Holy furnace

Chapter 318 Hard Resistance

"Are you from the Law Enforcement Hall?" Li Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a look of shock flashed across his face, as if he hadn't thought that Ouyang Shu could really move out of the Law Enforcement Hall. The word said in a deep voice.

"You already know my identity, but I don't know if I am qualified to let you go with me now?" Mr. Hu Yan was very satisfied with Li Haoxuan's shocked expression, and said slowly.

"Hmph, now you know the identity of Mr. Huyan? But it's too late for you to regret it. You have to be responsible for every word you say." Shi Cheng sneered.

"Yes, just because you dare to challenge Mr. Huyan? To say that you hit a stone with an egg is to flatter you. If Mr. Huyan is not broad-minded, you can be thrown into the prison of the Law Enforcement Hall just based on your previous few words. You What are you still doing in a daze? Why don’t you kneel down and admit your mistake, and obediently follow us back to the Law Enforcement Hall for investigation?” Ruan Shan grinned, stepped forward and said to Li Haoxuan, “What? Do you want me to do it myself? Kneel for me Down!"

When Ruan Shan spoke, he used the method of hitting sound, which was infused with some mana, especially the last word "kneel down", which contained a powerful deterrent force. The dharma ring would even go limp under this kind of sonic boom. However, Li Haoxuan was not an ordinary half-step dharma ring, but a half-step dharma ring that could be used to defeat immortals, so Ruan Shan's method did not receive any effect. It seemed like a heavy punch had hit the cotton, without the slightest focus.

Huge sound waves exploded in Li Haoxuan's ears, but they couldn't distract him. He felt something strange. Although he knew that the deacon's robe on Mr. Huyan's body couldn't be fake, he still didn't believe that there would really be law enforcement officers. For such a non-existent thing to happen, even if the Law Enforcement Hall really intervenes, it is impossible to send two people here to stabilize himself at this time. He has heard about the behavior of the Law Enforcement Hall. If he really suspects that he has done such a tragic thing For things, you will definitely rush into the Kun Palace to take people without saying a word, why is it so troublesome to use?Moreover, Ouyang Shu was involved, which made him feel that things were definitely not as they said, and even the identity of Mr. Huyan was very doubtful.

"Kneel down!" Seeing that Li Haoxuan was motionless, Ruan Shan thought that the other party was made a fool by his sonic boom, so he shouted again, the voice was like thunder!

"Why don't you eat shit?" Li Haoxuan asked Ruan Shan with a stern look in his eyes.

"What did you say?" Ruan Shan's face suddenly flushed with rage.This is the second time Li Haoxuan said these words, and he trembled with anger. As a cultivator, he tempers his body with the aura of heaven and earth, and uses panacea as food, even if there are any impurities in his body, he can refine them through his pores Excretion, so the general immortal cultivators basically don't have the concept of excretion, let alone them who are strong in the law?But this kind of thing is still the most insulting thing, it can almost shake his heart.

"I said you want me to kneel unless you eat shit, no, even if you eat shit, I can't kneel." Li Haoxuan was too lazy to talk nonsense with Ruan Shan, looked at Mr. Huyan and said, "You said you are the deacon of the Law Enforcement Hall ? What about the deacon token?"

"You're courting death!" This time, as soon as Li Haoxuan finished speaking, Ruan Shan was furious and shot. He finally realized Shi Cheng's state of mind at that time, and couldn't help but want to kill Li Haoxuan on the spot.Ruan Shan is a strong man at the seventh level of the Bigu Realm, and when he made a move, he was like a thunderbolt, and strong mana waves rippling on his huge palm grabbed Li Haoxuan.

"Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to others, are you angry now?" Li Haoxuan stepped back, not wanting to confront the opponent head-on.However, at the same time as his footsteps were moving, Ouyang Shu and Shi Cheng also shot at the same time, and the three of them rushed towards Li Haoxuan, trying to trap him in it.

"The Three Rings took action against me at the same time, a mere Ling Xu. You guys are so embarrassed, have your skin been eaten by dogs?" Li Haoxuan couldn't help mocking, the Three Rings had brought him tremendous pressure, if it wasn't for him At this time, he has already broken into the Lingxu Realm, I am afraid that he will really be captured in one fell swoop.However, he is still in danger at this time, after all, he is a master of the three master rings, and they all exist in the middle stage of Bigu, so he can only barely protect himself with the advantage of speed.

Seeing that the three of them were unable to take down Li Haoxuan in an instant, the three people behind Mr. Huyan suddenly showed strange expressions, and they took a step forward to join the battle.

"What? Don't you think it's not embarrassing enough?" Mr. Huyan snorted suddenly, turned his back to the three of them and said, "Three dharma rings can't deal with a mere Lingxu, so why do we need six together? Stop them all."

Li Haoxuan could ignore the other party, but Ouyang Shu and others did not dare to disobey Mr. Huyan's intentions. Hearing this, they could only stop, and retreated to Mr. Huyan's side unwillingly, with extremely fierce expressions on their faces. The three of them were eaten by Li Haoxuan's hands It was a big loss, and at this time it was even more embarrassing to be thrown in front of Mr. Huyan. The shame and humiliation cannot be described enough.

"Knowing my identity, you still dare to do something to my people?" Mr. Huyan waved his hand to silence Ouyang Shu and others, and said while looking at Li Haoxuan.

"Your identity?" Li Haoxuan said calmly, "What identity? Deacon? Just relying on this deacon's robe on you? That's meaningless. I won't recognize your deacon's identity until you take out the deacon token."

"Do you think I need to lie to you?" Mr. Huyan sneered, "Do you think that if I wasn't the deacon, they would be so servile to me with these precepts?"

"What does their attitude towards you have anything to do with me?" Li Haoxuan shook his head, "You can't prove your identity as a deacon without a deacon token. If that's the case, then you are nothing. Why should I go with you?"

"What are you? The deacon's token is something you can see if you want? If you are a core disciple of the law realm, I will naturally show my deacon's token, but it's just you? It's not that I look down on you on purpose, but You are really not qualified." Mr. Huyan's face turned completely cold, and he said, "Do you really think that you can compete with the three rings? If it weren't for the suppression of the big formation here, the strength of the ring realm could not be fully exploded, you Do you think you can still stand in front of me now? I let you go with me now to give you a chance. If you are stubborn again, don’t blame me for being cruel. You can resist three rings, but what about six rings? Do you think you still have a chance?"

"Originally I wasn't so sure about certain things, but now I'm sure." Li Haoxuan smiled and said, "Although I still don't know the real reason why they bowed to you, it doesn't matter. I only know that pretending to be a deacon is a capital offense , none of you can escape!"

"Ignorance!" Mr. Huyan sneered, and said, "Since you don't want to go with me, I can only abolish you first, and then drag you away."

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