too seriously." Li Haoxuan thought for a while and found his own There was indeed no such person as Mr. Huyan in his mind, so he said.

"You ignorant fool." Ruan Shan sneered.

"You dare to speak like this in front of me. I appreciate your courage." Mr. Huyan smiled, but there was still no anger on his face.

"Could it be that you want to recruit me as a subordinate? Let me do things for you?" Li Haoxuan couldn't help laughing. In the desert of the vast sea, both Yao Likong and the young master who met behind had threatened like this before. He wanted to recruit him and let him join the Tianyao Sect, so when he heard Mr. Huyan say that he admired him very much, he immediately felt speechless.

"Recruit you to be my subordinate?" Mr. Huyan was taken aback for a moment, then he laughed, and said with a smile on his face, "Hehe, are you sure you are not out of your mind? Why do you think I want to recruit you as my subordinate?"

"Because you just said that you appreciate me, and that I have good courage, and I have encountered many such things. But now it seems that I am really self-indulgent this time, it's okay." Li Haoxuan shrugged and said, His words were so weird that people couldn't understand his thinking mode, and even made Mr. Huyan frown.

"Although I don't know what you want to say, but I think you are very interesting." In the end, Mr. Huyan smiled lightly and said, "At least you are very arrogant, which makes me feel a little funny, so I say you are very interesting." Don't get me wrong, I still didn't mean to praise you, nor did I mean to invite you to be my subordinate. As for the appreciation I said earlier, you can take it as a kind of polite words. Finally, because you are, after all, Offended me, so no matter how much I appreciate you and think you are interesting, I will only make your life more and more difficult in the future."

"Did I offend you?" Li Haoxuan was stunned, and asked back, "Just because I said don't take yourself too seriously? I really don't think there is anything wrong with this sentence. Unless you are the ancient emperor, why should I say that?" Must know you, or have heard of you?"

"Some jokes are funny when you tell them the first time, but you will irritate others when you tell them the second time, and you may lose your life when you tell them the third time. Your jokes are not very good, so let's stop here." Mr. Huyan said with a face The smile on the face finally disappeared at this time, and he said calmly.

"I just don't like to see you smile. You obviously care about what I say but you have to pretend not to care. You are obviously narrow-minded but you have to act open-minded." Li Haoxuan said indifferently, "If you don't mind me earlier Laugh, why should I waste my words to say it again? Besides, I really haven’t heard of you, if you don’t want us to continue this boring conversation, you’d better tell me your identity now.”

"I thought I just didn't like you at first, but now, I realize that I don't dislike you, but I hate you a little bit." Mr. Huyan's smile returned to his face, and he said, "I heard Ouyang Shu say that you are People with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, I didn't care much at first, but now it seems that using the four words of sharp teeth and sharp mouth to describe you is really not a good match, but I am too lazy to find an adjective that suits you. Think, if one day you find that you can no longer speak, what a fun thing it would be? Oh, by the way, since you don't like to see me smile, then I will smile more, I really hope you mind , rather than don't mind."

"Do you know that I am very proud now?" Li Haoxuan flicked his fingers, looked at the other party and said, "I didn't want you to smile when I was talking, and then you stopped laughing, and then I wanted to see how annoying you are when you laugh , so you laughed again. As for now, well, you still hate laughing, so stop laughing."

When Li Haoxuan said the last word, Mr. Huyan's face was as cold as ice. Although Li Haoxuan didn't smile, in his eyes, Li Haoxuan at this moment was more annoying than smiling.

"I realized that I don't hate you a little, but I hate you very much. Ouyang Shu said that you can't leave. It is true. You can't leave today. If you want to leave, you can only follow me." Mr. Huyan said.

"Backing back to the original topic again, who do you think you are? You said you asked me to go with you, so I have to go with you? Why?" Li Haoxuan spread his hands and said.

"Is this enough?" Mr. Huyan raised his hand slightly, and a golden word "Zhi" was faintly visible on his sleeve, fluttering in the wind.

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