Holy furnace

Chapter 321

The law enforcement hall is the only violent institution in Qingxu Temple, and every deacon in it has the strength of the law ring. Since the young master Huyan in front of him has only half a step of the law ring, he is undoubtedly a counterfeit, and Li Haoxuan is naturally fine. So scrupulous, he immediately pinched the opponent's neck with all his strength, and lifted him in front of him.

"Stop!" In just a few breaths, the four-way isolation formation had just begun to work, and Ouyang Shu and the others found that Li Haoxuan had arrived in front of Mr. Huyan and pinched his neck.The scene in front of them scared them to death, if Li Haoxuan didn't know the identity of Mr. Huyan, how could they not know?At this point, how could they still have the mind to maintain the four-way isolation formation, the four of them roared loudly and at the same time closed their fingerprints and surrounded Li Haoxuan.

Especially Ouyang Shu, his face turned pale at this time, today's incident was planned by him alone, if something happened to Mr. Huyan, Ouyang Shu would be lost forever, even if he wanted to die.Thinking of such terrible consequences, Ouyang Shu couldn't help but tremble.

"It seems that you are indeed a character." Li Haoxuan couldn't help but said in a cold voice when he saw Ouyang Shu and others resolutely abandoning the four-way isolation formation, and then he slapped Mr. Huyan's body, and the strong magic power in his body immediately submerged into his dantian Li Haoxuan took back all the dozens of spirit stones with a wave of his hand, at this time, with Mr. Huyan in his hands, he naturally had no need to deal with Shi Cheng and the other two.

Boom!The ten-direction destruction formation was withdrawn at once, and Ruan Shan and Shi Cheng's eyesight immediately recovered. They thought it was the two of them who had finally broken Li Haoxuan's illusion formation and couldn't help laughing. , within a radius of tens of miles, everything is shrouded in this kind of coercion.

However, their laughter didn't last long before it got stuck in their throats, as if a laughing duck was suddenly pinched by the neck.The two of them looked at the scene in front of them in horror, and couldn't figure out how this kind of thing happened.Although Mr. Huyan is not a strong man of the law, he is still the best in the half-step law, not to mention he is wearing a deacon's robe, which is engraved with the power of restraint, how can he be so vulnerable?

"Li Haoxuan, don't make mistakes." Ouyang Shu's face turned pale, and he stood three feet away from Li Haoxuan and said, "Mr. Huyan has a noble status. If you really hurt him, no matter how powerful you are, you won't be able to protect you. This is between you and me." As long as you release Mr. Huyan, I can have a fair life-and-death battle with you."

"Now you know that this is between me and you? What did you do?" Li Haoxuan said disdainfully, "You wanted to kill me when you were in Longhuguan. It doesn't matter if you want to kill me. Anyway, I never thought about it. I want everyone to like me, since it is normal for some people to hate me and even want to kill me, I will not be bored enough to care about other people's thoughts, and you have nothing to say, from the first sentence you said From the beginning, I didn't want to see you live too well, so if you want to kill me, it's like I want to kill you, and I think it's only right and proper."

"But some things still have to override personal grievances, such as the rules in the religious canon. Just like that boy Sun Zhenghai, he shot at me the first time he met me, and even uttered nonsense in front of me. I also don't like it. I like him, but in front of the teaching ceremony and the army of monsters, both he and I are willing to use our lives to find a chance for the other party, because even if I don't like him, I still regard him as my companion, at least he is My colleague."

"It is said in the Canon of the Doctrine to kill fellow disciples indiscriminately! So even if I think that we will have a final battle, we should be on the stage of life and death, but I didn't expect that you, a dignified and strong man of the law, would be so shameless as to use sneak attacks, Senior Brother Niu You are right, even I feel ashamed for you. You want to fight a fair life-and-death battle with me? If Brother Niu was here, what do you think he would say?" Li Haoxuan imprisoned Mr. Huyan by his side, Said to Ouyang Shu in a cold voice.

"Trash." Without waiting for Ouyang Shu to say anything, Li Haoxuan spoke again, with a more intense look of disdain on his face.

"Li Haoxuan, I don't care what entanglement you have with Ouyang Shu, but I warn you, let go of Mr. Huyan immediately, otherwise you will die." Hong Shi stepped forward with a cold expression.

"Why do you threaten me now? What you want is in my hands. If you want to threaten, I will threaten you. You still can't see the situation clearly," Li Haoxuan sneered.

"Do you think you can really be lawless? If you let go of Mr. Huyan immediately, kneel down and admit your mistakes, maybe you still have a chance, otherwise you won't be enough to die even if you have ten lives." Ruan Shan also showed anxiety on his face. Then he said slowly, "Don't you just want to exchange for those [-] demon cores? No problem, as long as you can let go of Mr. Huyan, we will exchange those [-] demon cores for you immediately." While speaking, Ruan Shan even With a wave of his hand, hundreds of thousands of profound crystals were taken out, suspended in the void covering the sky and the sun, shining brightly.

"If you want me to die, you have to violate the canon of doctrine, and if you want me to die ten times, you have to violate the canon of doctrine ten times, but I'm sorry, I don't think I have violated the canon of doctrine." Li Haoxuan stared at Ruan Shan and said "As I said before, you said that I have to produce evidence to kill my fellow disciples. As long as you have evidence, what if you go to the Law Enforcement Hall with you?"

"Li Haoxuan, I admit that we were framing you. There is no such thing as you killing your fellow disciples. As long as you can let go of Mr. Huyan, we will cancel the previous matter, and you can take the 30 Xuanjing. Don't violate the river." Ruan Shan's face changed slightly, and he finally said through gritted teeth.

"Really? Now you admit to framing me? According to the Canon, slandering your fellow disciples for killing people and stealing goods is also a felony. Go to the Law Enforcement Hall and surrender yourself." Li Haoxuan said.

"Don't push yourself too hard! Now that we promise to settle the matter with you, we can even write off the things you insulted us before. Doesn't this satisfy you?" Shi Cheng said in a deep voice.Of course he knew that this was a felony. If he really entered the Law Enforcement Hall because of this, he couldn't even imagine how miserable his life would be in the future.

"When you were aggressive, didn't you ever think about whether you should make an inch? It wasn't my original intention when things got to this point, but I'm not surprised by the current situation. Brother told me who's fist is the truth Which side, it seems to be the case now, but it's a pity that my fist is bigger than yours at this time, so the reason is on my side." Li Haoxuan said in a forceful manner facing the six rings strong.

"You're fine." Just after Li Haoxuan's voice fell, Mr. Huyan who was imprisoned by his side suddenly nodded and said, with a piercing chill on his face.

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