Holy furnace

Chapter 322 The Scholar Wearing a Padded Jacket

"You are very good, very good." Mr. Huyan said suddenly at this time, and said to Li Haoxuan, "Whoever has a big fist is on his side. If your fist is big, we have to listen to you. On the contrary, my fist Then you have to listen to me, and you have to listen if you don’t want to.” After finishing speaking, there was a sudden click sound from Mr. Huyan’s hand, as if something was broken.

Then, a dark blue mask suddenly appeared from Mr. Huyan's body, and with a bang, Li Haoxuan's right hand that was on his back was easily bounced away. In the end, the dark blue mask spread to a radius of one foot before finally Stop, Mr. Huyan has already regained his freedom in it.

"Don't be too pretentious at any time." Mr. Huyan said to Li Haoxuan with his hands behind his back, his eyes full of arrogance, "Although your combat power really surprised me, I admit that I have never seen anything like yours. A powerful half-step ring, but so what? From the moment you hit me, your future path has already been doomed. Do you think your fist is bigger now or mine is bigger?"

No need for Mr. Huyan to say anything, Hong Shi and the others have already started to move again, surrounding Li Haoxuan, especially Ouyang Shu, Ruan Shan and the others are even more relieved, and the expressions on their faces are even more ferocious. Yu Li Haoxuan let their resentment towards Li Haoxuan accumulate to a critical point, wishing they could kill him on the spot.

"Absolute defense?" Li Haoxuan frowned slightly, he didn't expect to see this defensive formation again.He tried to bombard it with the Remnant Fire Sword, but it couldn't have any effect on the dark blue mask, not even a ripple.

"Death!" In order to prevent Li Haoxuan from using that terrifying illusion array again, Shi Cheng directly struck out his own shocking blow.His right hand instantly turned into a size of several feet, the palm of the hand was surrounded by the energy of the five elements, and the atmosphere of the law was pervasive, and it fell from the sky with a huge coercion.

"Hmph." Li Haoxuan snorted coldly, knowing that it would be difficult for him to destroy himself in all directions with this big hand, but he was not afraid to directly blast out with the God of Destruction Fist. The golden blood in his body suddenly surged, and his dantian The mana in it was roaring like a river, and the angry waves were surging to the sky. His whole body burst into infinite golden light, and he punched Gao Tian directly, shattering that huge palm into the void.

Then, Li Haoxuan pressed the seal with his right hand horizontally, and a huge sacred mountain suddenly appeared, about a hundred feet high, straddling the sky above everyone.After being tempered by the Human Yuan Tribulation, the Baoshan Seal has become more and more unfathomable, and even the creatures in the Baoshan Seal have become extremely powerful, bursts of roars came from the sacred mountain, shaking the sky , Strips of black and yellow air hang down from the endless mountain, like waterfalls pouring down from the nine heavens.

On the mountain wall of this sacred mountain is a series of mysterious Dao patterns, carved on the mountain by a mysterious force, it is true.

"Boom!" The endless pressure suddenly erupted from the Endless Mountain. Those Dao patterns seemed to come alive, and they were changing according to certain rules. Every change could increase the power of Baoshan Seal. In the end, Li Haoxuan With a palm shot, Baoshan Yin was directly thrown into the sky.

"Not good, go all out and make a quick decision!" Hong Shi's face changed, and he almost immediately thought of the reason for Li Haoxuan's actions.There is such a tyrannical coercion on the Baoshan seal, once it leaves the four-way isolation formation, it will inevitably attract the attention of the other deacons, and if other people intervene at this time, even they will feel extremely troublesome.

Ruan Shan and Shi Cheng's expressions changed at the same time, they no longer had any scruples, and directly displayed their strongest supernatural powers, even if they killed Li Haoxuan on the spot, no accidents would be allowed.Now that they have no way to turn back, they originally just wanted to secretly inform Ouyang Shu and keep him here when Li Haoxuan appeared, but after seeing Ouyang Shu invite Mr. Huyan out, their minds naturally changed. Mr. Huyan, are you friends?However, the greater the benefit, the greater the risk. They knew that if today's events were exposed, the consequences would be disastrous.

The aura of the two of them rose to the peak in an instant, the divine power was like hell, and the mighty mana fluctuations filled the entire space!Then, the two of them activated the peerless forbidden technique at the same time, and brilliant light burst out from both of them. It seemed that the two of them were about to join the Dao, their bodies were bathed in the fairy light, and there were chains of order between them. Appearing around the body, it is the avenue of heaven and earth created by them.

The two of them erupted at the same time with the strongest combat power at the same time, fully displaying the strength of the Bigu Seventh Heavenly Layer, and combined with the secret method and forbidden technique, they have already reached the level of Bigu Eighth Layer's combat power. This is their respective strongest With one blow, communicate with the Dao with mana, and then use the power of the Dao to fight against the enemy. The power is strong enough to wipe out all of them!At this time, unless Li Haoxuan desperately used the supernatural power of the golden bell cover, he would never be spared.

However, their earth-shattering and strongest supernatural power failed to be used after all, because at some point in front of them stood a person, a young man in a worn-out padded jacket.

The young man is extremely ordinary, like a gentle and elegant scholar.Apart from the worn-out padded jacket and an ancient book in his left hand, there is nothing unusual about it.Even his padded jacket is very old, and you can even see the full cotton inside the padded jacket.

It was such an ordinary padded jacket, such an ordinary person, but it made the whole space fall into absolute silence.

At this moment, everything changed from movement to stillness, the breeze stopped flowing, the air solidified into lead, the dust that was shaken up on the ground turned into gorgeous amber, and the surging light from Shi Cheng and Ruan Shan was frozen in the void Among them, at this moment, it seems that even the sunlight in everyone's eyes has become quiet and constant.

After the absolute silence, the scholar frowned slightly, and finally brought the whole world back to life, the air began to flow again, the raised dust continued to float towards the sky, and the fallen leaves in the distance fell steadily on the ground. In fact, only Shi Cheng and Ruan Shan's endless light suddenly disappeared at this time, as if they had never appeared.

The scholar's expression is not serious, even a little gentle, but his mind seems to have become the most reasonable in the world, except for the slightly surging breeze, all intangible things have turned into real nothingness.

Click, a slight sound sounded.

The dark blue mask around Mr. Huyan's body, which Li Haoxuan called absolute defense, suddenly cracked, and then turned into a little light, and then dissipated.

Mr. Huyan's eyes finally showed extreme fear at this moment. He couldn't help trembling when he looked at the scholar in the shabby padded jacket in front of him. His lips kept trembling, as if he wanted to say something, but he never said anything. Open your mouth.He had never seen this person who suddenly appeared in front of him, but he knew that there was only one person in the entire Qingxu Temple who would wear that shabby padded jacket, and as long as that person stood in front of him, he was not qualified to speak.

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